one's door

Chapter 86 Finalized

Chapter 86 Finalized
Zhang Shun's mentality quickly changed when he went out for a stroll every day.In the final analysis, he is not a person who likes to dig into dead ends. The previous decadence was completely caused by not seeing the goal and hope of life. Now a wheelchair has completely reversed his world.

When Zhang Shun found that people outside did not pay attention to his disability but were more curious about his chair, he realized that he had taken his own experience too seriously before.It's just a disability, how can there be less in the world?Not surprising at all.Even many of the beggars on the road are disabled.Who wants to take a second look?
However, no one has ever seen a chair with wheels. You can walk and turn by turning the wheels without using your legs.Some people would even take the initiative to come over and talk to Zhang Shun, wanting to find out where to buy this thing, and want to get it back for family or friends.

Zhang Shun didn't know how to answer these questions at first, and then tentatively said that the chair was a family business, and his younger brother made it for him, and he would consider selling it in the future.As a result, all the people who came to ask immediately said that as long as there is something to sell, they will definitely buy it.

Such direct external feedback naturally had a strong impact on Zhang Shun's thinking, and he began to actively communicate with Zhang Yan about the wheelchair business, and after communicating several times, he also had some insights about this business.The change in mentality is obvious at a glance.

Zhang Yan was happy to see the success, and began to push his eldest brother out every day, but the purpose changed from "relaxing" to "finding a suitable shop".

A wheelchair is not expensive rouge, gouache or jewelry, it is a very down-to-earth special item, and the people who need it will not be distinguished by high or low, so the price will not jump at the beginning.In the future, there may be some special editions for the rich and powerful, but now is not the time.

"I still think the Dongmen Market is better. It doesn't need to be on the main street. The branch road behind it is also very good. The rent of the shops there is relatively cheap, and many of them can be leased once a year. control costs”

What I said earlier coincided with Zhang Yan's thoughts.But the two brothers had disagreements about the size of the store.Zhang Yan's idea was to do it in one step, and he went to those big-faced stores; while Zhang Shun thought that it would be safe to take one step at a time instead of spreading the stalls too big.

In the end, after all, it was a compromise, and I chose a store that was neither too big nor too small.And it was up to Zhang Shun to negotiate the lease fee with the landlord.Zhang Yan stood aside with a smile on his face.

The business of being able to see wheelchairs as soon as possible can also settle his worries.In fact, the income of the family is secondary, and the psychological improvement of the elder brother is the key.

Since he won't leave the family who inherited from his predecessor, and Zhang Yan also enjoys this kind of family affection that he has never experienced before, he will naturally give more consideration to everyone in the Zhang family.These are just the beginning.

In the end, the store was confirmed. In order to open it as soon as possible, Zhang Yan decided to give the current leased store some more money as compensation, and asked him to move out within the day, causing his elder brother Zhang Shunhao to complain, thinking that the rush was unnecessary.

"Brother, it's not urgent, but a time that must be reserved. You don't want to use this store right away, do you?" Zhang Yan smiled and didn't mind the elder brother's complaints.Many of his ideas are borrowed or copied from the earth world where the business is extremely developed and far higher than that of the wild world. It is normal for the eldest brother to not understand and not understand.

"Otherwise? I asked, this shop was painted with whitewash last year, the floor is also green bricks, inside and out are probably new, why should it be tidied up? If it is not used directly, do we have to do something else? It's too much money right?"

Zhang Yan shrugged, and on the way back, he began to popularize some ideas about the shopping experience to his elder brother.

"When you go to the store to buy things, especially new things that you didn't know before, and the price is not cheap, would you just pay and take them away? Or do you want to try before buying to see if it suits you? Is it really as good as the store said or outside rumors after experiencing it?
Furthermore.In the future, imitators of wheelchairs will inevitably appear. How to seize the three words of "time-honored brand" and get the largest sales share at an early stage must require a different approach from others.Not only is it necessary to continuously innovate and improve the details of wheelchairs, but it is also necessary to create a unique high-quality experience from the very beginning of sales.That’s how you get twice the result with half the effort.”

Although Zhang Yan doesn't know much about theoretical things, he has experienced many times in his previous life.Experience stores of various categories are everywhere on the earth. Even if he doesn't know the marketing core, it doesn't prevent him from copying it in Huangtianyu.And it’s not difficult to convince the eldest brother, just remember to add the sentence “That’s what the teacher taught me before” at the end after crackling, and it will be worth a hundred sentences of explanation.

Now the Zhang family already has a kind of blind trust in the "Master" invented by Zhang Yan.As long as Zhang Yan crowned his idea as "the master also said so", no matter how strange it was, it would not receive strong opposition, and it could even directly change the thoughts of his family members.

Sure enough, when Zhang Shun heard that it was something given to Zhang Yan by the "Master", he immediately reversed his attitude, turned his head and lowered his voice and asked, "The old man said that this can be done?"

"of course."

"That's fine, let's do it like this. I'll go to Carpenter Liu when I get back today, and together we'll figure it out as soon as possible to get the kind of experience store you mentioned. I just don't know if it's worth the cost if you do it."

"Brother, don't worry, it will definitely cost some money, but it will definitely not be too much. When I go back, I will talk to Carpenter Liu and let him do the actual layout. You will know when the time comes."

Later, Zhang Yan invited Carpenter Liu to his home to have another discussion with his elder brother, this time he made all the problems of the store clear.Tomorrow, Carpenter Liu will go to the store to make preparations, and then arrange the newly rented store according to Zhang Yan's arrangements for the "experience store".

"Don't worry, the two bosses, these jobs are not complicated. If I ask a helper to do it together, I can finish it in two days!" Carpenter Liu doesn't need to understand what an experience store is, he consciously follows the two brothers of the Zhang family Just do it, anyway, he doesn't need to post money to go in.And the mother-in-law at home said that the second elder brother of the Zhang family and the city guard officer have a good friendship, and a mere business will not lose money.

Things were settled, and it was getting dark.Carpenter Liu left excitedly, probably in a hurry to go back and show his mother-in-law the partnership deed that Zhang Yan had written to him just now, on which it was written in black and white that "Liu Futian enjoys two members".

(End of this chapter)

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