one's door

Chapter 1002 Swept

Handing over Duanya Mountain to Wang Nian, Zhang Yan has been doing this for a long time.In the thousands of years that Huang Tianyu had been hiding before, although the cliff mountain was a three-legged rivalry, Wang Nian was always at the highest decision-making point, which was equivalent to controlling half of the cliff mountain.

This time, Wang Nian was completely righted, and he was named as the next generation master of the cliff mountain!

The reason why it took so long was not Zhang Yan's hesitation, but because he hoped to extend the time to see the changes of the three disciples.

But in the end, it is really difficult for xinxing to have a big change. It is only because of encounters and growth that the way of expressing xinxing is different, and the essence remains the same as before.

The current status of the cliff mountain in the void world was formed by Zhang Yan's "coincidence" and the balance of his own means. It is a special force that straddles the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction.The delicate situation on both sides will always affect the situation of Huang Tianyu.At the same time, Huang Tianyu's actions also greatly affected the structure of the two factions.It can be said that they co-prosper and restrain each other.

This delicate situation is hard-won, and it is also a bud.In Zhang Yan's thinking, as long as this budding tree is protected from major damage, then when it grows vigorously and finally grows into a towering tree, the pattern of the entire Void World will be changed.

What was the Great Desolate World like when it was still in the void, it will look similar when the Huangtianyu grows up!

Therefore, based on Zhang Yan's plan, Wang Nian became the most suitable candidate for the next generation to take charge of Duanya Mountain.Because there is no need for Liu Rui's perseverance and endless pursuit of power.You can't be completely ascetic like Yang Rui, just shutting the door and ignoring it.Wang Nian's unrestrained and fickle mind is suitable for dealing with delicate situations, maintaining the special position of Huang Tianyu, and at the same time not actively threatening others.Slowly wait until it becomes a towering tree.

As for why he didn't take charge of it himself, Zhang Yan's problem was "no time".He needs to continue to look for room to improve his strength, whether it is hard power or soft power, he needs to seize the time to improve.It seems that there are still thousands of years before the opening of the Sword Tomb Ruins, but in fact, for Zhang Yan, who has already entered the ranks of Daluo Jinxian, this time is not too much.

Just like the last time, 30 years have passed since "copying" a magic weapon.If this is placed in the daily life of Huang Tianyu, how many events will be missed?Not to mention that in the future, he will inevitably retreat and meditate, so it can't be hundreds of years?

That's why Zhang Yan could go about his own business with peace of mind after Wang Nian's name was rightly accepted.

After Wang Nian appeared in the void for the first time on behalf of Huang Tianyu, and visited the suzerains of the three top forces in the Chaos faction, when he returned to the cliff mountain, Zhang Yan held a new master ceremony limited to the interior of the cliff mountain. .

This kind of ceremony was also made by Zhang Yan himself from the few words in the Daoist scriptures, added some of his own understanding, and left it to Liu Rui to handle it.

Everything is going smooth.Even if Liu Rui may feel a little bit of unwillingness in her heart, it will not affect the overall situation at all, and she will definitely be able to accept this reality soon in the future.After all, Liu Rui admired Wang Nian from the bottom of her heart.Coupled with the relationship between seniors and sisters for so many years, her resentment is only due to her heart, not an interpretation of ambition.

Yang Rui put it simply, he had no opinion at all, and was even very happy.At least in his opinion, after the big brother took charge of the cliff mountain, he would be able to hide from his laziness.Eldest brother can't beat him to death like Master did.

Even Zhang Yan in Dengyun Hall was vacated as Wang Nian's new residence.I moved to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain and rebuilt a small courtyard in the mountain, and the days suddenly entered a dull and fulfilling state of recuperation.

Just after Zhang Yan temporarily unloaded the burden of the Desolate Heaven Territory from his shoulders, the turmoil in the void world gradually became surging.It was the Pastoral Sect who broke into chaos first, followed by the Chaos Sect not to be outdone.

Chaos is just a nice name. To put it bluntly, it is a killing strategy between forces. Small groups and new groups are really established from the killing and fighting to challenge the old or declining forces.

This is the inevitable situation after the original order is gradually broken or even completely subverted.With opportunities comes unprecedented dangers.

But then again, this kind of chaos is exactly the "general change" that Mingyue Valley has been thinking about for a long time, and they undoubtedly have the absolute initiative in this change.

The initiative of Mingyue Valley comes from the credit of Yanshu, which allows them to bet on Zhang Yan in advance.

The biggest benefit is that if you stand by Zhang Yan's side, you won't become Zhang Yan's target.There is no need for Zhang Yan to deal with them like San Wenzong, Feng Mutian and Linglong Immortal Territory, which has caused the power of these three schools to plummet.It had been concealed for thirty years before, and after being pierced by Zhang Yan, he was immediately "beaten" and "tested" by Mingyuegu, Yishizong, and even Heiyuan who reacted immediately.

The six top forces are also gradually evolving into a one-sided "erosion".It just doesn't hit your mountain gate directly, but slowly erodes your wings from bottom to top, pruning your branches and leaves, until you become a loner and you are not far from being completely dismembered.

Therefore, the Sanwen Sect and the other three families also understood that they would naturally not sit still and resisted with all their strength, making the killing intensity of the Chaos Sect even higher than that of the Pastoral Sect.

In this process, the role of the "business-oriented" cliff mountain is revealed.Talismans and pills, which are hard currencies in chaotic situations, are in great demand in the Pastoral School, and they are also extremely sought-after in the Chaos School.It has become the best temporary combat power acquisition channel for scattered forces and emerging forces.At the same time, it also reduced the middle and low-level casualties to a large extent for several major forces headed by Mingyue Valley.

Once in and out like this, the benefits of the cliff mountain are extremely amazing.With abundant resources, not only the disciples in the cliff mountain, but also other sects in the Huangtian domain with many bottom-level shipments of Chengdan are also full of food under the flood.

This is only from the perspective of the creatures in the wild sky.Enlarged to the world level, the benefits obtained by Huang Tianyu are also huge.After all, it is not only people who are killed, but also the world.Those dying worlds and even the worlds that no one has had time to reap have become the "hunting" targets of Huang Tianyu.One bite at a time, I secretly ate with a smile on my face.

And under the wild food and drink in the wild world, the blessings of evolution will naturally benefit the creatures in it.

Under the superposition of all aspects, Huang Tianyu not only evolves at an astonishing speed, but also the growth rate of creatures is beyond the imagination of all forces.

However, the abnormal development speed of Huang Tianyu should have aroused others' covetousness or fear, but it was covered up again because of the sudden revelation of Heiyuan's new method.

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