one's door

Chapter 1005

Feng Yuhe finally left.For her, this trip to the cliff mountain was not a success, but it was not a failure either.After receiving the promise from Cliff Mountain that he will no longer teach the law to Heiyuan, at least the threat of Heiyuan will not continue endlessly, and he only needs to deal with the current situation.

After Feng Yuhe left, Wang Nian thought about it and did not go to the back mountain.He knew very well that although the master was in seclusion, it was not closed to death, and spiritual perception and the like would not be closed. Naturally, he knew why Feng Yuhe came here.Since the master is silent, it means that his judgment is still to prevail, and there is no need to report everything to make the master unhappy.

Wang Nian's confidence in taking it calmly lies in the fact that the subtle status of Duanya Mountain is becoming more and more secure now.Even when the matter of Heiyuan came out, it was the cliff mountain that benefited the most.

Whether it is the Chaos faction or the Pastoral faction, what they are fighting for is nothing more than territory and status.There is no competition in the wild world, only business.Presence poses little immediate threat.And as far as the current situation of the two factions is concerned, there is no sign of both sides calming down in the short term, and it seems that it will only intensify at present.

The pastoral faction is better, and the variables have not been too big. It is always a group of Qingshan Wonderland and Fengleitian, and the other three top forces are facing each other.It is also set up to fight back and forth among the major forces, and the scene highlights the word "chaotic".

And the Chaos faction is even more remarkable.The word "mess" is not enough to describe it.It is completely "fuzzy".Even the two sides of the killing are not static.Today you and I are still fighting to the death, but tomorrow we will become companions fighting side by side again.The situation no longer makes sense.

As soon as the matter of Heiyuan came out, Mingyue Valley and Yishizong naturally didn't dare to ignore it.It can only stop encroaching on the three families including San Wenzong.It should be prepared to think of countermeasures, and then find an opportunity to deal with it.After all, it seems that the threat of Heiyuan at this time has already surpassed the three half-dead forces such as Sanwenzong.

But the problem is that there are too many things to consider in Mingyue Valley and Yishizong.Too much time wasted in hesitation.On the other hand, Heiyuan is much simpler.In the past, the characteristics of the wall grass also made them not have any psychological burden at all, and they had a much clearer control over the bottom line between the various forces of the Chaos faction than Mingyue Valley and Yi Shizong.

So when Mingyue Valley and Yishizong were hesitating and didn't think about how to deal with the situation that would be the most appropriate, Heiyuan went directly to Sanwenzong, Feng Mutian and Linglong Immortal Realm to stand in line.The slogan is "Unaccustomed to Mingyue Valley and Yishizong's shameless means of exterminating them" to carry forward the responsibilities and minds that the veterans in the Chaos faction should have, and decide to fight back to stop the evil deeds of Mingyuegu and Yishizong!
Mingyue Valley, which has always occupied an absolute initiative and leading position, was caught off guard by Heiyuan this time.

And next, Sanwenzong and other three families will not care about how Heiyuan suddenly turned against Mingyuegu and Yishizong. For them, Heiyuan's defection is a chance to save life, and they are desperate. Grab it tightly.Not only bluntly said to cooperate with Heiyuan, but also promised Heiyuan to make great profits.The request is not for Heiyuan's help to turn defeat into victory, but for Heiyuan's help to stabilize the situation, and to protect the three Wenzong and other three families from being destroyed.

To put it bluntly, San Wenzong and the other three families just wanted to procrastinate.Use your own interests to exchange time.Those top powerhouses who let themselves be seriously injured can recover.As long as it can recover to [-]%, the situation will be greatly improved.

Even if they knew about the threat Heiyuan posed at this time, the Sanwenzong and other three families didn't care.

So the situation has changed again.At first, Mingyue Valley and Yi Shizong were furious on the spot, and they were about to give Heiyuan's famous "counsel" forces a try.

But once contacted, Hei Yuan changed his previous "counseling" posture, and completely went from one extreme to the other.It is called a brave man who is not afraid of death when he kills!Especially those monks and immortals in the fairyland or below.It's almost crazy.

Because at this time, Heiyuan no longer needs to worry about losing manpower and affecting its overall strength as before.Their "counseling" is all suppressed by themselves.And which one of the Heiyuan monks and immortals who practiced evil methods didn't have a strong evil fire in their hearts?Killing madness is their nature, and now it is only fully displayed.

For a while, Mingyue Valley and Yishizong suffered a lot.Many of the sites that had been eroded before were taken away by Heiyuan instead.The situation froze immediately.

A new killing is brewing in secret.After all, Heiyuan can jump left and right, but Mingyue Valley and Yishizong can't.He knew that if he waited until the injured strongmen of the other side recovered, his situation would be even more troublesome.You can only gather strength and fight hard again.At the same time, there are more and more jade swords asking for help from Duan Yashan.Feng Yuhe also visited many times in person.

But it's just such chaos!

Wang Nian knew the thoughts or plans in Master's heart, he even talked about this topic with Master, and made Huang Tianyu into an existence like the Great Desolate World!Wang Nian couldn't understand the profound content of it, but he was passionate about Master's plan.I also understand why Shizun didn't take the opportunity to open up a territory of influence in the Pastoral Sect or the Chaos Sect, but chose to "stay out of the matter".It turned out that the picture was not a trail at all, but a larger avenue.

So Wang Nian is very satisfied with the situation Huang Tianyu is facing now, and even thinks it is perfect.

If the pastoral faction is broken, there is no need for Cliff Mountain to show up.Even for the people in the pastoral faction, it is the best result for Bluff Mountain not to show up. What they are most worried about is that Bluff Mountain will pick peaches while they are exhausted.

The Chaos faction is more complicated, but Wang Nian still remains motionless.And continued to reject Feng Yuhe's request for Zhang Yan to frighten Heiyuan on the grounds of Master's retreat.

But Wang Nian didn't let Feng Yuhe go back empty-handed, and took out a large number of magic weapons as support.Of course, these magic weapons are not given for free, they need resources from Mingyue Valley in exchange.But the price is still fair, and the power of the magic weapon is far stronger than those used by the lower-level disciples in Mingyue Valley.

Feng Yuhe didn't expect the will to be bright, so he directly agreed to the price, first took away the magic weapon, and then made up the price.

Repeatedly after that, the Chaos Sect's killing became more intense.Gradually surpassed the Pastoral School in intensity.

Only the Huangtianyu Cliff Mountain, which has always been "staying out of the matter", continues to have its own resources, whether it is because of the flood of resources, the strength of the creatures continues to soar, or the evolution of the Huangtianyu is also progressing rapidly due to the massive world debris.

And time is slowly passing by in this chaotic killing of the entire void world. Over thousands of years, a new order is slowly being rebuilt.

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