one's door

Chapter 85 Surprise

Chapter 85 Surprise
Three days later, when Zhang Yan appeared in front of the family pushing an all-wooden wheelchair, the family members were all stunned, wondering what this weird chair with wheels in Zhang Yan's hand was for.

It wasn't until Zhang Yan put his eldest brother Zhang Shun on the chair that the family realized that this strange chair was specially prepared for Zhang Shun.

"Zhang Er, this, this chair."

The most excited one is naturally Zhang Shun.Even the speech is stuck and I don't know what to say.He kept touching the armrest of the chair, and his eyes even sparkled.

"Brother, do you see the grips on these two sides? You can push and pull them yourself to make the chair move forward and backward. You can also change the direction according to your twisting body center of gravity"

The function of this wheelchair is not much different from the wheelchairs on the earth, but due to material limitations, the sensitivity may be much worse, but it does not hinder the use of basic functions.

"Really! This... I can move the place by myself! Also, it's almost as fast as walking!?" Zhang Shun quickly mastered the use of the wheelchair under Zhang Yan's guidance.Thanks to the fact that the physical fitness of the people in Huangtianyu is much higher than that of the people on Earth, so even though the wheelchair is not so sensitive, Zhang Shun can still handle it with ease.Then I went around the room in the main room, kitchen, and bedroom at a fairly fast speed. When I accidentally bumped into something, I first cared whether the chair was damaged or not.

"Brother, is this surprise interesting enough?" Seeing that his elder brother was happy, Zhang Yan was also very happy from the bottom of his heart.And this is just the beginning, he has a plan in his heart that will gradually make everyone in the Zhang family live better and better.

"Enough! Zhang Er! This thing is really good! Brother, thank you for your kindness!" Zhang Shun's eyes were red, and he managed to hold back his tears. The emotion in his heart was even more indescribable.

"This thing has just been made. Brother, you use it first. If you feel uncomfortable or need improvement, you can tell me, so that this thing can be continuously improved. The family still expects this thing to add an extra income." Zhang Yan didn't hide it either, he was definitely in the business of wheelchairs.Moreover, he planned to leave it to his elder brother to do it, so he just proposed to let his elder brother have a mental preparation.

The old mother Wang Lanping and the younger sister Zhang Huiyuan are also watching Zhang Shun use the wheelchair with smiles on their faces. Zhang Shun's disability has always been a knot in the family at home. Now it has finally improved. I think life will be more convenient in the future. Zhang Shun's Mentality can also be more restored.But when he heard Zhang Yan's last words, he couldn't help but turned his head and looked over.

"Income? Zhang Er, do you want to use this thing for business?" Zhang Shun's reaction was not slow. His second brother had thought of doing business before, and if he hadn't been framed, the business should be pretty good.At this time, when I mentioned it again, combined with my first impression of this peculiar chair, Zhang Shun felt that maybe there was something wrong!

Sure enough, Zhang Yan nodded, glanced at his mother and younger sister, and finally said to his eldest brother Zhang Shun: "That's right, this is the chair for sale. And the master has already been found, and he is Carpenter Liu on the opposite side. We have the money, this time we will rent the shop first, and see if we can buy the shop when the business is ready to expand.”

As Zhang Yan said, he raised the ones he took out from the money note Zhou Cang gave him earlier.Only now did the family know what Zhang Yan was planning to do with the money.

Zhang Shun patted the armrest of the wheelchair, turned around triumphantly, and said with a smile: "This thing is good, and Carpenter Liu can be trusted. I think it's a good thing! This time, the eldest brother supports you in doing it. But you can only do it." Use the money in your hand, mother still has to manage the family's money."

Naturally, Zhang Yan didn't like the little money at home, even if it was ten times as much.Now just the bone-strengthening pill makes him pour in money like running water, and throwing a Biqing pill in the future isn't it just a drop of gold and silver?If you want it, it depends on his mood.

But at the same time, Zhang Yan also understood the concerns of his family.Before that, he was going to do business, but an accident caused the family to be in turmoil.Now that things have finally improved, they will naturally be more cautious.

"Brother is right. The money note in Mother's hand and the harvest of the field are reserved for you to ask for a wife in addition to the family expenses. You can't touch it. Hahaha, brother, don't scold, listen to me, this door The business is not for me, but for you. I will help you find a way to open the door, and then you will do it yourself."

"Huh? I'll do it?!"

Not only Zhang Shun was dumbfounded by the words, but also Wang Lanping and Zhang Huiyuan looked at Zhang Yan in confusion.I don't understand why Zhang Yan would say that at all.

Zhang Yan took a stool and sat down in front of the eldest brother, and said solemnly: "Brother, the past is over. It is time to start life again. Now that you have a wheelchair, you can't go anywhere as long as you don't climb up hills? And you His mind is notoriously lively in our family, which is just right for doing business.

Moreover, this kind of chair is a new thing, which fills the gap in the needs of the disabled, and the sales volume is absolutely guaranteed.As long as the action is fast enough, it is easy to become a time-honored brand. At that time, if others imitate it, they will just follow our ass and eat ashes.

In addition, as long as this thing opens up the situation and attracts people, won't it be sold again by putting some other things in the store?

These slightly bewitching words sounded good to Wang Lanping and Zhang Huiyuan's ears, but they only felt that what Zhang Yan said was reasonable, and at the same time marveled at how transparent and far-sighted Zhang Yan's thinking was.I feel that this business seems to be really good.

But these words fell into Zhang Shun's ears differently.There is a constant interlacing of apprehension and fear, excitement and expectation.

Zhang Yan didn't continue to explain.The heart knot has to be overcome by oneself.So he asked: "Brother, do you want to go out for a walk? Just go and cut a roast chicken together and come back."

"Get out, get out?" Zhang Shun's eyes lit up for a moment, and then he said nothing.

The loss of legs is a great blow to the mind. It will create a sense of fear of the crowd and always want to hide. This is also a mental barrier that all disabled people need to overcome.

There is no way to persuade this kind of thing, I can only go out more, and I will naturally get used to the gaze of outsiders, and gradually I will see it away.

"Yes, go for a walk, I'll push you there." Zhang Yan pushed the wheelchair as he spoke.When I pushed it, I felt that I couldn't push it, so I was caught by the elder brother.

After a few breaths, I heard Zhang Shun take a deep breath, let go of his grip on the wheel, and let Zhang Yan push him out the door.This is the first time Zhang Shun has gone out from home in more than two years, and the light outside even made his eyes dim subconsciously for a while before he got used to it.My ears were full of comments and surprises.

What reassures Zhang Shun is that along the way, those surprises and comments around him are not aimed at him, but just the chair under him.
(End of this chapter)

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