one's door

Chapter 89 Soul Explosion

Chapter 89 Soul Explosion
It's not the time to be forced to use the "God's Descending Technique" by three ghosts in Xuanhua City.Now that Zhang Yan has stepped into the Profound Vein Realm, both his means and experience are completely different from those at that time.

The left hand threw out a stack of talisman papers at a time, more than ten sheets, and after the hand was released, they fluttered like butterflies and ignited slowly, leaving small golden marks in the air, as if the marks hovered in the air and did not blow away with the wind. passed away.


The ghost boy was also obviously startled by Zhang Yan who suddenly jumped out, his mouth let out a neigh, and he looked vigilantly at the golden symbols all around him in an instant. These symbols gave him a very uncomfortable feeling. Will want to actively avoid.Like a wild animal, it is innately afraid of fire.

"Can we talk?" Zhang Yan lowered the mahogany sword in his hand, tilted his head slightly, and looked down at the slightly panicked ghost boy in front of him.He was sure that the other party's spiritual intelligence must be no different from that of a living person, otherwise the emotional changes in those eyes would never be so clear.Compared with the red-clothed female ghost among the three ghosts he met in Xuanhua City, it was similar, even stronger.

"Hiss! You are courting death!"

Suddenly, the scene in front of Zhang Yan changed, like mist and smoke, and he arrived at the Yubei Mountain Fortress he was familiar with in an instant. taste.

Is this hallucinations?

After Zhang Yan stepped into the Profound Vein Realm, it was the first time that he was trapped in an illusion by Li Gui's means.And it's actually Yubei Mountain. Could it be that Yubei Mountain is a very scary place in my heart?Zhang Yan himself was curious, because he didn't think Yubei Mountain was so scary.But after thinking about it, he came to a little realization again, perhaps this fear of Yubei Mountain was not his, but his predecessor's.After all, his predecessor was scared to death in Yubei Mountain.

A star on stage, always responding to changes;
Exorcise evil spirits, protect life and body;
Wisdom is clear and the mind is at peace;
The three souls are eternal, and the soul is not lost.

Zhang Yan didn't panic in his heart, it was just an illusion, and he couldn't even sink his consciousness into it, how could this thing trap him?Aura emerged, and the divine mantra was slowly recited in his mouth. After the "Spiritual Purification Mantra", the illusion in front of him was like melting snow, and it was evaporated in the blink of an eye, revealing the appearance of a gloomy mass grave in the night, and the still The talisman was the ghost that was stuck in place and couldn't get out.

"It seems that you can't talk well. Then don't blame me." Zhang Yan held a mahogany sword with a sword flower in his hand, and his feet moved, like catkins, slowly approaching the bounding range of the talisman. There was a slight golden glow on the sword, and it was the power of the spirit fire talisman left by rubbing the blade with his fingers that appeared.

There is also the meaning of trying my own current methods.At this time, Zhang Yan took the ghost boy in front of him as a sword-testing stone.

The sword formula is still the same sword formula, and the movement technique is also the same movement technique, what is added is the overall effect brought about by the improvement of the realm.Supplemented by Zhang Yan's new method added after the Profound Vein Realm.

The sword fluttered and fluttered, seemingly without effort, but it was as fast as lightning, and the angle was even more elusive.The ghost boy wanted to avoid it by relying on the speed of his soul body, but he found that the opponent's feet were somehow not slower than it, and he couldn't dodge it at all.And whenever the sword hits, the heart-burning horrible pain on the shoulder will always make it howl terribly and suffer unspeakably.

Can you run if you can't beat it?
The ghost boy also tried.Unfortunately, it wanted to run but couldn't!

Not to mention the golden light seal that is tightly sealed around it, the soul body will smoke when touched, it can't be pierced at all, and I don't know what it is showing.

sink into the ground?That person always stomped his feet, making it impossible to get in and out of the ground that was originally random.

For the first time, this ghost boy discovered that living people can be so scary.Moreover, it has not figured out the origin of the other party until now. Not only does it seem to know it very well, but it also uses natural restraints, and it is completely different from the human warriors it knows.

Maybe die today?The ghost boy couldn't help thinking.Although it has died once.

Zhang Yan didn't know the pain of the spiritual fire burning into the soul, but he could also see a thing or two from the other party's expression.This was his purpose in the first place, to give the other party some hardships, and then he could talk when he had had enough, and maybe he could ask something.

"Can we talk?" Zhang Yan saw that the other party was so exhausted by the spiritual fire that he couldn't even dodge or move.So he temporarily stopped holding the sword formula in his hand, but still maintained the blockade of the surrounding talismans, and was less than one foot away from the opponent.

"Hiss! You, who are you!?" The voice was hoarse, not like a child's melodiousness at all, but more like the feeling of five or sixty years old, accompanied by resentment and fear.

Feeling that kind of resentment, Zhang Yan raised the wooden sword hanging in his hand again, and pressed it against the ghost boy's eyebrows. A ray of spiritual fire protruded from the tip of the sword like a needle and slowly pierced into the ghost boy's forehead.

The severe pain made the ghost boy tremble all over, but he couldn't move at all while screaming.

"Why did you hide in the Wu Mansion? What is your relationship with the people in the Wu Mansion?"

"I don't know. Forgive me."

Maybe Zhang Yan couldn't do anything cruel to the living, and he wouldn't know how to use torture methods at all.But in the face of ghosts, Zhang Yan had no psychological barriers at all.Not to mention the ghost in front of him who devours soul like a child, no matter how cruel he is, he won't hesitate.

"What is the relationship between the people of the Wu residence and you?" Zhang Yan asked in a deep voice, and the spirit fire needle on the tip of the wooden sword pierced an inch forward again.There is a saying for this method, which is called "Yintang Painful Soul".Not only the soul body, but also the same torture effect on the living.It is said that it was made by a monk who is both good and evil, and it was recorded in a special magic book by Longhushan.

"They. They are the king's servants. servants."

"Huh? Tell me more clearly, you are not good!" Zhang Yan was about to urge, but before he finished speaking, he saw a strange red glow suddenly appearing from the inside of the ghost boy's soul body in front of him, pulling the ghost boy's soul body violently. The trembling, just three breaths actually began to collapse inside.This scene made Zhang Yan's eyes shrink sharply.A word emerged in my heart: soul explosion!
The soul body is the most important part of a living being, and its structure is mysterious and unknowable.And if the soul body explodes by itself, it will produce extremely strong destructive power.According to Longhushan's records, this is a method commonly used by many monks when they are desperate to die. If it is sudden enough, they can often kill or seriously injure enemies who are stronger than themselves.

Zhang Yan's figure retreated violently, and at the same time, the five-layer five-element qi shield was in front of him.All this was arranged in an instant, and the soul of the ghost boy just exploded, and the speed of the huge force scattered far exceeded the speed of Zhang Yan's violent retreat, and even smashed the five-layer five-element air shield arranged by Zhang Yan in one breath .

"The universe protects me!" Zhang Yan yelled in the blink of an eye, and the wooden sword in his hand instantly turned into a large red shield, just blocking him tightly behind
(End of this chapter)

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