one's door

Chapter 1045 New Territories

Whether it is the void or the chaotic domain, Zhang Yan is essentially "unfamiliar" with it.What he is familiar with is still the endless light spots flickering in the blackness, the real starry sky with infinite mysteries.


Once again seeing those scenes in the deepest memory that always appear on TV, in the form of videos and pictures on the Internet, or vaguely visible when Xia Ye looks up, the feeling of "going home" in Zhang Yan's heart seems to be only these three things. Words are far from enough to describe.

The two worlds are so different that even the basic appearance of the worlds is quite different.

"Where is this place?" Zhang Yan asked.He was asking himself, and at the same time, he was asking the leader of Tongtian who was released from Ao Island by him.

At this time, the Master Tongtian had not had time to recover from the joy of finally getting out of trouble, so he was "grabbed" to Zhang Yan's side without any means, and the universe and starry sky were all he could see.In my ear was Zhang Yan's meaningful question.

Already aware of the huge gap in strength between himself and Zhang Yan, and even being constantly overturned by the so-called "strength limit of the sage realm", now in Tongtian's mind Zhang Yan's strength is no less than that of the great ancestor who oppressed him.In addition, Zhang Yan did not break his promise, and now that he succeeded in breaking the void, he not only let him out but also did not kill him.It means that as long as he hugs Zhang Yan's thigh from behind, his situation is likely to be much better than he imagined before.

"Zhang Daoyou, this is the New Territory, but this is the shallow surface layer of the New Territory. Unlike the void world, the New Territory has many layers or even countless layers of structure. Each layer is one-dimensional. According to Hongzu's current discovery limit is thirteen-dimensional. But Hong Zu said that the thirteenth dimension is definitely not the limit level of the New Territory, it's just that the higher dimension has not yet been able to discover it.

Previously, the Great Desolate World shuttled between the No.11th dimension and the [-]th dimension.There are more and more complicated principles of the New Territories, which are more beneficial to the creatures in the prehistoric world and to the ancestors. "

"Superficial. Dimensional, hehe, this feels really right." Zhang Yan felt inexplicably kind after hearing these terms from Tongtian's mouth.Everything he thinks is good in the void or in all kinds of strange worlds are completely different from the "world" he understands.The root of the result is here.

"Are you right?" Tong Tian didn't fully understand.

Zhang Yan didn't bother to explain, and said with a smile: "So my original place is in the three-dimensional space layer of the New Territories?"

"No, Daoyou Zhang's original place of soul is the four-dimensional space layer."


"Yes, four-dimensional, because of the existence of souls. In fact, if you really want to count, most of the creatures in the void world are also living bodies in the four-dimensional space layer." Tongtian also thought that Zhang Yan was in doubt, so he quickly explained.

Zhang Yan seemed to have figured it out.While nodding, he released his spiritual thoughts, but even if he released it to the extreme, he didn't find any fluctuations in the world similar to the void world.

"Where is the Great Desolate World? This should be one-dimensional, right? Why is there nothing?"

"Hongzu and Great Desolate World should already know that we are here, and they are probably planning something if they don't show up now. In addition, Zhang Daoyou, one-dimensional space and two-dimensional space are pure energy, and life forms are mysterious and strange. It’s undetectable. And the life forms here have almost no intersection with us. So it’s meaningless.”

Pointless?This statement is very interesting.It doesn't make sense because you can't figure it out.What if you can figure it out?Then it wouldn't be pointless.

"Shall we go to the four-dimensional space first?" Tong Tian asked tentatively.After all, he knew that Zhang Yan came back from such an adventure to "go home", now that he finally arrived at the place, how could he not go?
But Zhang Yan unexpectedly said, "Don't be busy yet."

Zhang Yan knew exactly what he was doing when he came back this time.Going home is the goal, but before going home, you need to deal with the threats that are eyeing you.

And now, although he has successfully arrived in the New Territories, and has not seen any danger coming, he must not relax on this, and even on the contrary, he should be more vigilant.

This place can barely be said to be the other party's place. Zhang Yan didn't dare to wander around when he first arrived. It's not a good idea to go directly to the fourth-dimensional space layer.

Without explaining to Tongtian, Zhang Yan and Tianwaitian, who had directly left Tongtian, returned to his small courtyard in the back of the cliff mountain, and immediately entered a state of false unity with Huangtianyu.Immediately afterwards, Huang Tianyu began to slowly sneak into the shallow surface of this one-dimensional space layer.

Hide it first, and wait until you find out the situation.

"How? Did you find anything?"

"It's very strange here. I can feel that there are actually many strange life forms shuttling around, but they don't seem to be able to detect us, as if we can't interfere with them. And the space here is also different from the void world, It is very thick, at least several times thicker, and still very tough. But it can also sense the overlap around the space, which should be the space layer of other dimensions that the person named Tongtian just mentioned.

Unexpectedly, this world is actually similar to my evolution, and it is also the way of overlapping spaces, but the evolution is more amazing than mine.Endless dimensions, it's so much fun.Maybe it is also the direction of evolution that I need to consider next? "

"Don't worry. Although this place is called the New Territory, it is different from you. It is not a world life. The strangeness here is because you were born in the void world and have never seen it before. So you should honestly think about how to deal with it." It's serious to swallow the big piece of fat in the Great Desolate World. Don't throw away the watermelon and pick up sesame seeds, it's just ridiculous."

Zhang Yan's advice also reminded Huang Tianyu, saying: "Don't worry. Do you want to touch it layer by layer?"

"No, let's go directly to Huangtianyu."

"Didn't you say you wanted to hide it?"

"Hiding should also be hidden in a meaningful place. Didn't you say that the space layer in the New Territory is extremely thick? Follow the thickness of these spaces to touch higher dimensions bit by bit, do you think it can be done?"

"It's not difficult. But are you sure you won't be noticed by Great Desolate World?"

"Be detected? It depends on your ability. And taking a step back, being detected is actually just a fight. At least where and when to fight, this is what we have the final say. Otherwise Wouldn't it be terrible to be ambushed even if you don't know the place?"

"Hehe, is this your strategy? It sounds more like trying luck."

"You're right, it's just a gamble on luck. Don't forget, my luck has always been good. I don't think I'll just change places and fall to the bottom? Besides, didn't you listen to what Tongtian said? This New Territory is not ordinary, It is not possible to know all the lives in the space layers of various dimensions. This is the case for one-dimensional and two-dimensional, but what about the lives of five-dimensional and six-dimensional above?"

"You mean that not all of this place is controlled by the enemy? That's why you dare to take such a bold gamble?"

"How? Bet or not?"

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