one's door

Chapter 1003 twists and turns

Chapter 1003 twists and turns
Nothing is smooth from the beginning to the end, there will always be some ups and downs, and the bigger things are, the more prone to sudden changes.Because a little bit of twists and turns can stir up huge waves.

The biggest impact of such twists and turns is not those who are at a disadvantage or disadvantage, but those who have the initiative and the upper hand.

In other words, the one who dislikes twists and turns the least is the one with vested interests.

Of course, the special existence that doesn't matter the victory or defeat doesn't care about the twists and turns. They stay out of the matter and just sit and watch Yunjuan Yunshu, thinking only about how to maintain their delicate status.

So when Huangtianyu, which had gotten too many benefits and became stronger too quickly, was attracting too much coveting and fear, the twists and turns suppressed all of these coveting and fear.

Because compared with Huangtianyu, a "business-oriented" force that has grown too fast but never crossed the line or stretched out its hands indiscriminately, the beginning of twists and turns and subsequent troubles are obviously much more important.

And the start of this twists and turns is the Mingyue Valley side that occupies the initiative of the Chaos faction.To be precise, it was Heiyuan who turned back at the beginning.

As a wall-riding faction and a slippery force in the Chaos faction, Heiyuan has always been adhering to the principle of making money silently, and does not seek hegemony or engage in any expansion of power.Sometimes even be patient.It looks like a person who cherishes the power in his hand and doesn't want to lose it needlessly.

In other words, Heiyuan has always been a "counseling" and "fickle" character in the Chaos faction.

It is precisely because of this understanding of Heiyuan.Therefore, whether it is Mingyue Valley or the first sect, the defense against Heiyuan is very low.Because in their view, even if Heiyuan can get some benefits from this great change, but Heiyuan's practice characteristics doomed them to be unable to carry out long-term consumption of personnel, and they can only be regarded as "additional" forces, which are not big.It can even be used as an object of wooing to prepare for the formation of a new order.

Because in the eyes of Mingyue Valley and Yishizong, Sanwenzong, Feng Mutian and Linglong Immortal Realm can no longer turn up the storm.The strong men of these three top families may not be able to recover from their injuries for tens of thousands of years.After their wings were trimmed clean, the only way left was to be dismembered.With Zhang Yan around, Mingyue Valley's side is ebbing and flowing, and they don't feel that there is any chance for San Wenzong and other three families to counterattack.

But just when it seemed that the overall situation was about to be settled, some things that Heiyuan was hiding were finally noticed by Mingyue Valley and Yishizong.

This time it was still the Feng Yu of Mingyue Valley who made the great contribution.She doesn't need to be involved in specific affairs, she just needs to stare at the Tianji Pillar and keep an eye on the ups and downs of the normal general trend at any time.It is a great contribution to give opinions and references in some key places.

This time, Feng Yuhe was the first to discover the problem of Heiyuan from the Tianji Pillar.

Or because of luck.

It stands to reason that all parties in luck have shown up now.Even Zhang Yan, who has unpredictable luck, launched the Huangtianyu Duanya Mountain, so that Zhang Yan's luck and direction can be indirectly deduced through the luck of Duanya Mountain.Undoubtedly, the luck of Cliff Mountain is the thickest and most stable, and it becomes stronger and stronger with the ups and downs of the general trend.

This is understandable, Zhang Yan himself is the initiator of luck, and the strength luck he manages is connected with him, so it is only natural that all boats rise with the tide.

So if the outlier of the cliff mountain is excluded, the increase in luck should be the strongest in Mingyue Valley, right?Everyone in Mingyue Valley, including Feng Yuhe, has always felt this way.This was indeed the case at the beginning, Mingyue Valley followed the cliff mountain, and its luck skyrocketed.

But the good times don't last long.After nearly 500 years, this kind of luck followed Cliff Mountain and then began to change.From behind Cliff Mountain, he was squeezed to third place.And the one who pushed Mingyue Valley to third place was Heiyuan.

From Feng Yuhe's point of view, this is an unimaginable and strange situation.Because the current strong side of the entire Chaos faction is headed by Mingyue Valley, and even the Linglong Immortal Realm with the ancient fairy Mu Tong has been attacked several times and dare not take the lead.

In terms of status, in terms of the amount of resources obtained, Mingyue Valley even feels that what he has obtained is much more than that of Duan Yashan's wanton "business acquisition".The main reason for losing to Duanya Mountain was because of Zhang Yan, a man of luck.In addition, Mingyue Valley should not lose to any party.After all, the general trend is clearest in the eyes of Mingyue Valley!
But why is Heiyuan? !

Although I can't figure it out, the fact that Tianjizhu Shangfeng Yuhe has repeatedly confirmed it is irrefutable.Heiyuan must be relying on something that Mingyue Valley doesn't know or ignore outside of the normal situation, and is rapidly increasing his luck.Even in this case, what luck represents is not only the amount of resources in hand, but also the strength and potential, and the weight it will have in the new order after it is established.

What Mingyue Valley was worried about was nothing else, but whether she would end up making wedding dresses for others after she was so busy.That's what makes you vomit blood.

Afterwards, Mingyue Valley ventilated Yi Shizong, and conducted an infiltration and unannounced visit directly to Heiyuan.

It turned out that the changes in Heiyuan had almost reached the bright side.They never realized that it wasn't that Heiyuan hid it well, but that they were too careless.

Even in this matter, Heiyuan has never had enough confidence. They might have been worried about being discovered by Mingyue Valley or Yishizong at the beginning, but now they are not afraid anymore.Because they are sure that at this moment, Mingyue Valley and Yishizong can't turn against them.If the two lines are pulled, the current good situation of Mingyue Valley and Yishizong will be cut in half.

After coming and going, the matter finally came from Cliff Mountain, or Heiyuan is also part of the general change? !After Feng Yuhe learned about Heiyuan's inside story, his heart was extremely complicated.

What's more complicated is that the underlying logic of the current situation seems to have been subverted.The three schools of Heiyuan and Sanwenzong?

How to do these two options?
In addition, the reason why Heiyuan became so troublesome was because of the practice method called "Fu Bing Yi Yi" that Zhang Yan promised when they turned their backs.If he wanted to restrict Heiyuan, wouldn't Zhang Yan have to intervene in person?Even to overturn the content of the previous transaction with Heiyuan?

In this case, what attitude would Zhang Yan have?

As for turning around?It's not that I don't want to, but that my real strength doesn't allow it!God knows that this method of talisman soldiers can directly save 2000% to [-]% of those people in Heiyuan who can't survive the death. In other words, the strength that Heiyuan should have "lost as usual" in the past few hundred years is only About [-]% of the total.The strength in disguise has skyrocketed.And the potential, Mingyue Valley wouldn't even dare to think about it another [-] years.

Therefore, Mingyue Valley and Yishizong had to stop the encirclement and suppression of Sanwenzong, Feng Mutian and Linglong Immortal Realm after repeated weighing.They sent people up to Duanya Mountain, hoping to meet Zhang Yan and hear what Zhang Yan meant.

(End of this chapter)

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