one's door

Chapter 1022 Carrying

Chapter 1022 Carrying
Zhang Yan waved his hands, and the sword array brought by the Zhuxian Sword can already operate freely in his hands. Although it is not yet free to send and receive, it can also be used for the next step: fusion with the Sanhe Sword Domain.

While Zhang Yan was familiar with the last sword array, the "bad premonition" in his heart at the beginning quickly dissipated because of his previous attention and response.Everything was once again under his control.

It's an amazing feeling.It is obvious that the danger in Zhu Xianjian is slowly falling like fluff and invading the soul and consciousness unstoppably, but because of the special structure of the Trinity, there is no room to display it.

To use an analogy, it's like the virus entered the body and wanted to flex its muscles, but found that it seemed to come from the wrong place.The disease caused by the living beings, and now this place does not look like the original spirit and consciousness of the living beings should look like. What do those mysterious and unseen vitality and nebula mean?
Zhang Yan is now like a "carrier" rather than a patient.And although he can't stop these methods preset by the saint on the Jade Immortal Sword, he can ignore them.First understand the four swords of Jade Immortal thoroughly, and then find a way to completely get rid of these "dirty" inside, only then can it be possible to truly hold this set of prehistoric first killers in your own hands.

And Zhang Yan didn't believe that the ruins of the Sword Tomb were over.According to the information he has and logical deduction, there should be another message later to point out the final destination of his "pig".Because it is not "seizing the house", there must be one more step.

However, when Zhang Yan officially started to bring the sword array attached to the Zhuxian Sword closer to the Sanhe Sword Domain, he didn't have any more thoughts to think about other things.Because, as he had guessed before, the sword array attached to the Zhuxian Sword is the last piece of the whole puzzle, and the qualitative changes involved will also be the most critical and complicated.Therefore, many details and tedious tasks require his full attention and no distracting thoughts.

Zhang Yan, who claims to have a very high level of skill in formations, couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by the mysterious changes that occurred when the lines of the formations were intertwined. For a moment, he forgot himself and devoted himself to the heaven-defying mystery of the changes in the sword formations, unable to extricate himself from it .

There is a saying that "you can die when you hear the Tao in the morning".This may be an exaggeration, but at this moment, in Zhang Yan's mind, the subversive changes that he was proud of before had already produced subversive changes.It was as if someone proved that one plus one can not only equal two, but also be far greater than two.

Zhang Yan is like a sponge at this moment, frantically absorbing the last magical change of the sword array.He is very clear about these things, even if he can't understand them now, he must keep them firmly in his mind, and one day he will understand them.At that time, he may also be able to refine top-level spirit treasures like Zhuxian Sword Formation by himself.And this kind of knowledge is definitely not found in Taoist books, it belongs to the top things in the prehistoric world.

Because the "slots" between the sword formations were left over in advance, what Zhang Yan needs to do is to find these "slots" and then fuse the two sword formations together.In terms of difficulty, it actually has little to do with Zhang Yan. What is tested is his familiarity with the sword formation and the threshold of the formation.

What touched me the most was the seemingly endless killing intent that continued to rise during the evolution of the sword array.

The three-in-one sword field has actually been reflected before. What breaks in one fell swoop is the common sense that sword intent and rules are the main means of attack in the sword formation, but makes them a supporting role. The real ultimate move is already materialized and can be ignored. The killing intent of almost all defensive methods.

In fact, strictly speaking, killing intent also belongs to the category of "will", but it is more pure, and it is not produced by thoughts, but produced by emotions.

The product of emotion can also be quantified as an entity and form a ferocious killing? !

After the Sanhe Sword Domain, the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which became complete after the new Four Swords merged, gave a further answer: the killing intent can not only be materialized to produce extremely powerful killing, but also can be materialized into combat power!
Groups of strange energies fused together with sword intent and killing intent were produced in the sword array along with the final stage of fusion of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation, and gradually took shape.

"Sword Spirit?!" Zhang Yan was both surprised and relieved.It turned out that the ultimate destination of the sword spirits in the lowest layer of the Sword Tomb Ruins was not to die out completely, but to change their living environment and move from the outside to the formation.

However, these sword spirits produced from the sword formation did not rely on the saint's remnants like they did when they were outside. On the contrary, they now needed to rely on the power of the sword formation itself.The combat power has simply skyrocketed exponentially.After all, although remnants were left before, but after all, there is no consciousness, and it is really thin.In fact, the sword spirit's attack can't fully exert its power.At least that's the case in front of Da Luo, who is like Zhang Yan, who understands the Dao.

But if the sword spirit is converted into the sword formation, there is a law to follow. Following the mysterious context of the sword formation, it is also supported by the ultimate killing intent and sword intent, and the environment within the sword formation is stronger than when it is outside. .

Here comes the problem.Now that the sword spirit has moved to the formation, and changed the basis of existence.So what about the remnants of those saints?where it goes?Did it dissipate?
Even though Zhang Yan was concentrating on it at this moment, he subconsciously understood that those remnants would never disappear, they just turned into inconspicuous means and entered his soul and consciousness at this time, but there was nothing he could do about it temporarily.

Another few days passed in a hurry, and the last "card slot" finally closed.The sword array attached to the Zhuxian Sword also formally merged with the Sanhe Sword Domain displayed by Zhang Yan.

In an instant, a bell that had been hidden in the depths of the void for eternity roared, and the agitated sound rushed out of the ruins of the sword mound and drifted to nowhere.It's like announcing some sort of comeback.

At the same time, hearing the bell, the ruins of the sword mound began to vibrate, and layers of scattered energy began to rush to the bottom layer, which was where Zhang Yan was.

One by one, the forbidden places that required great efforts to open, and the dangerous ones that were originally regarded as Jedi collapsed instantly, revealing the treasures or sundries inside.The explorers who are struggling to find these things are ecstatic, but at the same time they feel that the things they are looking for have lost the need to protect them in this ruins.

Zhang Yan was quite startled, and only then did he realize that the combination of the four swords he thought was a complete Zhuxian Sword Formation, but this was not the case. The energies gathered one after another were seamlessly integrated into the final combined formation, which Zhang Yan did not notice at all before. The subtleties are also changing accordingly.Even the subtle changes in the four swords that he thought were completely reshaped in the process seemed to truly "wake up".

What's more interesting is that these gathered energies seem to be spinning around Zhang Yan's body while perfecting the Zhuxian Sword Formation, as if confirming something.After receiving some kind of response, he sank into the sword formation.

Zhang Yan thought to himself: Am I putting on a layer of skin now?

(End of this chapter)

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