one's door

Chapter 91

Chapter 91
Early in the morning, as soon as Zhou Cang entered the office and sat down, the adjutant came over to report something.

"My lord, a strange thing happened on the mass grave in the outskirts of the city last night. A huge pothole appeared inexplicably on the mountainside, as if it was left after something exploded."

"Explode? Fire oil?" Zhou Cang knew that there was fire oil in the army. If it was piled up and ignited, it would explode. It was extremely powerful, and it was not much more powerful than some combat skills in the Tongqiao state.So when he heard the word "explode", the first thing he thought of was fierce fire oil.

But the adjutant shook his head and said, "My lord, it's not kerosene. That thing is a heavy item in the army. We don't have much in our garrison, and it's even less likely that the civilians have enough kerosene to explode. And the kerosene exploded." There was thick smoke and fire, but there were no such signs at the mass grave last night. Local inspections did not find any signs of burning.

This is a weird thing, so far I have arranged for a pair of people to go over to the yamen to carry out a detailed investigation. "

"People from the yamen? They also passed by?" Zhou Cang paused while holding the tea, and turned his head to look at the adjutant in surprise.Because generally speaking, the servants of the local yamen will only be active in the city, unless there is a case in the Zhuangzi outside the city, they will go there after someone reports it to the official.As for places like mass graves, it is impossible to go there except when the local yamen throws corpses to bury people.Over there is the outer jurisdiction of the garrison that patrols the city daily.So Zhou Cang was not surprised that the people in the garrison discovered the abnormality of the mass grave, but it seemed a little strange that the people from the local yamen passed by so quickly.

So Zhou Cang asked another question: "Is it the person from the local yamen you notified?"

"No, my lord. In fact, the people from the local yamen arrived one step ahead of our people. Our patrolling troops saw them rushing to the mass graves and then followed up and discovered the strange things above. I am worried that it may be Beiwu Kingdom or The spies from the Huayue Kingdom on the other side of the river conspired, so they are investigating."

Langyuan City has a special geographical location. To the north there is the complicated and confusing Beiwu Kingdom, and across the river to the east is Huayue Shangguo, which has always wanted to annex Nanyuan Kingdom. Therefore, although Langyuan City does not have any tense front-line battlefields, it can be used as a Everyone in the guard is extremely sensitive to any strange things, and they are worried that people from Beiwu Kingdom and Huayue Kingdom will come to throw some backstabbing arrows.

"The people from the local yamen arrived first? Are they free? Why patrolling mass graves?"

"I don't know about this subordinate." The adjutant was also aware of the strange behavior of the local yamen, but he didn't discover the internal cause, so he could only express that he didn't know.

"Find out the origin of the big pit first. Don't get too involved with the people in the yamen. If there is any result, don't tell them if there is no need. Keep it secret, understand?"

"My subordinate understands."

Zhou Cang has a lot of things in his hands.He has only been in Langyuan City for less than three years, and what he is looking for is not a big achievement, but he can just ask for no faults.After all, in Langyuan City, stability is the top priority.

Sitting on a chair, Zhou Cang opened the military newspaper that had just arrived today, and it started with two relatively familiar names.One is "Song Qinghe" and the other is "Lin Zedong".So I took a closer look.After reading it, he sighed, and said to the adjutant next to him with a little envy: "Lin Zedong's luck is good, he followed General Song, and now he can make meritorious deeds in places like Yubei Mountain, and this time he is directly listed. It is really enviable to be on the front page of the military newspaper after the name of General Song was taboo!"

Zhou Cang and Lin Zedong are contemporaries and good friends, and they have been friends for many years, which can be described as profound.In fact, in terms of starting point, Zhou Cang is better than Lin Zedong. After all, being in the army still depends on family affairs, and Zhou Cang is a typical military family. He came out of the martial arts academy and was needed by others. It takes several years or even ten years to reach the height.

On the other hand, Lin Zedong could only be unknown at the beginning, and he might even sink into the ranks of the army, or die in some border battlefield.But with the rise of Song Qinghe, Lin Zedong, who was deeply loved by Song Qinghe in the martial arts academy, also ushered in a strong wind in his official career, and took advantage of it. Now not only has he tied Zhou Cang in terms of title, but also in There are a lot of qualifications in Yubei Mountain, and now even the military newspaper has his name on it.This is no easy task.At least Zhou Cang has never been in the military newspaper until now.

According to this momentum, Zhou Cang felt that if nothing happened, Lin Zedong would come ahead of him in the near future.

Jealousy is not enough, but envy is real.

But the adjutant smiled and said: "My lord, Master Lin has his luck, and you also have your luck. It's really hard to say who will envy whom in the future."

"Hehe, you are talking about bone strengthening pills?"

"Yes, my lord. The reason why lord Lin can go so smoothly is actually because of the help of Zhang Yan, who is a master of miscellaneous learning. Not only the Kongming lanterns that have been promoted in various fortresses, but also the gossip formation that has been repeatedly mentioned in military newspapers." , and even the kind of pulley that can be used in many places was taken out by Zhang Yan. It is not an exaggeration to say that good wind relies on force.

Now the wind is also blowing towards the adults, and it seems that they will not move their nests for a while, so the adults will not lose to Lin adults if they take advantage of this wind. "

Proper speaking is to have your own bias.If you are biased, you must find the key points of your speech, not a pretentious rational analysis.

Sure enough, the adjutant's words hit Zhou Cang's heart.Indeed, he is envious of Lin Zedong's current rising momentum and environment.But that doesn't mean that Zhou Cang is much worse than the opponent.Isn't Lin Zedong's wind by his side now?Compared with things like Eight Diagrams Formation and Kongming Lantern, Zhuanggu Pill is stronger but not weaker!The strength he can borrow from Zhou Cang will only be stronger than what Lin Zedong can borrow!
However, there are quite a few differences between the Zhuang Gu Pill and the Eight Diagrams Formation, and its use should not be advertised everywhere, as it is a stepping stone to the upper-level route.Usage is more complicated.

Thinking of this, Zhou Cang asked again: "Is there any reply from Marshal Shi?"

"Not yet. However, my subordinate asked Adjutant Chen, and he said that the commander-in-chief is almost done with his work recently. If you are in a hurry to see him, you can go there in person in two days. This is the safest way."

Zhou Cang thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Then arrange it the day after tomorrow. Then you can go with me to the camp of the Eastern Army. If Adjutant Chen is right, I'm all here, and the commander-in-chief should meet me. But you'd better make complete preparations today and tomorrow, so that nothing goes wrong."

"Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate has already prepared according to your previous instructions, and can take it away at any time."

"Also, with regard to Zhang Yan's safety, we must not make mistakes after we leave, so please remember to order."

(End of this chapter)

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