one's door

Chapter 1044 Homecoming

Seeing Zhang Yan again, Tongtian's hanging heart fell to the ground.Although he couldn't feel the time in the Ao Island restriction, he could tell that a long, long time had passed since Zhang Yan went back to "consider".

What Tongtian was worried about was that Zhang Yan suddenly lost interest in going back, and that was hopeless news for him.But things don't seem to be heading for the worst so far.Zhang Yan reappeared, and after such a long time, he must continue to explore the "way back".

"Zhang Daoyou, you should be ready this time, right?" Tong Tian was still standing in the ruins of Bi You Palace, as if he had never moved.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, as you said before, there is no problem with the first step of the way back, and I even made a lot of money, just waiting for your next step." Zhang Yan met this time Tongtian has a new feeling.The other party seemed to be completely unchanged from what he remembered, but in his perception, it became much weaker than when he saw it last time.

The gap is being pulled farther and farther unconsciously.Even Zhang Yan suddenly felt that in his eyes, Tongtian seemed to be "not much different" from those Daluo Jinxians in Huangtianyu.Is this the déjà vu of standing on a high place overlooking the scenery below?Too far away, a watermelon and a walnut are just a blurry dot, and I don't bother to distinguish them.

Naturally, Tongtian didn't know that he had been reduced to a Daluo Jinxian in Zhang Yan's eyes.Instead, he replied with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Zhang, as long as you take me away, I will know all the details of the way back. And I guarantee that fellow Daoist Zhang can return to that world smoothly."

Zhang Yan nodded and didn't say much. His hands started to move, the space jumped with his fingertips, and the cutting surfaces were cut off from the original space structure like knives. down.But the surrounding confinement was not damaged in the slightest.

Tong Tian was dumbfounded, he understood what Zhang Yan was doing.But when can the space be cut and taken away at will like earthwork?What's more, it is still taken away from the depths of the void.This belongs to taking anything and everything in the void, right? !
Compared to Tong Tian who was too shocked to speak, Zhang Yan felt that it was no big deal.Now with his great means, not to mention storing up Ao Island and moving it away, even opening up a special space in the depths of the void is not too difficult.

The reason why he is like this now is because he wants to give Tongtian a certain amount of face, so that he doesn't really lose face like a prisoner.At least for now, Tongtian's value is not small.

In Tongtian's feelings, Ao Dao was completely pulled away, and finally appeared on the surface of the void world after passing through layers of void.And this is also a place he is very familiar with.Before the great desolate world left, he stayed here for a long, long time, and even the sanctified place was here.

Although he was still under the restraint at this time, Tong Tian still couldn't help feeling agitated when he saw the vague void turbulence and other scenes in the void outside through the restraint.How many years?How many years have you been locked up for 33 days?Finally, I saw some signs of regaining my freedom.

"Is that the Desolate Sky Territory of Fellow Daoist Zhang?! It's so thick!?" Tong Tian naturally saw a huge cloud of world that was closest to his current position.The thickness of the trance gave Tongtian a sense of seeing the Great Desolate World.Immediately reacted and asked quickly.

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "Yes, this is the Desolate Heaven Realm. I've already made preparations. I'll tear open the void world and go straight to the bottom layer according to the method you said before, Fellow Daoist Tongtian. Then I will listen to fellow Daoist. Subsequent instructions."

"No problem, don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhang! With the help of such a powerful world, there will be no more problems on the way back."

"That's good."

After saying that, Zhang Yan stopped talking to Tongtian.In a flash, he came out of Ao Island, and after getting in touch with Huang Tianyu, he immediately began to repeat the first step of breaking the void that he had done countless times over the years: tearing all the space layers of the void.

At this time, the Huangtian Territory has been completely closed.The barrier of the world is locked tightly, even Da Luo Jinxian can't break through the barrier and come out at this time.What's more, Zhang Yan had already given a reminder through the caliber of Duanyashan in advance.The three realms in the Huangtian Territory all understand how they are traveling through at this moment, and while maintaining their trust in Zhang Yan, the master, they are all curious about what the new world will look like.

And Huangtianyu is gearing up for it, and can't wait to go to the other side of the void world.For it, there is no such thing as "the majesty of the predecessors" or "the shadow of a famous tree" in the prehistoric world.The same super world, and its existence time is far longer than itself, and it is weaker than itself in terms of devouring instinct.Is there a more exciting "fat" than this?

After devouring the Great Desolate World, Huangtianyu even had a premonition that his next evolutionary direction would follow.

When the void was torn apart, Huang Tianyu began to slowly tear further into the gap relying on its huge and heavy body, and finally reached the bottom layer.Facing an invisible barrier.It was this barrier that blocked the way back.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, what should we do next?" Zhang Yan's expression was very serious.It is also telling Tongtian that he must not be perfunctory or playful at this time.Otherwise, the consequences will be serious.

"Zhang Daoyou, next you need to carefully sense the structures on the barrier at the bottom of the void that do not belong to the main road, and then you need to clearly mark these structures, and then use the devouring characteristics of the desolate sky to invade these structures, and at the same time Once one is broken, you need to use your avenue to replace it, and finally you can pass through the replaced avenue when it is enough to pass through the world's clouds and mists.

Daoyou Zhang, do you understand it? "

Zhang Yan thought for a while and nodded to express his understanding.Without speaking, he dodged away from Ao Island again and appeared at the bottom of the torn void.

In fact, Tongtian's statement is not difficult.Based on Zhang Yan's accumulation on the principles of the Dao, he quickly touched the structures in the bottom layer of the void world that do not belong to the veins of the Dao, such as the spliced ​​skeletons hidden in the chaotic rules of the void and the veins of the Dao.

Afterwards, Huang Tianyu eroded these "skeletons", and Zhang Yan replaced them at the same time, and a huge passage was built bit by bit.In this way, Zhang Yan can freely control the "skeleton" he replaced to open and pass through.

"That's enough, it's time to go back and have a look."

Zhang Yan muttered, then waved Ao Dao and Tongtian into a certain place in Tianwaitian in the Huangtian Territory, and entered the Huangtian Territory himself.Then Huang Tianyu drilled in along the wide open void shattering path.

According to Tongtian, the world's clouds and mists are the best cover and defense when traveling through the void, otherwise there will be dangers

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