one's door

Chapter 1046 Final Chapter

Chapter 1046 Final Chapter
It seems like a bet is right, along the barriers of layers of space all the way up, clearly counting one layer and two layers.
Finally, on the fourth floor, I finally saw the huge world cloud that made Zhang Yan speechless.

"Is that the Great Desolate World?"

Although he didn't dare to go through the barrier of space for fear of exposing himself, Zhang Yan could vaguely see a piece of cloud and mist cruising outside by approaching the barrier and using the external sensor of Huang Tianyu, and the scattered appearance was completely a It is pretending to be an ordinary nebula.

"Is this going to set up an ambush in the four-dimensional space?" Zhang Yan found that if he hadn't touched it through the space barrier and had a familiarization process with the New Territory, he might not be able to easily distinguish the other party's disguise.

If he had come directly to this four-dimensional space layer as soon as he arrived in the New Territories, he would have been ambushed in the end.

Well now, the enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark, so the danger is saved and there is more room for maneuver.

"How? How confident do you feel now?" Zhang Yan was most concerned about Huang Tianyu's opinion.After all, it will be Huang Tianyu who will play the main force later.Even if he can help, it's just from the sidelines.

Huang Tianyu paused before replying: "It's the same as I speculated before. The thickness of the prehistoric space is higher than mine, but it is not complete. It seems to be damaged. At the same time, the breath of life belonging to the world is no longer pure. It should be the result of what you said is a complete harmony, but there are a lot of fluctuations similar to living beings. It feels nondescript, and it is far worse than the life combination that you evolved by yourself."

Huang Tianyu's evaluation is that Hong Huang's state is not as good as Zhang Yan.

"If I confront it now, I'm at least [-]% sure that I can swallow it without too much damage. If I attack with a part of the damage, the possibility of destroying it can be increased to [-]%. So it depends on what you plan to do next. After all, you have to arrange the action here."

Huang Tianyu thinks that such plots and tricks are only good at beings, and life in the world like himself should just obey the arrangements honestly.

Zhang Yan thought for a moment, and said, "Try to see if you can separate some bodies from the space barrier without showing your face. At that time, we can make a frontal surprise attack and at the same time use secret methods. Under the two-phase attack, we will definitely let Hong Huang change." I can’t speak! Are you sure?”

"I don't know, but you can try it. It's great to be discovered that you entered hand-to-hand combat in advance. But you have to wait for the right time to prepare the means of destroying the world. It is not a good thing for the creatures in Huangtianyu if it takes too long." Huangtianyu also understands Zhang Yan What's the plan.At the end, there is still a reminder.

"Don't worry. You and I have been preparing for so long, and we have considered everything that should be thought of. Now that we are at the door, if we can only say that we have tried our best."

Having said that, the tone is set.

As for whether Honghuang Great World and Hongjun Patriarch are "hostile" as Zhang Yan guessed, there is no need to confirm it.Even if Zhang Yan's guess is wrong, it doesn't matter. When it is important, neither Huang Tianyu nor Zhang Yan himself thinks it is a good thing to have such a moment around him that may threaten his existence. The safest way is to take advantage of it. Destroy it before the other party reacts.

What's more, for Huang Tianyu, destroying the Great Desolate World is of great benefit.For Zhang Yan, this may be the only chance for him to completely withdraw from the chess game and bring the karma of the past to an end.So how can you miss it?

According to Zhang Yan's actions, Huang Tianyu really touched the vicinity of the Great Desolate World unknowingly, and the world body divided into strips like sickles to surround the Great Desolate World.And Zhang Yan's magic weapon for destroying the world has already been shot first, like meteors coming out of the space barrier, and directly sprinkled towards the cloud and mist camouflage surroundings of the prehistoric world.

Zhang Yan's move is very interesting. He is probing, testing whether Patriarch Hongjun can generate strength beyond the clouds and mists of the world of the Great Desolate World after he is completely united.That is to say, how long is the "hand" in testing the Great Desolate World, and is it just like the general world that can only have an impact within the world's cloud and mist range?It is still possible to exceed this limit.

The magic weapon for destroying the world was specially refined by Zhang Yan for today's scene. There are more than 300 pieces in total, which can be divided or combined.The more aggregated, the greater the power of destroying the world.But even if there is only one piece left, it can still have the effect of destroying the world, but it is slower and easier to be broken.

These are not just means, but greetings.


