one's door

Chapter 1029 Return

Chapter 1029 Return
The method of "round ball" undoubtedly pulled Zhang Yan out of trouble again.

Without the support of energy, those parts of the remnants that Zhang Yan did not understand also dissipated directly.There is almost no ability to resist this kind of method in the face of the "round ball".

After promising the "ball" a big meal, Zhang Yan put the ball back to sleep.On the other hand, he continued to sit cross-legged in mid-air, repeatedly sorting out the state of his primordial spirit and consciousness in his body at this time.Finally, after confirming that there is no residue left, I am completely relieved.

Now the last shred of worry is gone.Zhang Yan took out the Four Swords of Zhu Xian again, and the feeling that there was always a layer of estrangement disappeared completely.Even when the Four Swords were brought into the primordial spirit's warming and nourishing, there was a kind of smoothness of harmony and interpenetration, which had never happened before.

Zhang Yan knew that at this moment, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian truly belonged to him.

Coupled with the Wanxiang Pearl in his hand, and the "copying" golden Jiao scissors, Zhang Yan felt that the magic weapon in his hand should be enough.Even in the face of a saint, it can be said that there are no mistakes.

"It's time to go back and have a look." Zhang Yan suddenly said to himself.At the same time, he thought for a while, and did not disturb the three disciples who had already moved to the Immortal Realm, and his figure disappeared from the small courtyard at the back of the cliff mountain in an instant.

When Zhang Yan reappeared, he was already in an unknown domain.

Compared with trying his luck in the turbulent flow of the void, Zhang Yan still felt that the probability of encountering the passage of void collapse in the torrent of the unknown domain was higher.As for the danger in the unknown domain, Zhang Yan felt that he could easily deal with it at this time.

In less than ten days, Zhang Yan encountered two void torrents in the unknown domain.The first place is a little small, but the second place fits.After entering, Zhang Yan also found the passage leading to the collapse of the void leading to the chaotic domain as he wished, and rushed in without any hesitation.

Chaotic Domain is still the same, dead silent.

There are also some wreckage of independent spaces scattered in the chaotic land like void.Although there are very few of them, they can be used as road signs to guide Zhang Yan to walk in front of here, so there is even no need to use the star map.

These wreckages were left over from a crazy devour when Zhang Yan came to the chaotic domain last time.At this time, he is not interested in the many independent spaces that still exist.Stepping into the realm of Daluo Jinxian, there is not much need for pure energy.Comprehending and comprehending the Dao is the right way, and being obsessed with the superficial power brought by energy is the wrong way.

So Zhang Yan is now very satisfied with his own strength, and even feels that he doesn't need to increase it for a long time.The focus is on the context of the avenue.The more you comprehend, the stronger your strength will be.This is a level jump that cannot be achieved by brute force.

Along the way, the space wreck arrived at the sea area of ​​Ao Island again.Zhang Yan had a different feeling in his heart than before.

When Zhang Yan came here for the first time, he didn't really feel much.The main reason is that I was frightened, my heart was shocked everywhere, and I had very little thoughts to think about.

When I came here for the second time, I already figured out the general details of this place, and finally relied on my own special means and "coincidence" to touch the vicinity of Ao Island, and got the six-hundred soul banner, the magic weapon of the Tongtian sage.At the same time, he also understood that his previous worries were not unfounded, on the contrary, he was right.It also indirectly confirmed his identity as a "chess piece".

This is the third time Zhang Yan has come here.The new feeling was strange and at the same time made his blood boil.He actually felt a kind of hostility towards him from this sea area? !
An independent space that is not even considered as a world naturally has no consciousness and no life.Then this kind of hostility can't come from the space level, but can only come from the suppressed one on Ao Island.

Although it is not clear what the state of that one is at this moment.But Zhang Yan is sure that the law is clear about what he did in the void.Including getting the Six Soul Banner but not using it, it was deducted.And get rid of those remnants and completely control the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.Finally, there is the last seven or nine heavenly catastrophes that resisted the wrath of the saint.All these can be summed up to explain the undisguised hostility towards Zhang Yan from the Ao Island sea area.

"Ao Xun, I'm here."

Zhang Yan still hovered on the edge of stepping into this space, and then opened his mouth to call.The sound quickly spread through the sea to the entire sea area.

After waiting for a short time, after waves of movement in the space, the sea water rose from below, and half of the huge Ao Xun emerged from the water, grinning, but it could be discerned that it was actually smiling.

"Zhang Daoyou, you can count. You! You! You." Ao Xun got stuck before finishing a sentence.A pair of big eyes widened, as if seeing something unbelievable.

"Huh? What's your expression like?"

"Dao, Fellow Daoist, isn't your cultivation in the Golden Immortal Realm? Big, big Luo already?!" Ao Xun claimed to have seen the world.How many years have they been kept in captivity?Those who enter and exit Aodao Biyou Palace are either Jinxian or Daluo. Even if they can't reach that level, they can train their eyesight.And the reason it was shocked at this time was that it didn't take long, why did Zhang Yan become a big Luo Jinxian?Could it be that a dozen or even dozens of clubs have passed outside?
"Well, I was lucky enough to enter the realm of Daluo. No, I will come to you as soon as there is progress. Didn't you say that you want to leave here last time? There has been no suitable place for you before. Now there is .At that time, you only need to move this sea area together, and you should be able to start a new life there."

Ao Xun helped Zhang Yan a lot, and he wanted to repay Zhang Yan so that the other party would not live in fear all the time.In addition, Zhang Yan also knows that Ao Xun should also be a "coincidence", but it is not a "coincidence" made by the saint on Ao Island. If the "coincidence" is completely removed from the chessboard, will there be new variables?

By completely messing up the chessboard, Zhang Yan, a rebellious chess piece, will have more opportunities and leeway to move around.


"It's natural." Zhang Yan answered with a smile.The place he was referring to was a layer of Tianwaitian evolved from the Huangtian Territory, and it was also similar to the chaotic rules here.Just smaller.But it is no problem to accommodate this sea area, and it is suitable to accommodate Ao Xun.

"But this sea is not easy to move away!" Although Ao Xun was excited, he also understood that his situation could not be changed just by thinking about it.It is even more impossible to take away the sea area that they depend on for survival.If it weren't for Zhang Yan's cultivation base that had entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian at this time, Ao Xun would not have asked so many questions, and would have just sneered and disbelieved.But now I still have some thoughts.

Zhang Yan also laughed and said, "How will you know if you don't try?"

(End of this chapter)

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