one's door

Chapter 1004

How difficult is it to see Zhang Yan now?Not to mention the people outside the mountain gate.It is not easy for Wang Nian, who is now taking over the power of Duan Yashan, to see Zhang Yan once.

Now the back mountain of Cliff Mountain is the real forbidden area.It seems that every plant and tree is staring at you when you step in there, and ordinary disciples feel nervous even if they walk around the gate of the back mountain.

So Mingyue Valley sent Feng Yuhe to ask to see Zhang Yan but failed, so he could only meet Wang Nian in Dengyun Hall.

Although he was very disappointed, Feng Yuhe didn't turn around and leave.The attitude of Cliff Mountain is particularly important to Mingyue Valley at this time.Besides, Zhang Yan didn't see anyone in the seclusion, but Wang Nian was in charge of Duanya Mountain, and this matter had to go through this person.

This is the fourth time that Feng Yuhe has seen Wang Nian.The first time was when she was invited to Duanya Mountain as a guest on behalf of Mingyue Valley. At that time, Zhang Yan had not handed over the power of Duanya Mountain.At that time, Wang Nian was still a person who was close to the earth fairy barrier in the late stage of fairyland.The second time I saw Wang Nian was not long after the first time. Wang Nian brought the "special products" and "needs" of Huang Tianyu to visit Mingyue Valley, and made a big circle among the major forces.At that time, Feng Yuhe knew that this Wang Nian must be the person Zhang Yan introduced to deal with the outside world.So be polite in every way.

Shortly after Wang Nian took over as the Lord of Duanya Mountain, he made a breakthrough in cultivation, and Feng Yuhe was the only guest invited to watch the ceremony when he stepped into the ranks of Earth Immortals after four or nine days of calamity.

Now that hundreds of years have passed, I thought that the opponent was still consolidating his post-Earth Immortal realm, even if he had outstanding potential, he was at most close to the middle stage of Earth Immortal Realm.But when Feng Yuhe saw Wang Nian, he found that the other party was not just approaching, but actually entered the middle stage of the fairyland.The speed is scary.

Not only that, but the strength of the disciples in the cliff mountain is almost visible to the naked eye.The other two apprentices who came to Zhang Yan also stepped into the fairyland.All the disciples down to the bottom seem to have unlimited potential.This kind of thriving scene really made Feng Yuhe's mind shake slightly.The luck of the dark cliff cliff mountain ranks first in the void world, and it may not be solely because of Zhang Yan.

"Elder Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time, the elder is even more elegant!" Wang Nian not only grew in cultivation, but also had a majestic and majestic demeanor.This is the reason why Cliff Mountain has flourished over the years, and his majesty has grown day by day.

"Hehe, Sect Master Wang is more elegant than before. This body is much stronger than our genius disciples in Mingyue Valley. The methods of Duanyashan are really amazing." Feng Yuhe sighed from the bottom of his heart.

After the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, Feng Yuhe directly cut to the point.The worries about the black abyss and the inevitable results of letting go are all clearly laid out.We must listen to the attitude of Cliff Mountain.

"The situation of Heiyuan is imminent. The master of the king should also know the sinister part of their practice. It is all due to the backlash in their own practice that limits their strength. Now relying on the talisman soldiers given to them by Wanxiang Daluo It can be said that the law has completely got rid of the limitations. If this continues for a thousand years, let alone our Bright Moon Valley, is there any force in the Chaos faction that can challenge them? It is hard to say!

I know that the transaction must have been deceived by Heiyuan when the sect master Zhang was there.But Master Zhang must have left behind.Maybe it's time to take action to contain it? "

Feng Yuhe's words are still polite.Also take care of Zhang Yan's face.But the threat of Heiyuan has surpassed the threat of Sanwenzong and other three schools.If Duanyashan chooses to stand by and watch, then Mingyue Valley will not care about face, maybe it will really turn around and give up the killing of Sanwenzong and other three families, and turn around to compete with Heiyuan.After that, the relationship with Cliff Mountain will also be jerky.

Wang Nian frowned slightly.He had listened to his master explain the Heiyuan matter before, and understood the stakes.This is actually tantamount to Master planting a poisonous needle in the Chaos Sect many years ago, but did not tell Mingyue Valley.After being exposed now, Mingyue Valley must have some opinions in his heart.

But it is not realistic to withdraw the means.Even if Heiyuan's rune soldiers are not perfect, they are enough for them to use at this stage, and they can also pose a threat to the surroundings.

Wang Nian understood that the so-called "justice" was the answer to the problem from the perspective of Mingyue Valley.If you stand in the position of master, then it is reasonable.After all, from the very beginning, what Master asked was to drive away tigers and devour wolves.If Heiyuan could be used at the beginning, it would be an important change that completely changed the situation.It is the most cost-effective thing to exchange for Heiyuan's defection by means of mere talisman soldiers.As for the reaction of Mingyue Valley and Yi Shizong, it was not the top priority at that time.

But now the situation has changed.Heiyuan, who used to be "counseling", has shown his fangs and claws, and has the potential to become a dragon.But the current request of the Cliff Mountain is no longer what it was at the beginning, what it wants is balance, so it is necessary to change the strategy for Heiyuan.At the same time, the mood of Mingyue Valley, an old ally, must also be taken into account.

Now the test is Wang Nian's wrist.

"Elder Feng, Heiyuan's method itself does not have such a strong effect. It's just because Heiyuan's own practice lineage is just in sync and can complement each other, so it seems unusual.

But things also have an upper limit.Even though Heiyuan seems to have unlimited potential now, he has not handed over all the means of talisman soldiers.The limit they can carry is only in the fairyland.Therefore, there is no possibility that no one can resist after thousands of years that Elder Feng is worried about. "

Even Zhang Yan of Mingyue Valley defended against him before, let alone Heiyuan?The human fairyland rune soldiers are basically the limit of the rune soldiers that Heiyuan can get.Although it is already very great for Heiyuan.But not out of control.

Feng Yuhe was greatly relieved when he heard Wang Nian's words.But not completely satisfied.

"The attitude of Cliff Mountain is to let Heiyuan go down? Or is it something else?"

Wang Nian smiled apologetically and said: "At the beginning, the way of talisman soldiers was traded in the past. Duan Yashan took the benefits of Heiyuan, so it is unreasonable to regret it now. What's more, I learned the method after I learned it, and I didn't recover it. But Elder Feng Don't worry. We won't give Heiyuan any more talisman weapons."

"Will Wan Xiang Da Luo leave the customs?" Feng Yuhe understood that he was confused with Wang Nian.At present, knowing that Duanyashan still has Heiyuan's follow-up methods in his hands, and at the same time getting the guarantee that Duanyashan will not teach Heiyuan again, this should be the limit of what Wang Nian can do.Any more would require Zhang Yan to come forward.

But the problem is that now Feng Yuhe can't even see Zhang Yan's face.

Wang Nian shook his head, and said: "Master has been in seclusion for hundreds of years, and I can't even see him now. When will he leave the seclusion, this... Forgive Wang Nian for not being able to give Elder Feng a letter. But Elder Feng's intention Nian is very clear, once the master is out of the customs, I will tell the master as soon as possible. Elder Feng thinks so?"

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