Suddenly, a ripple appeared out of thin air from the four-dimensional space layer and spread out.Immediately afterwards, the space rose sharply like a horizontal plane, and a huge world cloud and mist leaped out of the barrier layer like a dragon, without stopping at all, it rushed towards the "close at hand" and seemed to be unaware of the Great Desolate World. The devouring power flickered in the clouds and mist, biting down fiercely like a huge mouth of an abyss!
The silent contest kicked off in an instant. It was primitive and must be divided into life and death!

Zhang Yan's attention has been staring at the Great Desolate World in front of him, all he needs to do is to set up the formation first.Not only the world-destroying magic weapons that were cast down before, but also the Zhuxian Sword Formation that has been completely completed in his hands and has more and thicker Dao veins mixed in.

Immediately after the appearance of the four Zhuxian swords, they began to rise without wind, and in the blink of an eye, they stood like four towering giants exuding a peerless killing intent around the clouds and mists in the prehistoric world.On the other hand, Zhang Yan was holding the Earth Book transformed by the Wanxiang Pearl in one hand, and the sword formula in the other hand. There were two blood-colored dragons swimming around him, and he looked engrossed.

This time Zhang Yan's opponent was not one or two, but the one he was most familiar with.The remaining ten saints in the Great Desolate World may all show up.

Just for a moment.Sure enough, just as Zhang Yan expected, the moment Zhuxian Sword Formation was set up, hundreds of moves rushed out from the cloud and mist of the Great Desolate World.Without further ado, he wanted to fight against the hundreds of magic weapons that had been scattered around and prepared to destroy the world, and wanted to destroy those magic weapons first.

With a thought on Zhang Yan's expressionless face, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation was activated instantly, and all the means to go to the magic weapon of destroying the world were instantly blocked by the barrier of the sword formation.At this time, the Zhuxian Sword Formation has enveloped the entire Great Desolate World, with the killing intent together, the sword intent is to kill all the enemies who rush out of the world's clouds and mist!
Although Zhang Yan was very unfamiliar with the faces that rushed out, the magic weapons in the hands of these people, demons, or demons, or the characteristics and costumes of their bodies, all corresponded to the famous and legendary characters in Zhang Yan's cognition.

No grudges in the past and no grudges in the present, why life and death are forced upon each other?Without him, there is only survival.

The powerful person who was more or less yearned for and even admired in his heart was now easily slaughtered in Zhang Yan's Zhuxian sword formation like a murderous dog.Zhang Yan even called out all the golden immortals and big Luos in the Huangtian Territory, and put them into the Zhuxian Sword Formation to participate in the killing.

The leader of Tongtian was also thrown into the sword array by Zhang Yan, and even his six soul banner was returned to him by Zhang Yan, just to ask him to put in some effort.

"Tongtian! You are trying to help the evil! Have you forgotten the kindness of the teacher's teaching to you? Where are you in the world!?"

Faced with the voices of questioning from these old acquaintances, it was rare for Tongtian not to show any anger.Does anyone get angry with a dying man?Everyone else is going to die, why are people not allowed to shout a few words before they die?

"It's just life and death, fellow Taoists, you should know it in your heart. The cause of the past, the result of today. I didn't cause everything through the sky. Didn't you help me a lot? When it comes to the end, you should go on the road with peace of mind. Last time you failed I don't know if I will have such good luck to die under this Zhuxian Sword Formation this time."

After saying this sentence, Tongtian stopped talking, and danced the six soul banners in his hand. Cooperating with the power of the surrounding sword array, he really didn't think that among the old acquaintances in front of him, anyone was capable enough to survive.Death is doomed.

What Tongtian has to do now is to perform better in front of the new "thigh", at least to clearly cut off the grievances and resentments in the prehistoric.

Of course, Tongtian also knew that this dispute would not end with the death of a few saints or a group of golden immortals and Da Luo.In his eyes, Zhang Yan's miraculousness came from overturning the cognition of the prehistoric world, and his strength was beyond the description of the realm of a saint.The only person who can be compared to Zhang Yan is Hongjun Patriarch.

Even at this stage of the game of chess, it should be the final stage.It is not the victory or defeat in this sword formation, but the outcome of the battle between the two worlds behind the sword formation, and how well Zhang Yan and Hongjun can support each other.

The facts are indeed as Tongtian thought.For Zhang Yan, there was nothing particularly noteworthy about the slaughter in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.His attention was basically on the hand-to-hand combat between Huang Tianyu and the Great Desolate World.

At the beginning, Huang Tianyu made a frontal attack, which can be said to have caught the Great Desolate World by surprise, almost like "challenging in a hurry".Coupled with the hidden hands lurking in the space barrier in advance, under the siege, it can be said that Huangtianyu has been gnawing on the Great Desolate World from the very beginning, tearing and devouring it with big mouthfuls.

