one's door

Chapter 1040 Rolling

Chapter 1040 Rolling
Tongtian's reliance is that he is also a saint, and he is also in the vein of the Dao. It is almost impossible to kill him.And he was holding a life-saving spirit treasure in his hand, which was this Biyou Palace.Even if he is trapped now, he can still resist effectively with these means.That's how he dealt with his besiegers and the saints of the two religions at the beginning.

However, when Tongtian saw that Zhang Yan put out the Zhuxian sword array and directly embedded it into the surrounding restrictions, his mentality was not as stable as it was at the beginning.

Although Tong Tian didn't say some words, they were extremely shocking in my heart.

Tongtian had always thought that Zhang Yan would not be able to disperse him by staying in the Liuhun Banner and Zhuxian Sword Formation.It's already surprising that it can't be affected as it is now, and it's impossible for Lingbao to use it.After all, who would be willing to use something that has hidden dangers and may strike back at any time?

But now Zhang Yan not only took out the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but also couldn't see any influence.Not only that, it can also directly embed the Zhuxian Sword Formation into the restraint.This shows that Zhang Yan not only completely grasps the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but also completely grasps the restrictions around him!

How can this be? !Tong Tian didn't know how to express it in words.Compared to his Zhuxian Sword Formation being taken away by others, the complete change of the surrounding restrictions made him feel chills on his back.You must know that the restriction was set up by the four saints in the first place, and he has been trapped here completely unable to move.In his view, it is an indestructible existence.Now it is kneading in Zhang Yan's hands as casually as dough? !

This is not right.

With the combination of confinement and Zhuxian Sword Formation, Tongtian felt that waves of danger were looming over his head.

The need for words is not at this time, and it is impossible to just bluff without actual actions after pulling out the posture.So just when Tongtian began to feel that the situation was not what he imagined, Zhang Yan's method came.

Zhang Yan didn't bother much, and his idea was "simple and rude".Isn't Tongtian relying on the Lingbao Palace in his hand?Then smash the palace directly.With the restriction that he has perfected now and the complete No. [-] killer weapon in the wild, Zhang Yan does not believe that this Lingbao can hold it forever.

And in today's restriction, it is extremely difficult for Tongtian to use all his strength to use this Lingbao palace.Because Zhang Yan can use the perfected restriction to cut off the connection between Tongtian and Dao at any time.Without the help of Dao's power, Zhang Yan wondered how long Tongtian could last.Is it time for a stick of incense?Or two sticks?

In fact, Zhang Yan's guess was wrong. Tongtian's support time was far longer than one or two sticks of incense, but he had tried his best, but in the end he still couldn't hold the spirit treasure in his hand.

Amidst bursts of crackling sounds, large pieces of Biyou Palace began to crack and fall off, and the walls and roof gradually collapsed.Strands of restrictions and the restrictions and powers from the Zhuxian Sword Formation in the restrictions also invaded along the flaws exposed after the collapse.This is the first time Tongtian has encountered a dangerous situation face to face after being trapped in Biyou Palace for many years.It was also the first time for him to personally experience the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the first prehistoric weapon refined by himself.

The shock and perplexity of this contact with Babel was even worse.He found that both the prohibition and the Zhuxian Sword Formation that he was familiar with had become so strange at this time.

"Such a thick avenue?! How is this possible?!"

Tongtian is very clear about what the Dao context means to a saint.In the prehistoric world, he can be one against four, relying on his own comprehension and comprehension of the truth of the Dao, which is far above other saints.In addition, I have always been strong in absorbing energy, so I can save my life under the siege.He could even devise some means of self-rescue after hesitating his boat.For example, completely cut off 33 days, such as migrating countless creatures from the lower world to the void world, etc.
But now, Tongtian is proud of the comprehension of the Dao Zhili, which has no advantage at all, and is in an extremely passive, and it can even be said to be completely crushed situation.

If he could still grit his teeth and persevere in other places, fighting the pain, the other party might not be able to do anything about him.But now there is the Immortal Execution Sword Formation!The ability of Zhuxian Sword Formation to kill saints is not bragging, it really has this ability!
Looking back at Zhang Yan's description of strolling in the courtyard, he also understood a lot from Tong Tian's reaction at this time.For example, why is this restriction so simple.It should be "simple" in his eyes, but the saints in the wild don't think so.Even Tongtian looked a little weak in his hands, and it was not difficult to judge the strength of those saints who were defeated by Tongtian one by one.

Zhang Yan was also thinking in his heart that he was obviously sanctified much later than Tongtian and the others, and even counting the time, he might not even have one in ten million of the other party's sanctification.Why did he jump up and surpass the opponent by such a large amount?

Perhaps the only thing that can explain this unbelievable thing is the strange and miraculous trinity in Zhang Yan's body, which makes him have a life level similar to that of Hongzu after he joined the Tao.And there is also the convenience of being directly connected to the road.

It may take a few yuan for saints such as Tongtian to comprehend a little bit of the truth of the Dao, but Zhang Yan only needs to "bend down and pick it up". The reason why the first saint was unable to resist after being suppressed and cleaned up.

When the entire Lingbao palace collapsed, Zhang Yan suddenly raised the power of the prohibition and Zhuxian sword array to the highest level, and raised his hand, the blood scissors also appeared in his hand, and when it was raised, it turned into two huge The blood-colored flood dragon began to pounce on the Tongtian Saint who was in the ruins with a rather embarrassed face and even a messy bun.


A mouthful of holy blood spewed out from Tongtian's mouth, and his face turned blue.His consumption is not only the energy in his body, but also the damage to his life and soul after being invaded by killing intent.

Tong Tian shouted clearly in his heart that he could no longer hold on to his current situation, otherwise soon if his primordial spirit couldn't bear it, then the last barrier to hide his fate would disappear, and he would really be killed.

"Can fellow daoist Zhang stop here? Fellow daoist, what orders does Tongtian have to obey, no matter what!"

Zhang Yan nodded, and paused for a while in various ways, which was considered to give Tongtian a chance to breathe, but at the same time he kept suppressing.

It is impossible for Tongtian to kneel down and beg for mercy. After all, the saint's worth is there, so he can't be too insulting.In other words, it can be killed but not humiliated.

So Zhang Yan directly stated his main purpose of coming to Tongtian for a "heart-to-heart talk" this time: "How can I leave the void world like the Great Desolate World did back then, and go to the place where my soul was born?"

(End of this chapter)

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