one's door

Chapter 87 Luck

Chapter 87 Luck
It's half a month in a flash.The changes in the Zhang family can be described as changing day by day, and those neighbors in Zhuzui Lane who have not had time to react are simply dumbfounded.

Another visit from the city guard, another kind of chair with long wheels, and now there is still a shop? !

Fortunately, the Zhang family said that it was not surprising that there was the friendship of the city guard officer Mr. Zhou, and they got along well. Although everyone felt envious or jealous in their hearts, they still said they could accept it, which was "not surprising".

But what happened to Carpenter Liu's lump?To actually catch up with the Zhang family's path, and open a shop with the Zhang family to start a business? !I heard it is still a part of the job?Why? !Just because he, Carpenter Liu, did that little favor for the Zhang family?As for?Are the Zhang family stupid?

Maybe the Zhang family is indeed stupid.Because many people went to the branch road behind the Dongmen Market to see Zhang’s newly opened store, and when they came back, they said that apart from a plaque sent by the city guard Zhou Cang at the door, which was worth seeing, everything else always made people feel uncomfortable. People want to laugh when they see it.

Look, what does a good shop look like? !Is there any such business?
They actually built a strange-looking little ramp and a fence in the store. It is said that it is to let customers experience the benefits of wheelchairs. After the experience, they feel good before buying.What a waste of two chairs and storefront.What's even more exasperating is that there are still many soft seats for customers to rest in the store, and they can also drink tea?
Isn't this too much money and burning panic?

In Zhuzui Lane, the voice of "The Zhang family must lose money!" was heard everywhere.Wang Lanping, who was quite proud of herself, was so angry that she couldn't help feeling a little worried.But when I thought that it was a method passed on by the "master", I became hardened again.

Wang Lanping thought: Humph, my family has the methods taught by a master, you jealous guys are just waiting to envy you!
I also thought, is it really time to help the boss talk about a marriage after the boss's business is on the road?The incense of the old Zhang family can no longer be delayed!
As for the second son in the family, Wang Lanping has not been very fond of him recently.Always no one in sight.It was still there on the day the boss store opened, but it disappeared after two days.It is said that he is not needed by the boss, and he does not know where he has been running all day.It's not as good as the younger sister at home, who is now helping the boss in the shop.

Zhang Er is not worrying!snort!Whispering Wang Lanping in her heart, she brought Zhang Er's favorite roast chicken back home. If there is something delicious, that kid will always come back and show up.

It was hard for others to imagine the opening of Zhang's shop, but Zhang Yan, who was the instigator of Zhang Luo's incident, stopped asking after only two days.

But the truth is that Zhang Yan doesn't think it's very useful for him to stay in the store. After all, the store is already off to a good start, selling more than a dozen wheelchairs in just two days.It doesn't have to be used by the handicapped, some elderly people can also use it, it's very convenient.And most of the people who bought it paid without even mentioning the price.

The reason why the business is easy is not only the rigid demand for the wheelchair itself, but also the experience store model created by Zhang Yan.This rotten thing on the earth really astonished the common people in Huangtianyu.Try it first, and then pay if you feel good after the trial, and no one will drive you away if you don't feel good.Even the accompanying person has a place to sit down and drink tea, and there is a dedicated person to answer you if you don't understand.

And for the time being, there is no competitor of the same kind for wheelchairs, and Zhang Shun, who is also a handicapped owner, has come forward to say that as long as he doesn't drive his business outside, he can't make it worse.

On the other hand, the reason why Zhang Yan didn't go to the store to look at it was that he had other things to do.

For example, he took a trip out of the city and went to the mass grave outside Langyuan City, thinking that he would spend the night there in his spare time to save the wild ghosts here and get a share of merit.But I didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

Following the evil chasing talisman, Zhang Yan originally found a movement in a tomb.Seeing that the tomb is all new soil, it should have been buried in the last two days.Unless this kind of new tomb is transformed into a fierce ghost, if it is a wild ghost, it will not be able to roam around in a short period of time. It can only hide in the tomb to absorb the underground yin energy and slowly adapt itself to the environment.

This newborn wild ghost Zhang Yan has seen it twice on the way to the corridor source city.Compared with ordinary wild ghosts, they are weaker, and they don't even need a complete mantra to be saved. Often, half of the mantra can eliminate their hostility and obsession.

But the newborn wild ghost can only contribute the least amount of merit to Zhang Yan.Huang Tianyu's heaven and earth are shrewd in their calculations.

Just when he was about to recite the incantation and start to force the wild ghosts from the tomb to perform the rescue, Zhang Yan's heart skipped a beat, and a mysterious feeling rose from his heart.

"Huh? Come out?"

What made Zhang Yan's heart suddenly feel was not for other reasons, but one of the paper figurines that he had placed around the wall of Wu's courtyard before.

These days, Zhang Yan has been helping his elder brother run the shop in the city. Although he didn't pay attention to the Wu family deliberately, he has been watching from afar through those paper figurines.But he never saw the three ghosts that he saw entering Wu's house come out.But I didn't expect that one of the other party moved today.

"Where is this going?"

With a thought in my heart, a paper figurine talisman caught in the crack of the wall of Wu's courtyard floated out, curled up, like a piece of ordinary scraps of paper blown by the wind, silently following behind the unaware ghost .Not far not near.

"Is this...going out of town?"

Zhang Yan's control over the paper figurine is not without distance restrictions.If the ghost ran too far, he couldn't continue to manipulate the paper figurine to hang its tail.It is also unclear where the other party is going, let alone what they are going to do.This made Zhang Yan, who was in the mass grave outside the city and could not intervene, feel a little depressed.After waiting for so many days, I finally waited for the other party to come out, but it seemed that I might miss it.

It's just that only one came out this time, it was the boy ghost, and the other two should still be hidden in Wu's residence.

But Zhang Yan's brows soon relaxed again.Because although the ghost was really moving in the direction of leaving the city, it didn't distance itself from him so as to break his control over the paper figurine, instead the distance gradually shortened.

The paper figurine rose up in the wind, soared more than ten feet high, just passed the top of the city, and continued to follow behind the ghost that passed through the wall.

After a while, the corners of Zhang Yan's mouth raised slightly. He never expected that the ghost, which he thought he would miss, was now heading towards his current direction.

Is it luck?Just in time for him to catch up?

Sure enough, shortly after Zhang Yan pasted a Qi Containing Talisman on himself and found a hiding place to hide it, the ghost followed by the paper figurine really went straight to the mass grave.And it seems that there is a purpose, starting from the foot of the mass grave, slowly searching up circles and circles.

Zhang Yan quickly realized, and thought to himself: Could it be that it is also looking for the wild ghosts here?
(End of this chapter)

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