But as Zhang Yan's battle line opened up at the same time, after the slaughter began in the sword formation, there were also changes in Huang Tianyu's side.The situation that was gnawing at the prehistoric world began to become weird.Obviously, Huang Tianyu has an obvious advantage in "strength".It comes from what it said before, compared to the Great Desolate World with Hedao changes, it is the purest life in the world, and it has an absolute advantage in devouring.But now this advantage is not directly manifested.On the contrary, it looks like it was resolved by some kind of tricks.

In this way, Huang Tianyu quickly changed from an overwhelming advantage at the beginning to a stalemate that could not be used forcefully. It even seemed that if it continued to consume each other like this, Huang Tianyu would still lose weight due to the size gap with the Great Desolate World. Gradually fell into a disadvantage.If the situation doesn't change, Huang Tianyu won't even be able to escape being swallowed up in reverse.

"what happened?"

Zhang Yan was keenly aware of all this, and quickly asked about Huang Tianyu's situation.He has not entered the state of false alliance with Huang Tianyu now, because he is worried that the false alliance will affect the devouring of Huang Tianyu.

"Help me, it has a weird way of unloading force to avoid my devouring, I can't deal with it!"

Almost as soon as Zhang Yan asked, the request for help from Huang Tianyu arrived.

Zhang Yan frowned slightly, and glanced at the sword array that was still killing and slaughtering in front of him. He couldn't devote himself to the state of pseudo-harmony as before. After all, in addition to the sword array for him to control, he also needed Make a connection with the hundreds of magic weapons that have been thrown out.So it can only be distracted, and part of the consciousness and soul fall into the state of false harmony.

As soon as he entered the feeling of Huangtianyu, Zhang Yan understood why Huangtianyu was so anxious.The devouring power was actually slipped by at least [-]% by Great Desolate World.On the other hand, Huangtianyu took everything as it was ordered.It's okay to ebb and flow?
It is impossible for the beings in the world to have such targeted skills.The inevitable death came from the other half of the prehistoric world, that is, the hand of the ancestor Hongjun after joining him.

"Help me!" Huang Tianyu's request for help fell into Zhang Yan's consciousness again.It can be seen that it has no countermeasures for the situation it is facing, and it is beyond its ability to respond.

This is like fighting between tigers. Suddenly, a tiger has a collar that is as wide as a palm and thick and has long steel nails on its neck. How can it be fought?
Zhang Yan didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly concentrated on observing. Fortunately, he has accumulated enough axioms, so that he quickly discovered the reason why the prehistoric world was so weak.

That is, there is a layer of "film" that should not have appeared on the original power of the world in the Great Desolate World, and it is this "film" that makes the Great Desolate World extremely slippery, and can remove more than [-]% of the desolate world. The strength also directly led to Huang Tianyu's difficulties at this time.

And during the short period of Zhang Yan's observation, another effect of this "film" also appeared.But the target was not Huangtianyu, but the hundreds of world-destroying magic weapons that Zhang Yan had thrown out.

Because the magic weapon for destroying the world is based on the logic of destroying the world's life in the void world.The point is that splitting and destroying the structure of the world causes the world to collapse, and finally shatters and transforms into the original power of the world.

After all, the structure of the world is formed by the power of the world's origin.Nowadays, the surface of the original power of the world in the Great Desolate World is covered by a "film", which is also a subversion of the basic logic of the world-destroying circle.In other words, the world-destroying circle cannot destroy the basic structure of life in the world!
The basic logic of destroying the world does not exist, and the effect of destroying the world later is naturally impossible.

"Persevere, wait until I get rid of those guys in the sword formation." Zhang Yan said, while advancing a state of primordial spirit and consciousness entering the false harmony.After all, the magic weapon for destroying the world has failed, so he has less distractions.What is left now is the part of the mind in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"Can you do anything?"

"Well, it's actually not that difficult. Although we are not completely in harmony, I can still achieve a certain degree of integration with you. I will form a means of understanding about the truth of the Dao, and you can use your own will to realize it. You can complete the counterattack.

Don't they like to play tricks?Then let's add a layer of barb anti-slip to your devouring power, and see how they respond. "

"Okay, you move faster."

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of jumping clowns, it won't take much time."

In the simple communication, the prehistoric immortals in the Jade Immortal Sword Formation were in great misfortune.He was already slaughtered like a pig and dog before, but now Zhang Yan "act faster" under Huang Tianyu's urging, and directly staged a trick of stepping on ants with his boots.

