one's door

Chapter 1041 The Truth

Chapter 1041 The Truth
"I can guide you, but you must bring me with you." Although he was persuaded softly, Tong Tian didn't just lie flat and step on it, he still held the chips in his hand.

Zhang Yan was not surprised by this.The last time he came to Ao Island, he couldn't forget the handwriting left on Biyou Palace, which was also the reason why he came here.It is reasonable for Tongtian to use this as a bargaining price.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Tongtian, do you still have a choice now?"

"Of course there is. The big deal is death. You are also a saint. Do you think a saint is afraid of death? Death is death, but if you want to force death to take away the method of breaking the void, that is wishful thinking."

Zhang Yan also had to admit Tong Tian's words.Although he can indeed kill Tongtian, and it won't take much effort.But there are really not many ways to force the other party to hand over what he wants.Are saints afraid of death?How can you be afraid of death when you are numb to life?

"Indeed, it is impossible for a saint to be afraid of death. I also have no way to extract the desired information from the memory of a saint. It seems that I can only negotiate with fellow Taoist Tongtian. As long as you tell me how to go back, I will Bring you with me. It's not difficult for me." Zhang Yan didn't bargain with the other party, because there was no room for delay in this kind of transaction.He'll find it elsewhere.

However, Zhang Yan's little calculation was obviously expected by Tongtian.

Hearing Tong Tian laughingly said: "Daoyou Zhang is not just pretending to keep me imprisoned in this restriction and bring me along with the restriction, it will be regarded as fulfilling the promise? Or will he kill me after taking me back?
In fact, there is no need.Because Zhang Daoyou, if you understand the situation you will face when you go back, you will find that I can actually be your good helper.Otherwise, even with your current strength, you will still suffer a lot over there. "

At this time, Tongtian seized the time to appease Zhang Yan and fight for better treatment for himself.At the same time, it is also adjusting the breath.But when things got to this point, he was actually a little more sure.After all, even if Zhang Yan is stronger than he imagined, he is just a "junior" who started to practice in the void world, and most of his vision is only limited to the void world, as well as a few words in Taoist scriptures and legends.Absolutely no idea about Honghuang.This is where Tongtian feels that he needs to use it no matter what.

Zhang Yan heard the other party's voice.My heart moved slightly.He admitted that Tongtian's guess just now was not wrong. He really wanted to take Tongtian back first. As for whether to keep Tongtian trapped in this restriction or kill him directly after returning.He hasn't thought about these things yet.

But now there is something in Tongtian's talk, which also aroused Zhang Yan's interest.

"Oh? Fellow Daoist Tongtian, you can tell me so that I can hear the differences between the Great Desolate World and the Void."

Tongtian didn't hold back, he knew that his words had an effect, and the next step was to persuade Zhang Yan to release him and accept him as a "friend".

So Tongtian introduced: "Friend Zhang, you also know the essential difference between the Void World and the Great Desolate World. The difference lies in the life in the world. The life in the ordinary world can only evolve slowly after the world is opened. Who pays attention to and cares about them. But the Great Desolate World is different from the Huangtian Territory where fellow Taoists live. I don’t think I need to repeat this point, right?
In addition, there is another difference in that the Dao in the void world is blurred, and it is very difficult to comprehend and contact.This also makes it impossible for a saint to appear in the void world.However, Honghuang has a clearer and more stable avenue.As long as the number of saints is still within the tolerance range of the prehistoric, then Da Luo Jinxian will have a chance to become holy.On the contrary, if the quota is full, it will not be possible.

So when it comes to this, another big difference between the Void World and the Great Desolation lies in the connection with the Dao.And the number of strong ones. "

Speaking of this, Tong Tian paused, seemed to remember something, smiled again on his face, and then asked Zhang Yan, "Do you think that the desolate world you are in is incompatible with the void world?"

"Huang Tianyu is an anomaly just like me. Is there something else to say here?" Zhang Yan frowned slightly.

"Zhang Daoyou, you are one of the countless fates that I changed after I was trapped. You are also the only one who successfully reached the void world. The rest either died naturally, or were blocked by people and Chan. Among them There is no need to go into details. But my ability is only limited to this. So the "different" of the Huangtianyu has nothing to do with me. Then guess who wrote the Huangtianyu? Including your hand Have you ever thought about its origin?"

Zhang Yan rolled his eyes, but did not answer.Although Tongtian only spoke halfway, Zhang Yan already guessed the answer from the context of the other party's words.Even the strongest sage in a prehistoric world like Tongtian couldn't arrange an "unusual" world like Huangtianyu, and the world and the world are of the same kind.When these two items are combined, the only thing that can do this is about to come out.

Besides Patriarch Hongjun, would there be anyone else?

This also gave Zhang Yan a convincing answer about the origin of Wanxiangzhu.Similarly, apart from Hongzu, it seems that no one can refine the Wanxiangzhu, a magic weapon that Zhang Yan has not been able to fully understand until now.

"Hehe, it seems that Fellow Daoist Zhang has a good idea. That fellow Daoist might as well think about it a little bit more. I worked so hard to send Fellow Daoist's soul to the Void World in the hope that Fellow Daoist can help me one day, and I'm trying to save myself. That Hongzu Why did you make Huangtianyu look like Honghuang now?"

why?It can't be a sudden whim or a dizzy brain, and it has no purpose, right?
Tongtian made it very clear.He sent Zhang Yan here to save himself.The great ancestor must also have a purpose to send the Wanxiang Pearl and create another barren sky domain like the Great Desolate World.

It's just that there is too little information, Zhang Yan can't guess the meaning behind it smoothly.

"I would like to hear the great opinion of Fellow Daoist Tongtian." Zhang Yan arched his hands, and he suddenly realized that his desire to go back did not seem to be just his own wish.The "sense of connection" that had disappeared from him once again made him feel like nothing.

Tongtian clearly noticed the subtle changes in Zhang Yan's body. The ease with which he had shown when handling him before had subsided, and was replaced by a bitter evil spirit, which seemed to be a natural reaction after feeling some kind of threat.This is in line with his expectations.

Tong Tian then smiled and said: "I dare not speculate on the specific reasons, after all, Hong Zu's means and ideas have gone beyond my comprehension after joining the Dao.

But there is one point that may be a reference for Zhang Daoyou.That is, whether it is a monk or a fairy, or a life at the world level, in order to become stronger, it is engraved in the instinct.

So I think Zhang Daoyou can think about it from this aspect. After all, the Huangtianyu and the Great Desolate World should have the same mold, and the ancestors of Dao and the Great Desolate World are combined together, and what they want should be similar. "

Communicating?Is it instinct to become stronger?Harmony?
Zhang Yan frowned deeply.Reminded by Tongtian, he followed this logic and combined with his own understanding of Huangtianyu, and soon there was a possibility that horrified him: Hongzu was cultivating a primer that could be devoured by the prehistoric and then become stronger. ? !
(End of this chapter)

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