one's door

Chapter 1023

Chapter 1023
At the moment when the Zhuxian Sword Formation really reappeared.Zhang Yan now understands why this thing can kill saints.

"It's actually a way of murder?! No wonder, no wonder."

It really is step by step step by step to show the mystery.When you have not reached the final point, you will never think whether what you see is the whole picture.

It wasn't until the energies pouring in from around and scattered on all layers of the Jianzhong ruins returned to their original positions that the true face of the legendary No. [-] killer was revealed in front of Zhang Yan.

The sword array is still the same sword array, and the killing intent is still those killing intent, but the power formed is not the same.

From the sword intent to the killing intent, and then to the killing intent and sword spirit, what finally merged into the avenue showed the avenue of murderous intent.This also explains why the Zhuxian Sword Formation claims to be able to kill saints.

Even Zhang Yan soon found that he couldn't easily control the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which was displayed in full view. It only took about ten breaths for him to start showing signs of being overwhelmed, so he had to quickly put away the sword formation.Let the four killing swords be reintroduced into his primordial spirit.


Feel the weight of "heavy" in Yuanshen.Zhang Yan understood that he now had the complete and complete No. [-] killer weapon in his pocket.But at present, it is still uncertain whether this weapon belongs to him completely.After all, at the last moment, those energies gathered from all directions obviously had a process of probing him, and only after the "approval" was triggered did he enter the sword formation and finally complete it.

As for what kind of "recognition" he got, Zhang Yan definitely had something to do with the remnants of saints who invaded his soul and consciousness.

This should be a trick left by the saint on the Jade Immortal Sword Formation.


Just as Zhang Yan put away the sword array, before he could take a breath, he saw a note floating in the "nothing" in front of him.

The note wrote: Come to me in 33 days!
As soon as Zhang Yan saw these words clearly, the note turned into fly ash and disappeared.At the same time, Zhang Yan clearly felt the remnant thoughts intruding into his soul and consciousness move, and seemed to be acting according to orders.It's just that there is still no way to deal with Zhang Yan's weird, non-creature life form.After a while it stopped.

Zhang Yan was extremely fortunate, but at the same time secretly happy.His current weird life structure makes him neither a simple creature nor a real life in the world. Zhang Yan himself doesn't know what it is.Perhaps this is also a situation that is completely beyond the sage's expectations.

Otherwise, these eight characters, which are as simple as a command talisman, will definitely make Zhang Yan obediently obey the order.It is also for this reason that the sage no longer needs to make any stone tablets, stone walls, or phantoms to make a long speech.

After all, the reins are put on, so where do you need carrots?Whichever way the rope is pulled, you have to go that way.

Coming out of the bottom of the ruins, Zhang Yan did not continue to stay in this place that had lost its greatest value to him.

On the contrary, Liu Rui, who was left behind by him and superficial, was extremely busy after the great change in the ruins.Every piece of magic weapon or gold leaf or even medicine pill was stuffed into the storage bag by her like sweeping goods.This kind of posture of eating more and occupying more is the only thing she dares to do. If other immortals dared to fish so unscrupulously, they would have been killed long ago.The name of the disciple of Duanya Mountain makes people dare to be angry but dare not speak up.

"Okay, let's go. There's no need to waste time here." Zhang Yan moved to the side of Liu Rui who had just collected another piece of gold leaf.

"Master, here" Liu Rui was about to tell the whole story.But when she saw the smile on Master's face, she swallowed back all the words that followed.I understand that it is impossible for Master not to know what happened here.There must be a reason for her to leave.

When others saw Zhang Yan appearing, they quickly stood aside with their heads bowed and hands tied, not daring to leave or look directly at him.The oppressive force even made the calves of some immortals in the fairyland tremble.Those who were dissatisfied with Liu Rui's behavior before were sweating coldly on their foreheads.

The majesty of Void World No. 1 is not achieved by blowing it out, but is erected by the lives of more than a dozen Da Luo Jinxians in the Chaos School and the Pastoral School.Daluo Jinxian's life is worthless in front of Zhang Yan, not to mention the earth immortals and heavenly immortals present who can only hang out on the superficial surface.Each one is like a quail.

Leaving the ruins, that is, the master and apprentice Zhang Yan.Even the suzerains who wanted to flatter Zhang Yan didn't come out.The main reason is that the restrictions have been completely lifted in the ruins, and everyone wants to take advantage of the opportunity to get more benefits.

"Liu Rui. Remember from now on, you can enjoy any benefits in the Void World from now on, but they can't take the majority. You can't eat too much without restraint. The benefits can only continue if the water flows slowly."

"Good master." Although she said so, Liu Rui was still a little puzzled.The relics are full of ownerless objects, so why not take advantage of them?Don't you say that chance depends on ability?

Zhang Yan saw the doubt in his disciple's eyes, but he said from another aspect: "It's useless to get too much of these third-rate goods, and it's not worthwhile to have a reputation of being greedy. The Danqi Hall can make progress soon. , Only by using your own magic weapon can there be continuity, and there will be no embarrassing situation of not relying on each other.

In addition, maybe I will leave again soon, so it is best for you to keep a low profile in the void world.Business should continue, but don't take a second look at things that shouldn't or are not suitable for you.

do you understand me? "

"Disciple understands!" Liu Rui understood after hearing this.The truth is like "leave a bite for others".In her opinion, this is the compromise made by the Master in order to maintain the new void world order that has been formed with great difficulty.Otherwise, according to her thinking, how difficult is it to rule the entire void with the strength of the master?Even if all the worlds are searched, it depends on who dares to jump as high as possible.

But Liu Rui also understands that she is not in charge of the cliff mountain.Even in some general directions, even her elder brother Wang Nian didn't count.It is up to Master to make up his mind.

After the master and apprentice returned to Huangtianyu, Liu Rui was called by the two senior brothers to ask about the situation.The harvest she brought back from the ruins this time will also be taken out for the mountain gate for storage.But Zhang Yan directly returned to his backyard in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, and lived a leisurely life "without contending with the world".

This kind of "leisure" of Zhang Yan seems to be favored by the military department in his body and the dull thoughts in his consciousness.According to the instructions of the order talisman that gave Zhang Yan the last order in the ruins, he should now be "hardly searching" on the way to 33 days, instead of leisurely playing with the sword array of Zhu Xian's Four Swords, and fighting against Sort out the extremely mysterious magic circle transformation techniques that appeared during the last sword formation fusion.

Zhang Yan made up his mind, if he didn't understand the remnants in his body, it was impossible for him to go to Chaos.

God knows if these remnants will trigger any mechanism after entering 33 days.Zhang Yan never dared to take the sage's tricks lightly.Anyway, in the void world, these remnants can't help him.

(End of this chapter)

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