one's door

Chapter 92 Premium

Chapter 92 Premium
Compared with Zhang Shun who is busy in the Dongmen market all day in a wheelchair, Zhang Yan seems to be "idling" at home.

Apart from staying at home and closing the door all day, I don't know what I'm doing, or I go out and don't see anyone all day.It was so idle that it could compete with those green skins on the street.

Wang Lanping said it a few times, but it was only in words.How could she not know that Zhang's family is booming and changed because of his second son?Most of the time, she was just curious about what the second son was doing every day.

What else can I do?When Zhang Yan was at home, he either practiced alchemy or meditated.When I go out, I am familiar with all aspects of Langyuan City, and at the same time find a suitable place to arrange my own paper dolls to expand my "eyeliner".Especially around the Wu Mansion, he felt that more close attention was needed.

Fortunately, my family has enough trust in Zhang Yan, coupled with the tall image of "Master", even a very weird-looking "talisman" can be completely accepted by the Zhang family, and they can wear it honestly.

Amulets carved out of mahogany and blessed with evil-suppressing charms are no longer commonplace.Although it can't play the role of suppressing and killing evil things, it can also keep most evil things out of reach.And if he was in the city, Zhang Yan could also sense it, so that the evil would not have an opportunity to target his family.

"Don't run around today, go to the store to help take a look. I heard from Yuanyuan that they will start selling those kits today. They don't know how to count them. You can show your face, and they can rest assured." Wang Lanping told Zhang Yanduan Come gruel and pancakes.Although it was still early in the morning, she and her second son, Zhang Yan, were the only ones at home. The eldest son, Zhang Shun, and daughter, Zhang Huiyuan, went to the store to collect information before dawn. Today, it was said that there was something new to be put on the shop floor, so they had to prepare it early.

Zhang Yan nodded with a smile.In the past few days after returning home, he has already figured out Wang Lanping's temperament.She is an old woman who likes to chatter and has a kind heart.Especially for the three children in the family, she is always subconsciously worried. Although she can't help, she is still worried about the children's wanderings outside.

"Okay mother, I'll go there after dinner. Originally, I asked my little sister to arrange this matter in advance. I also went to the store yesterday. They have prepared very well, and there will be no trouble."

"That's it, it's better for you to go there, don't run away without a trace." Wang Lanping pushed the pickles in the small dish towards Zhang Yan, signaling him to eat more.Leave immediately after eating.

Zhang Yan's mentality is very stable. He never felt dissatisfied with Wang Lanping's nagging. On the contrary, he felt that the reason why the Zhang family never collapsed in the most difficult time was that Wang Lanping's nagging played a lot. It has a great effect, because you can feel the love from your family all the time, and you will not feel lonely and helpless in the face of difficulties.

The door of the East Gate Market was opened at Maoshi, and when Zhang Yan went out, it was halfway through Maoshi, and the sky was only getting brighter.

Most people in Huangtianyu wake up very early. After all, ordinary families don't have much entertainment at night, except for sleeping.So even if you wake up early, you are still very energetic.

As soon as you enter the gate of the workshop, the atmosphere inside is in full swing.Whether it's the shouting or the neighing of the animals pulling the carts, it tells everyone how busy the place is and how time is pressing.

Compared with the main street, the hustle and bustle on the back street road at the Dongmen Market is much quieter.Zhang Yan soon arrived at the store along the road. The lights inside were already brightly lit, and several people were busy.

"Huh? Zhang Er is here? Come and see, is there any problem with this?" Zhang Shun, who was in the middle of the wheelchair, moved his eyes to Zhang Yan, waved his hand, and asked Zhang Yan to give the new addition to the store. Arrange some ideas.

"Brother, I said it's okay when I came here yesterday." Zhang Yan finished speaking with a smile, and looked around. The kits were already on display.There are three styles and three different prices.

"Zhang Er, I always wonder if the price of these kits will be high?"

"What's the high price? Isn't the price of ordinary cotton cloth low enough? It's only less than [-]% higher than our cost. People who can afford wheelchairs won't care about this little money."

"I'm talking about the other two types, brocade and embroidered satin, aren't they too expensive? And look, isn't the word "Zhang Ji" on it too centered? There won't be any problem, right?"

"Brother, how many times have you asked this question? I told you yesterday, there will be no problem. The word Zhang Ji is our family's signboard. Only by embroidering the signboard can it show that it is a product of our time-honored brand. It stands for "the best". Just these three words, and counting the embroidery work, it is completely reasonable to sell it more expensive.

Hehe, brother, this is what my master taught me, it is called "brand premium", you don't need to understand the reason, just use it as it is, you can't go wrong. "

The so-called kit is actually a cushion for the wheelchair, including the armrests, the seat and the backrest.Three styles and three prices.

It was the first time that the so-called brand premium appeared in Huangtianyu, and it was normal for Zhang Shun to feel uneasy.If Zhang Yan hadn't comforted him with the guise of "teacher", this idea would definitely not pass Zhang Shun's test.

When the sky brightened, customers began to come in one after another from Zhang's wheelchair shop.The guys in the store also began to be busy making introductions.Regardless of whether the other party is wearing simple or luxurious outfits, they are all treated equally. Coupled with the novel furnishings and experiential purchase process in the store, very few people will leave soon after entering.And as long as you stay, there is a high probability of paying for it.After all, people who visit here come only when they need something.Most of the spectators are too embarrassed to enter the door, and will watch outside the store.

And soon, the wheelchair kit naturally sold the first piece.

Not the cheapest plain cotton one, but the most expensive embroidered satin one.And until noon, the number of kits sold was seven, only two of which were the cheap cotton ones.

"This" Zhang Shun couldn't figure it out.He even felt as if the profit from selling the kit was higher than the wheelchair itself.

Zhang Yan didn't explain to Zhang Shun, but let the other party figure it out with a smile.After all, it is impossible for him to help here all the time, and it will depend on the elder brother to manage it himself in the future.In addition, in the final analysis, Zhang Yan is just copying the model from the earth, and he doesn't understand many of the truths at all. It is better not to talk about it, so as not to mislead the elder brother's thinking.

It was noon, Zhang Yan was about to go back, while Zhang Shun and Zhang Huiyuan wanted to stay in the store.

But just as Zhang Yan was about to go out, he saw a few familiar people walking in.

"Hey, Brother Zhang is here in person? I haven't seen you for a long time, and the business here is booming!"

"Huh? Xiao Chongwen, what are you doing here?" Zhang Yan glanced at the three of Xiao Chongwen with a half-smile on his face, then his eyes skipped over them, and fell on a young man in brocade robe who was in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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