one's door

Chapter 1030 Landing on the Island

Chapter 1030 Landing on the Island
Zhang Yan had already touched the edge of Ao Island when he was a Jinxian. He thought he could get there easily now, but the result was different.Inexplicably, the gap in the outer magic circle that Zhang Yan had sneaked into last time couldn't get through.Or it was added.

"There has always been a gap here before, why did it suddenly disappear?" Ao Xun didn't understand, let alone why.

Zhang Yan also didn't understand, but he understood why there was such a change.Because there was one party who hoped that he could get close to Ao Island.Such a gap was left after a game.Maybe the gap shouldn't exist, or it can be closed.It's just left to wait for someone who is destined to use it.

But now Zhang Yan is no longer a predestined person, so naturally he won't leave any gaps.

"What should we do? We can't break this formation now. Otherwise, don't go to Ao Island, is there any other way?" Although Ao Xun was unwilling, but at the same time he was naturally afraid of the formation restriction in the waters of Ao Island.When there was a leak, he still dared to jump twice, but now that the leak was gone, he wanted to walk around it from the bottom of his heart.

But Zhang Yan shook his head and said: "No matter how you move this piece of sea, you need to know how to arrange the restrictions on the inner circle of Ao Island. Otherwise, you don't dare to move this piece of sea. It's easy to make a mistake It conflicts with the prohibition. Therefore, no matter whether it is to remove all or only a part, it is necessary to cut into Ao Island first, and then look at the internal prohibition step by step.

Moreover, although the restrictions on the outer circle are strong, they will definitely not cooperate with the restrictions on the inner circle, and they must be separate.We don't need to completely break the formation, we just need to break through. "

"If you say that, are you sure, Fellow Daoist Zhang?" Ao Xun couldn't help feeling a little hot when he thought of Zhang Yan's current cultivation.Here it is really enough.Can't wait to leave.

Zhang Yan just nodded.He said he was sure he had it, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the initiative to come here.After all, the strength of the peripheral restrictions was already known the time he came here before.Now he is not what it used to be in terms of cultivation level or skills, he dare not say that he broke through the formation, but he is still sure to break through and land on the island.

"Then how are you going to break it?"

Zhang Yan still didn't reply, and when he raised his hand, a pair of gorgeous blood-red scissors that were one foot long appeared in his hand.As soon as the scissors came out, the sharp aura from them rushed towards the face, and it also carried the most headache-inducing corrosion smell in the void.Even Ao Xun can feel this.

"This looks like the golden jiao scissors?!" As one of the captive groups in the residence of the leader of Jiejiao, Ao Xun still has some knowledge, and the golden jiaojiao scissors are originally the things of Jiejiao. Although the color difference is not small, other The place is not bad at all.

"It's the blood dragon scissors. This thing is very similar to the surrounding magic circle. It will be less repelled, and it is sharp enough. It should not be difficult to cut a passage." Zhang Yan didn't wait for Ao Xun to ask any more questions. As soon as it was raised, the blood dragon scissors turned into two blood-colored dragons and wrapped around Zhang Yan's body. Then, following Zhang Yan's Yukong forward, it also exuded a terrifying momentum of cutting everything, and plunged into the outer restricted sea area.

Using the previous rules to weave a net to protect himself, then use the blood dragon to cut the way, and at the same time hold the Wanxiangzhu into a book in his hand, Zhang Yan didn't feel that it was too difficult to deal with all the way in.

But I have to say that although Zhang Yan's web weaving has reduced the intensity of the forbidden counterattack, it is still terrifying just by looking at the posture.A series of water dragons tossed and crashed in the sea, tearing and colliding, and at the same time exerted the suppressive force of the prohibition to tear up the web in front of Zhang Yan.In the end, Zhang Yan used the book on the ground to block it, and tried his best to stabilize his forward speed.

Zhang Yan almost used his fastest flying speed when he was not moving, covered a distance of hundreds of miles, and finally rushed out from the sea area he had been to last time without any danger, jumping to Shanghai for the first time In front of us, we really set foot on the beach of Ao Island.

There was a rustling sound from underfoot.Surrounding Zhang Yan actually gave Zhang Yan a relaxed visual sense of sunshine, negative waves, soft sand and quiet vacation.Of course, if there were no water dragons still churning and roaring silently in the restraint behind them, everything would really be like a vacation.

"This is Ao Island?" Zhang Yan muttered in his heart, and at the same time he habitually wanted to use his spiritual thoughts to probe out, but the result was even worse than outside the island. The spiritual thoughts could only overflow his body less than five feet before being directly crushed by the chaotic energy Broken.

However, as the residence of the leader of Jiejiao, the inability to penetrate the divine sense does not mean that there is no direction.A lone mountain stands in the middle of the island, and a green palace can be vaguely seen on the top of the mountain.

"Is that Biyou Palace over there?"

I don't know if it was his own illusion, but when Zhang Yan looked at the palace on the distant mountain, he had the feeling that the eyes of the same people in the palace were cast on him.

Is it near the palace?Zhang Yan didn't think it was a good idea.Now he was very careful even taking the first step forward, and he didn't dare to lift his legs easily.This place is different from the outer magic circle passed over just now.It is a place used to suppress saints.Internally strong, externally must not be a display.After all, it is necessary to prevent the saint inside from escaping, and at the same time prevent the people outside from breaking the formation to rescue.

This is a restriction jointly arranged by several saints. Zhang Yan feels that he is far from qualified to try it out.

The purpose of Zhang Yan's coming here is mainly to touch the connection between the formation here and the outer sea space.Once it is confirmed that the formation restriction here is independent, or if it only borrows a part of the stability of the space, then what he promised Ao Xun before can be fulfilled.Just remove the sea, or part of it.

At the same time, Zhang Yan's visit here is also a kind of "counterattack".What is the biggest counterattack of a chess piece?Of course it is "What do you want me to do, I don't want to."

Disrupting "coincidence" and "arrangement" will also disturb your mood.It's okay to say that Zhang Yan is acting out of his emotions, or that he urgently needs to vent the depression in his chest.

He didn't move, for fear of touching the island's restrictions.However, the divine sense can go out for more than five feet, and Zhang Yan's understanding of the formation is still very easy to touch the "shell" of the restriction.

Zhang Yan doesn't need to figure out what dangers or mysteries are hidden in the restriction on this island, he just needs to figure out whether the restriction is connected with the outside sea area, and if so, how deep is the connection.

So although the difficulty is not small, it is not impossible for Zhang Yan to do it.

After a long time, Zhang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then his head felt dizzy.

This is not Zhang Yanzhong's conspiracy, but that he had exhausted his mental energy just now, and his cognitive limit has been stretched to the limit. Now he will feel dizzy when he calms down. This is because his soul and consciousness are a little weak the result of.

"Fortunately, the restriction here should take into account the possibility that someone may break through the restriction by destroying the space, so the restriction is completely independent of this space. It doesn't even seem to have anything to do with this dead and chaotic domain. Pure splits everything.

This saves me a lot of trouble. "

Zhang Yan achieved his goal and prepared to leave.Afterwards, he only needs to remove the outer sea area and bring it back to the Desolate Sky Territory.This can be regarded as completely disrupting all the arrangements of the saints on both sides in the chaotic domain, right?
Before leaving, Zhang Yan took one last look at Biyou Palace.But when he was about to turn around, a flash of light left a few fleeting words on the palace: If you want to go home, come see me.

(End of this chapter)

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