one's door

Chapter 90 Haze

Chapter 90 Haze
At most, the things that Zhang Yan can change with the Wanxiang Orb in the Qi Entraining Realm are similar mortal things with some spirituality.But now that he has stepped into the Profound Vein Realm, the things that can be changed by the Wanxiang Orb are different, such as helping him to block the big red shield with [-]% power of the soul explosion at this very moment: Qiankun.

Qiankun is already a magic weapon, strictly speaking, it belongs to the best of the low-grade magic weapons.It has a good defensive effect on direct or soul-body and energy-type attacks.

In fact, the mahogany sword that Zhang Yan has been using smoothly can barely be regarded as a magic weapon, thanks to the particularity of its material.But compared to the real magic weapon, the adaptability is still poor.The reason why Zhang Yan is still using it now is that he hasn't found a suitable main magic weapon for him to replace.

The Qiankun Shield was found by Zhang Yan from the miscellaneous news about Wanxiangzhu's refinery when he was looking for the main magic weapon. Because of its huge shield surface, he remembered it deeply. He didn't expect to rely on this thing to save his life now.

"Hiss..." Zhang Yan curled up, and after more than ten breaths, he couldn't feel the impact of the big shield in his hand, and then he slowly relaxed. He suddenly felt sore muscles in his arms, and the burning pain in his back.Just now, the force of the impact threw him several feet away, and he hit a rock just now. His back is probably covered in bruises now.

It's not just the physical discomfort, the aura in the body was also taken away by the Qiankun Shield for a full [-]% in the few breaths just now, so as to activate the maximum defensive effect to resist the impact of the power of the soul explosion.

In fact, Zhang Yan also thought to himself that he was lucky.Because the ghost boy's soul was not condensed like the Soul Explosion method recorded in the Longhu Mountain Gate, but very scattered, so that the power of the Soul Explosion did not focus on him.This makes him relatively unscathed in the event of insufficient preparation.

After putting away the Qiankun Shield and getting up from the ground, what came into view was a pit of earth that had been overturned by the force of the explosion.There was no trace of that ghost boy anymore.

With a cold face, Zhang Yan didn't stay here any longer, but left quickly, and continued to cover his aura with the Qi Containing Talisman.

However, Zhang Yan did not go far, but chose a small forest to hide on the only way from Langyuan City to the mass grave.I also want to see if there will be another reaction in the city after the ghost child's soul explodes.

At the same time, Zhang Yan was also quickly sorting out what happened tonight, because there were too many accidents, he had to think carefully about everything on this trip tonight.

At first glance, it seemed that Zhang Yan had lost a lot tonight.Not only did he lose a wild ghost, but he also lost a fierce ghost. He didn't reap the merits that the two ghosts should have.And also consumed [-]% of the aura, plus a whole body of minor injuries.But the fact is that if you look at it all, it may not necessarily be a loss, at least the loss is not that big.

First of all, because of a series of accidents tonight, Zhang Yan discovered a possible reason for the scarcity of ghosts around Langyuan City.That is, the ghosts here were either hunted by the three in the Wu Mansion, or most of them ran away, because this place is too dangerous.

In Zhang Yan's view, the situation of ghosts in Langyuan City is definitely not a normal phenomenon, but there must be a strategic initiative to achieve it, that is, the three ghosts hiding in the Wu Mansion.They even have a clear understanding of all aspects that can produce ghosts around Langyuan City, harvesting them regularly like harvesting crops, and they also know the execution time of the condemned prisoners, waiting there early.

Secondly, it is the last sentence left by the ghost child.

"It mentioned "Wang". Does this refer to a certain person surnamed Wang, or is it just a literal meaning?" Zhang Yan found a branch in the woods that was slightly close to the official road, climbed up to rest his arm on it, and thought Thinking about the half of the words left by the ghost boy.

If it means the former, does it mean that there is really a way to deal with ghosts in this world like Zhang Yan?
If it means the latter, it means that there is a ghost king controlling the ghost boy, including the other two ghosts who hid in the Wu manor and did not come out.

Either way, it opened up a new way of thinking for Zhang Yan.Before, he always looked at the ghosts in Huangtianyu with the attitude of stragglers, but now it seems that he thinks too simply.

With Zhang Yan's cultivation level and means at this time, he can deal with a few ghosts without any problem, but if he meets the king of ghosts, it will be hard to say.You can't always rely on "God's Arrival" to fight for your life, right?Zhang Yan's life can't be fought a few times now.

And at the end of that sentence, it should be about the relationship between that "king" and the Wu family.The ghost boy only had time to say the word "servant".The sound is a little out of tune.Is it a "servant" or a "friend"?It's really hard to say.Zhang Yan turned around in his mind for a few times, and finally he could only come up with two possibilities, either "servant" or "friend".

But whether it is a servant or a friend, it shows that the Wu family has a direct relationship with that "king".It was also because of this relationship that he hid the three ghosts in his mansion.Even the series of behaviors of the three ghosts may be the Wu family providing clues.For example, the time and place of the death row prisoner's execution.

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect this! The Wu family has something to do with ghosts, and it's unusual for this family to have such a relationship." Zhang Yan sighed in his heart.

Is this the Wu family's braid?

Well, it doesn't seem to count.Because ghosts are not good things, but enemies of living things.The Wu family and the ghosts are in collusion. In Taoist terms, they have entered the evil way and should be eradicated to restore justice.But this is the wild world, and there is almost no concept of ghosts here, at least the level that Zhang Yan is exposed to now is ignorant of ghosts.So this little braid doesn't seem to be so useful.

But at least one thing Zhang Yan knew very well at this moment.That is, the Wu family is definitely not an ordinary-looking family of officials and eunuchs, and there are evil things hidden in it.

Zhang Yan has always regarded the Wu family as a life and death enemy, and there is no room for reconciliation between them.The main reason why it seems to be "safe and sound" now is the intervention of the city guard Zhou Cang.Now that the Wu family's methods are not limited to those on the surface, is there a possibility of killing ghosts?It's hard to say.

the last point.That is, the situation of the ghost child when the soul exploded was obviously not that it took the initiative or wanted the soul to explode.It was the result of a kind of red abnormal light being stirred up from its soul body.

Zhang Yan guessed that the red strange glow was some kind of means that the "king" kept in the ghost boy's body.Once the ghost child touches a specific situation, such as when he wants to tell something about the "king", the tactics will explode, mainly to kill the mouth, and secondly to kill the enemy.

This kind of method can basically be sure that it will not be a method such as a warrior's combat technique.

But, is it specifically a magical method or a ghost cultivation method?Zhang Yan is not sure yet.

(End of this chapter)

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