one's door

Chapter 1001 Division of Labor

In terms of emotional excitement, except for Zhang Yan, all the other disciples and disciples on and off Duanya Mountain were full of enthusiasm.

In fact, it's not just the cliff mountain, the creatures in the entire barren sky region are very excited except for the imprisoned Shura and hungry ghosts, even the ordinary human race or monster race.

Because the "legendary" world trade will reopen soon!
The reason why it is a "legend" is mainly because the time span of thousands of years is too far away for ordinary creatures.Even a monk, if his cultivation base cannot reach a certain threshold, he still cannot withstand the erosion of thousands of years.However, many past events about world trade have been recorded and preserved by the predecessors.

In addition, there are many various commodities that flowed in when the commerce and trade were still in various places, which also provides direct proof for all written records.Even back then, world commerce played a pivotal role in the Huangtian Territory, helping the creatures in the Huangtian Territory to survive a very difficult time.

However, in retrospect, it was already the time when Huang Tianyu was first opened, and he was a member of the inner corner of the Pastoral School.At that time, Huangtianyu was still attached to Dahongtian.

Time has passed, and now the new world of commerce is about to reopen.This news is full of endless imagination and expectation.

"Eldest brother, are you sure you don't lack a guard? I don't think there is anyone in the cliff mountain who is more suitable for this job except me." Yang Rui followed Wang Nian seriously.He had said the same words hundreds of times in Wang Nian's ear.But there is still no sign of giving up.

Wang Nian was about to go crazy being asked, and he wished he could slap Yang Rui to death.He hadn't realized that Yang Rui was so annoying before.

"Wood! You're enough! It's not my appointment to go to Mingyue Valley. You and your junior sister sit in the mountains, this is the master's appointment! If you want to follow, you can make trouble with the master. Why are you following me? Hurry up Get out, don't hinder me from making the list." Wang Nian has a lot of things in his hands.He was sent as the envoy of Huang Tianyu to visit Mingyue Valley this time. Firstly, he came to see the world, and secondly, he needed to display various "specialties" in Huangtianyu, and at the same time, he wanted to show what he needed, so as to promote the real landing of world commerce.

To be honest, Wang Nian was still a little uneasy.After all, his cultivation base at this time is still a little behind the immortals of the earth, and such a cultivation base in the void world is a scum, and he is worried about giving the name of the cliff mountain and embarrassing the master.Of course it's more exciting.

This is an opportunity that Wang Nian has been thinking about for thousands of years.Although this will become a daily routine in the future, I can't resist the long-awaited expectation, and it is the first time to visit other worlds.The significance of it is naturally great, and it is enough for Wang Nian to attach great importance to it.

But this time, only Wang Nian led the team.Yang Rui and Liu Ruidu were held in the Cliff Mountain.This is also the reason why Yang Rui's face is not willing to be a dog's skin plaster.

And Liu Rui?I ran to Dengyun Temple early to ask Master for a chance.

"I dare not go to Master's side."

"Hiss, you dare not go to Master, you dare to come to me?! Do you think I'm easy to bully?" Wang Nian raised his brows.

As a result, Yang Rui nodded as a matter of course.

Wang Nian: "You" he didn't know how to speak for a while.How about a fight?Forget it, wasting time, lest you be fooled and be qualified by the master, then you will have no place to cry.

"It's useless to look for the master. The junior sister has already gone, and I'm sure she will come to you later."


"It's because you, senior brother, are fully responsible for going out this time! It's not easy for you to ask for someone? Now that the mountain gate has a master in person, who dares to mess around? We don't need to worry about it at all. At worst, leave junior sister in the mountain to watch , Brother, you take me with you, I am your brother! You can't"

"Okay! I'm afraid of you! Just wait! I'll go to Master and ask, just once! If it's okay, if it's not, then pull it down!" Wang Nian gave up.Instead of letting Yang Rui keep harassing him like this, it's better to help him.As for the result, Wang Nian didn't care.One more and one less is all the same to him.

Yang Rui was so happy, his lips burst into laughter, he thanked him again and again, and at the same time he was very proud of his judgment in his heart.He knew that the most unbearable thing for his senior brother was soft grinding.As long as you can bear the temper and withstand the other party's poisonous tongue, it will be no problem to grind the king into obedience.

As for whether Master will agree.Yang Rui can only do his best to obey the destiny.At least in his opinion, it is much easier for Wang Nian to speak up than Liu Rui himself.

In fact, Yang Rui guessed half right.

Wang Nian found time to go to Dengyun Hall, and at the door he saw Liu Rui coming out with a dejected face.You don't need to ask, you know it must be a cheap trip to find the master, but it was rejected.But at the gate of Dengyun Hall, Wang Nian was not easy to comfort.The two of them met each other, nodded and walked over.

After entering the hall, after saluting, Wang Nian narrated how he was tortured by Yang Rui, how helpless, and how he had to come here because of the difficult mental journey, almost crying.

"Okay." Zhang Yan smiled and kicked Wang Nian away after listening to something, and then said with a smile: "Why are everyone in such a hurry? Except you, Liu Rui and Yang Rui, I am not going to let them Go. There will be a long time to come. Besides, they have other things to do.

Do you still remember that Tiandaomen Elder Bu Zhongxun who came into contact with us to do the talisman business when we were in Dahongtian? "


"I will ask Yang Rui to meet with Bu Zhongxun when I find an opportunity in a while. And after you go out this time, you will meet all the suzerains that you should meet. It is also a courtesy to go on my behalf. After that, you will sit on the cliff Shan, hand over all the affairs of the Chaos Sect to Liu Rui. Do you understand what I mean?" After Zhang Yan finished speaking, he took a sip of the tea in hand.

Wang Nian was stunned when he heard this, and he said ah for a long time, not knowing what to say.

"What? Don't understand?"

"No, isn't that inappropriate, Master?" Although Wang Nian has been stable in the alchemy hall for these years, he is naturally escaping.He originally planned to travel around in various worlds after his eyes were completely opened.But what the master meant was that he was going to be pinned to the cliff mountain!My heart went cold for a moment.

Zhang Yan put down his teacup and sighed.Said: "Liu Rui is too competitive, desire is too strong and too strong. Yang Rui is too pure, too ideal. He is not suitable for sitting in the mountain gate. And you are free and easy, easy-going but good at flexibility and not persistent. So who else can it be if it is not you?

And guarding the mountain gate does not mean being imprisoned.In the future, I will still have the opportunity to go out for a stroll, and it will be more majestic.Don't you want to show off?Just what you want. "

"Master, can this errand be postponed?"


"." Wang Nian sighed.I understand one of the explanations of "a loss is a blessing" in my heart.But it is not unacceptable in my heart.It's just that Master suddenly said these words, which surprised Wang Nian.

So Wang Nian hesitated for a moment and asked, "Master, are you going to let go?"

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