one's door

Chapter 88

Chapter 88
I hid in place and relied on the Qi Containing Talisman to restrain the breath in my body, but in my mind, I followed the senses of the paper figurine all the time, followed the ghost, and slowly turned up round and round on the mass grave under the moon .

"It's also looking for wild ghosts?" Zhang Yan didn't think there was anything else worth searching for besides bones and ghosts in the mass grave.

Zhang Yan didn't have time to search the entire mass grave before, he just followed the evil chasing talisman to find a new grave where there were wild ghosts hiding, and he didn't go anywhere else.Now, from the tracking perspective of the paper-borrowing talisman, it seems that this boy-like ghost searched round and round and didn't find what he was looking for.That is, not a single wild ghost was seen.

"Could it be that this ghost from my new grave is the only one on this mass grave?" Zhang Yan had some guesses in his mind.But there was no way to confirm it at this time, he hid, waiting for the arrival of the boy ghost.

It took about a meal, just as Zhang Yan guessed, the boy Li Gui who searched carefully did not find any traces of wild ghosts, and finally gradually approached Zhang Yan's location on the mountainside, that is, the place It was determined by the evil chasing talisman that it was near the tomb where the newborn wild ghost was hidden.

At this point, without the sight of the paper figurine, Zhang Yan could already see the little boy ghost from the hiding place with Zhang Yan's own sight.

It was not the first time that Zhang Yan, a ghost like a child, met him.I am well aware of the deceptive nature of this kind of ghost.Moreover, there are many descriptions of this kind of child-like ghost in the classics of Longhushan, and he also wrote it down.

Child-like ghosts are generally divided into two types.One is the appearance of a baby, and the other is the appearance of a child of a few years old.

There are very few ghosts that look like babies, and they are usually children who died prematurely, or children who were formed but were forcibly abolished.When such children die, most of them are ignorant of their souls and cannot become ghosts at all.Only an extremely rare baby with a natural soul strength far superior to that of ordinary people will break free from the shackles of heaven and earth and become a ghost because of the clarity of soul and the desire to survive to form the most primitive obsession.And because he was born with bad luck, and there is no kindness in his heart to resist, his hostility is naturally extremely strong, and he becomes a ghost directly, and he is a rare and powerful existence among all ghosts.

This kind of baby is also called ghost baby.

The other is the Li Gui who looks like the boy Li Gui in front of him.They are also called "ghost children" or "ghost children".

The formation of ghost children may be more complicated than ghost babies.There are people who looked like this before their lives, but after death, their hostility changed into ghosts and they were used to retaining it; there were also people who were adults before death, but in their obsession, they had the most resentment towards a certain memory of their youth, so they became ghosts. Ghost time degenerates into a child's appearance.

But compared to the extraordinary talent of the ghost baby, there is nothing special about the ghost boy, not much different from ordinary ghosts.It's just that the classics of Longhushan say that ghost children like to create some illusions to pretend to be pitiful, and only after gaining sympathy do they reveal their ferocious nature. This is their favorite "game".

As far as Zhang Yan himself is concerned, compared to ordinary ghosts, he is even more disgusted with ghost children.As for the ghost baby, he has not seen it yet.

At this time, Zhang Yan saw that the ghost boy seemed to be sniffing the smell, or some kind of special identification method. After probing left and right, he went straight to the new grave where the wild ghost was hidden.This posture can be regarded as confirming Zhang Yan's previous guess. It is indeed the same as Zhang Yan who came to this mass grave to find ghosts.

"What does it want?" Zhang Yan didn't move, he was very curious about what the other party came to look for.Generally speaking, although both ghosts and wild ghosts are ghosts, they are two basically irrelevant things.It's like coal and diamonds, the essence is the same, but they are completely different.But in some special cases, the two can tend to each other.

In the field of vision, I saw the ghost child floating at a height of one foot above the ground, stopping on the simple new grave like a small earthen bag, the expression on his face seemed to be smiling.Then suddenly plunged into the grave.

"This is."

It is a soul body, so it is not surprising to penetrate the ground.But Zhang Yan didn't understand what the other party was going to do?Is it to communicate with the newborn wild ghosts in the grave?But wild ghosts are no better than fierce ghosts in terms of spiritual intelligence retention. Is it possible for them to communicate with each other?

Just when Zhang Yan opened his eyes and looked around curiously, the ghost child reappeared.But this time when it came out it was very different from when it went in.There was a large fragment of the ghost's soul body that could be vaguely distinguished as half a head in its mouth, and the remaining part of the soul body was dragged out of the tomb in his hand.

"I..." Zhang Yan raised his brows immediately, and anger rose in his heart.He never expected that in the blink of an eye, the ghost child who stabbed into the tomb actually tore up the wild ghost hiding in it!Seeing the broken head, soul and body, and the ghost boy's non-stop swallowing movements, Zhang Yan knew that it was too late for him to stop it.There is no room for a soul body of this degree of dilapidation to be saved.

But in his anger, Zhang Yan was also horrified that the ghost boy was not looking for it, but was hunting wild ghosts and eating wild ghosts as food!
There is still a lot of hostility and resentment in the soul body of the ghost, and it is not a pure soul body.After devouring, different resentment and hostility and even obsession remnants mix with each other and conflict with each other.Will poison themselves.

Of course, it is not absolute that ghosts cannot eat ghosts.Special circumstances also exist.According to Longhushan's records, there is a situation where ghosts can grow themselves through devouring, achieving an effect similar to devouring living souls.That is the method of cultivating ghosts.

But here comes the problem, this is the Desolate Heaven Territory!Not the age of legends on Earth!There are ghost repairs here? !

And according to Zhang Yan's perception, the ghost child in his vision who was feasting did not have the aura about ghost cultivators described in the book.From inside to outside, it feels like an ordinary ghost.

Well, this ghost kid is so crazy about Hesai, isn't he afraid of eating himself up?
In addition, it is hard to find a ghost on the mass grave here, and the only one is a newborn wild ghost, and even the wild ghost was caught and eaten before it could even escape from the tomb.Is there a possibility that the reason why there are no wild ghosts here is the result of being hunted out regularly?

He used to feed on the living souls of death row prisoners on the East Gate Execution Ground, but now he regards the mass graves outside the city as his cropland, and he comes here to harvest from time to time.This can no longer be described as strange, and completely subverts most of the descriptions of ghost habits in Longhu Mountain.If these are still their "instincts", Zhang Yan doesn't believe it.He even believed that the strange actions of these ghosts in Langyuan City should be planned and purposeful behaviors, a strategy to strengthen themselves.

"If you eat up the merits of Lao Tzu, then you have to pay the debt with yourself." Zhang Yan held one of his right hands, the Wanxiang Pearl in his palm turned into a mahogany sword, and he held up a talisman with his other hand .
"By the law, the universe is in a hurry like a law! Bind!"

(End of this chapter)

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