one's door

Chapter 1042 Playing Chess

Chapter 1042 Playing Chess
For Huang Tianyu, what does it mean to become stronger?It is natural to evolve to a higher stage.This is actually the same as the pursuit of a higher realm in spiritual practice.

It's just that the living beings only need to be honest and keep enlightening when their talents allow it. As long as the "reason" still exists, they will definitely gain something.

But Huang Tianyu can't do it. Although its evolution can be accumulated slowly and naturally, when it encounters a "bottleneck", there is no way to survive it by itself.This is very different from living things.

It's like Huang Tianyu perfected himself with devouring before the world first opened.Later, it also relied on devouring to survive the initial stage of mutation.Later, when pursuing completeness, we still rely on devouring the big world to finally determine the direction.Even in the end, Chaotic Domain was devoured to have the current world structure.

It can be said that Huang Tianyu's instinct to become stronger is actually reflected in the word "swallow".

Taking this as a lesson, what about the Great Desolate World, which has exactly the same underlying structure as the Huangtianyu?Is it the same?
If the same is true in the Great Desolate World, then it would make perfect sense to give Zhang Yan Wanxiangzhu to Zhang Yan, who was one with the Great Desolate Great World, and create a world anomaly like the Desolate Heaven Territory.

Taking Zhang Yan, an anomaly brought to the Void World by Tongtian, as a starting point, he cultivated a super world life similar to the Great Desolate World, and then passed it back to be devoured and perfected by the Great Desolate World.One Desolate Sky Territory might not be enough, so raise a few more.There will always be opportunities.

Even according to this speculation, the appearance time of Wanxiangzhu is even more suspicious.It was obviously an arrangement made in advance.It should be counted in the sky.Or are those saints in the prehistoric period and the war of the three religions all part of this calculation?

If you think about it like this, Zhang Yan feels cold all over.Even Tong Tian, ​​who was described as a mess in front of him, became pitiful.

What chess player?A fart chess player!Everyone is just pawns!

Seeing that Zhang Yan remained silent, Tongtian continued: "All of us prehistoric saints were sanctified under the eyes of our ancestors. Either it is the so-called "sanctification of merit and virtue", or I became sanctified by practicing and enlightening like this. .In fact, the difference is only in the width of the channel to gain enlightenment.

Merits and virtues are all superficial, and they can be bestowed on whoever the ancestor wants after he joined the Dao.Naturally worthless.When comprehending the Dao, the channel is the smallest.In addition, the Dao was covered by Hongzu, and only those released can be enlightened.

It's better for me to cultivate the Tao with a ray of primordial purple energy.However, because the Primordial Purple Qi originated from the prehistoric times and was also restrained by the Taoist ancestors in a disguised form, although it is better to comprehend the Dao than those who have achieved the Tao, it is not much better.Only by looking at the talent can we tell the difference between the high and the low.

Everything originated from Hongzu, and even many methods were passed down from Hongzu.Therefore, all saints in the prehistoric world called Hongzu their teacher.From this point of view, going on, who in the prehistoric world can escape the gift of the great ancestor?
So I'm very curious about how you obtained Daoist Zhang Daoyou.And in such a short period of time, he has accumulated such a deep and deep vein of the Dao, which is several times higher than me!
I don't know how far fellow Taoist has cultivated at this time, but in terms of the thickness of the veins of the Dao alone, it is already stronger than the time when Hong Zu first joined the Dao at Fenbaoya Fenbao.This is simply subversion!

I can say with certainty, Zhang Daoyou, your current strength is definitely far beyond Hongzu's expectations! "

Tong Tian's words threw a big stone into Zhang Yan's not-so-calm heart, and the waves were bigger than before.And he is also gradually expressing his own attitude intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhang Yan still didn't speak, but thought carefully in his heart.If he can't figure things out, he won't communicate with Tongtian again.After all, this can be said to be some of the core information of the prehistoric world.

If they are all true, then the true appearance of the Great Desolate World is completely different from what is said in the Taoist scriptures.

Is the Great Desolate World the dojo of the ancestor Hongjun?

Suddenly, Zhang Yan seemed to feel that he was the same from Tongtian's few words?Is Huang Tianyu his own dojo?

You can turn to Zhang Yan and directly reject this idea.Because he and Hongjun Patriarch seem very similar, but in fact there are other differences.The biggest difference is that the ancestor Hongjun grew into a half-life and half-world life after joining the Dao, and he could no longer even be separated from the Great Desolate World.And Zhang Yan didn't need to join the Tao, he had already reached the same life structure as Hongjun's ancestor, and he was free and independent.

Therefore, although Huang Tianyu can also be said to be Zhang Yan's dojo, Zhang Yan's attitude towards the dojo is completely different from that of Hongjun ancestor.It is more about operating as one's own power, rather than breeding and simply using it.

Of course, it's hard to say how much Tongtian's words are true or false.Even if it was all the truth, Zhang Yan would not believe it immediately, and could only use it as a reference.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian seems very dissatisfied with Hongzu?" Zhang Yan's brows relaxed again.He also wanted to understand that his advantage lies in his ability to advance and retreat, as well as his unique identity.Even if he really wants to face the legendary Hongzu, he is not without confidence.

At this time, Tongtian has nothing to hide.He said frankly: "Yes, I was the first to bear the brunt of Hongzu's calculations. I have said so many fellow daoists before, and I should have guessed it? You and I are just pawns, and even my pawn is not as good as yours. The kind you throw away.

So Zhang Daoyou, don’t you have to blame me for life and death?After all, I am also a "knife", but the handle of the knife is held in Hongzu's hand. "

Zhang Yan shook his head with a smile and said, "Fellow Daoist Tongtian, I will not hide what I have said to you. I listen to what you say, but I dare not believe it. But I can still promise you to take you back together. And I can Guaranteed, once you don't lie to me, I will let you out immediately after I go back and the grievances with you will be written off.

But if you lie to me and have other plans, then I'm sorry, I believe that even if you return to the Great Desolate World, you will inevitably continue to be imprisoned in this restriction, or even be killed. "

"Zhang Daoyou is cautious. Anyway, I can understand." After a pause, Tongtian said again: "I will tell Zhang Daoyou the key to Shattering the Void separately."

"Yes, fellow Daoist Tongtian, please tell me."

"First of all, it is necessary to tear apart all the spatial layers of the void, and then use the volume of the world to invade into the tearing opening to slowly expand the gap. Therefore, the evolution strength of the world is very important, because the greater the expansion, the greater the impact of the void will be. The bigger it gets, the more empty talk it will be if the world can’t support it.”

"And then? Is it gone?"

"Then we have to wait until Fellow Daoist Zhang's Desolate Sky Territory meets the requirements. Maybe Fellow Daoist Zhang can try it out by himself when he goes back. If it doesn't work, you can come find me again. Then it should be time for us to go home together."

(End of this chapter)

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