one's door

Chapter 1043 Dialectics

Chapter 1043 Dialectics
Time became more and more meaningless in Zhang Yan's body.The only witness is the steady evolution gain of Huang Tianyu.

In Huang Tianyu's words, it is now a fat man who can develop horizontally. He can't grow taller, but it is still no problem to grow flesh.

The so-called "growth flesh" in Huangtianyu is not only widening and thickening its own layers of space, but also buffing the internally evolved creatures.From the soul, but also from the structure of the body.Let the creatures who are not suitable for practice in the wild sky begin to have access to practice conditionally, so that the creatures who already have this talent become more potential.Even those lofty immortals continued to enjoy these gifts from the Desolate Heaven Realm.

"Actually, all the creatures in this world should be grateful to you." Zhang Yan said sincerely to a white-robed scribe sitting opposite him while making tea.

"Grateful? There is no need. Evolving creatures is what I should do instinctively. What's more, you also said that I may need these creatures to help protect me in the future. How can I thank you for things that are mutually beneficial?"

"In your opinion, it is mutual benefit, but in the eyes of living beings, it is your gift. After all, it is a matter of life and death. Even if you don't give these benefits to the creatures in the world, they will protect you with all their might." Zhang Yan's words are quite emotion.He feels that Huang Tianyu seems to have a little human touch now.If it is walking on the street, no one will recognize that it is not a human.

Whether it's camouflage or adaptation, Huang Tianyu's appearance has changed a lot in Zhang Yan's eyes.

After waving his hands, Huang Tianyu, who looked like a scholar in white robes, smiled and said, "Don't lift me up, why don't you tell me about your plan? Before you said that there must be enough strong people, and that I must have enough latitude and toughness. .Now I think these two aspects are enough? There are eight big Luos in the Huangtian Territory, and you are in charge, even if the Great Desolate World you talk about is not empty.

Furthermore, the steps you let me try to break the void are all stable, we can completely withstand the gap at the bottom of the void and prevent it from healing, and even expand the gap to a large extent.It's all based on what you said.

But you seem to be hesitating first.

Why? "

A long time ago, Huangtianyu was told by Zhang Yan that there are other worlds besides the void world, and in that world there is a super world that is as powerful as Huangtianyu or even more powerful.That is, the Great Desolate World.

So Huang Tianyu was making preparations for what Zhang Yan called "going to another world".Whether it is evolution or the attempt to shatter the void, it is based on this purpose.

But now when none of these goals seemed to be an obstacle, Zhang Yan remained silent.This made Huang Tianyu very curious, and that's why it took the initiative to come here to drink tea today.

Huang Tianyu felt a rare "hesitation" from Zhang Yan.

Sighed.Zhang Yan boiled the tea and poured it into his and Huang Tianyu's cups, and then said: "I am indeed hesitant. First of all, I really hope to go back to the original world of my soul, even if it has been changed and even disappeared. , I still want to see it.

Secondly, I feel that whether I go back or not depends entirely on my own wishes, but if I go back to fulfill my wishes but also fulfill the wishes of Hongjun Patriarch, I still feel like I am being controlled by the other party.

And the prehistoric world is not easy!Although your growth rate is amazing, in the final analysis, you have no advantage in front of the Great Desolate World, and you are even at an absolute disadvantage in terms of time.My hesitation lies in whether it is worth dragging you into the water to take risks for an inexplicable obsession of mine? "

To put it bluntly, after Zhang Yan calmed down at this time, he found that although he was in the chess game, he had considerable autonomy.Even the chess game played by Patriarch Hongjun could not force him at this time.He can completely ignore it, and it is not a problem to settle down directly in this game of chess, and no one can interfere with him.

In this way, finding the way back has become a "cost-effective" choice.

After listening to Zhang Yan's words, Huang Tianyu also understood that this should be a typical expression of the so-called "thinking about gains and losses" in the emotions of living beings.This kind of emotion is beyond understanding, and it is also impossible to empathize with it.Because in its view, evolution is the only and unstoppable direction.For this direction, all the rest can be discarded as the case may be.

After thinking for a while, Huang Tianyu said: "Falling leaves always return to their roots. Your roots don't belong to the void world, and this place has lost all the fun for you. Instead of slowly decaying here, it's better to fight and move forward in the wind and waves There is no end to becoming stronger. Dangerousness is not static. Yesterday’s danger is just a puddle on the road today. Letting go of your heart is the way you should practice.”

"Huh? Who did you learn from? It looks like those liars who go around the world to deceive the world." Zhang Yan laughed at once. Not only does Huang Tianyu look the same as a real person now, but even the way he speaks , Even the expression and eyes are hard to distinguish between true and false.It's even more interesting with the meaning of this word.

"Liar? That's not enough. I just feel that you are a little too cautious now, too concerned about gains and losses."

"Tsk, you don't have to be sloppy with me. Although you have no emotions to guess, your actions are all based on "interests". You may have trust with me, but you can't talk about friendship. You don't have this concept So kindly persuade me not to use this kind of trick. Tell me, why do you want to go to the Great Desolate World so much? Don’t you think that once you encounter the Great Desolate World, the outcome will be unpredictable?
Anyway, I think if you encounter the Great Desolate World, you are more likely to be eaten. "

Zhang Yan was also very curious after sensing Huang Tianyu's attempt.Because according to his understanding of Huang Tianyu, without more than half of the certainty, Huang Tianyu would not be able to risk his life for any future.Although it is Huang Tianyu's instinct to become stronger, it is also its instinct to survive.And "survival" has always been above "becoming stronger".

"Because I carefully thought about what you told me about "Hedao" before, and at the same time used the so-called "false Hedao" between you and me as a reference. Finally, I came to a conclusion. That is after Hedao , the level of life has undergone tremendous changes, and you will be neither a creature nor a life in the world like you.

Such benefits include, for example, creatures can directly understand the Dao and even participate in it.There are also disadvantages, that is, you can't have the unique emotions and desires of living beings, at least they won't be so pure anymore.At the same time, it no longer has the pure ability of life in the world.For example, swallowing. "

There is no need for a heavy hammer to play the drum. Zhang Yan subconsciously straightened his waist when he heard this, and said with surprise on his face: "You mean that the Great Desolate World is not pure after being united with the ancestor Hongjun. In terms of swallowing, it may not be pure." Your opponent?!"

(End of this chapter)

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