Jinxian, Daluo, and even a saint.Now they are all the inconspicuous little black dots from a high altitude, and they are too lazy to distinguish them, and they are all trampled to death with one foot.It's just a pity that such a good opportunity for actual combat did not allow the life force in the wild sky to get more exercise.

After Zhang Yan gathers the consciousness and primordial spirit that were placed on the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the superficial battle in the four-dimensional space seems to be over.And Zhang Yan finally put almost all of his consciousness and primordial spirit into the state of false harmony with Huang Tianyu.

Only the last wisp of consciousness and primordial spirit remained to maintain the sword array, just in case.

Soon with Zhang Yan's participation, Huang Tianyu's devouring power also changed.The originally useless power is now like a beast's hook tongue, as long as it is attached, no matter how "slippery" the surface of the Great Desolate World is, it will be hooked directly and cannot be unloaded.

As a result, the situation quickly returned to the original state, Huang Tianyu successfully turned around and gained the upper hand, biting bite after bite until the Great Desolate World had no strength to fight back.

Everything is going well, and Zhang Yan estimates that the Great Desolate World will be completely swallowed up by Huang Tianyu in less than two years.The Hongjun patriarch who could no longer withdraw after joining the Dao will also perish along with the Great Desolate World and become a new nutrient for the Desolate Heaven Territory.

But Zhang Yan didn't know why, but there was an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart, as if there was some great danger hidden under the smoothness and advantages in front of him.

Careful and repeated pondering and exploration but found nothing.You can't just leave the Great Desolate World alone, let go of the advantage you have, and just worry about the unreasonable anxiety in your heart, right?What's more, Huang Tianyu is also trying his best to control his surroundings. If there is a real danger, there is no reason why Huang Tianyu can hide it from Zhang Yan at the same time.

"What else is missing?"

After being swallowed like this for almost a year and a half, Zhang Yan once again raised a warning to Huangtianyu, because the Great Desolate World in front of him can basically be said to have completely disintegrated and died, but the sense of crisis in Zhang Yan's heart has not disappeared. On the contrary, it became more and more serious.

Huang Tianyu did not reject Zhang Yan's suggestion of "stop and take a look at the situation" this time.After all, this time is not as unstoppable as before. The Great Desolate World is dead, and it doesn't mind satisfying Zhang Yan's caution.

But when Huang Tianyu wanted to temporarily stop devouring, a variable appeared at this node that no one thought of.

"Huh? I seem to be unable to control the power of devouring!?" Huang Tianyu's voice was full of doubts and incomprehension.It never came across a situation where it couldn't control its instinctive means.

"What's going on?!" Zhang Yan's face immediately changed.I knew that this must be the method of Great Desolate World and Patriarch Hongjun.I've always felt it, but never realized it until now.It's not even clear how the opponent's move came about, and what purpose it has.Even the prehistoric world is dead, is it just to ensure that this move can be implemented?Or was it all planned out from the start?

While being startled by Huang Tianyu, Zhang Yan also discovered a thing that was also puzzling and creepy in the state of pseudo-healing: he could not exit the state of pseudo-healing!

Not only that, the bodies of the Great Desolate World that had been swallowed by the Huangtian Territory for a year and a half in the entire Huangtian Territory also began to "resurrect" rapidly in the Huangtian Territory in a strange way.

Eat something alive again? !
As if swallowing poison, not only started to bite back, but also completely bound Huang Tianyu and Zhang Yan together.This is the greatest danger to Zhang Yan!

So far, although Zhang Yan and Patriarch Hongjun haven't spoken or met each other yet, it can actually be said that they have just met each other.

Although I don't know how the other party "resurrected" the Great Desolate World after being chewed to pieces, and how he managed to control the devouring of the Huangtianyu and lock the false Hedao state.However, the current results reverse the opponent's purpose and it is obvious.

This is clearly a matter of seizing homes in the name of fishing!
Just when Zhang Yan wanted to understand the other party's purpose, a force of erosion attacked Huang Tianyu and his false unity state!
Seize the house, destroy your root, and take away your body.The most insidious, but also the most dangerous.

This is true regardless of whether it is the party that casts the house or the party that is seized.The difference lies only in the respective preparations of the two sides and the amount of confidence in their hands.

Now it is obvious that the Great Desolate World and Hongjun have joined forces to plot against Huang Tianyu and Zhang Yan, and it seems that they are in a dead end with a single sap.

The more the Huangtian Territory devours, the more it is eroded by the Great Desolate World, and the more impossible it will be to stop devouring later, falling into a vicious circle.Similarly, if this vicious circle doesn't end, Great Desolate World and Hongjun Ancestor will be able to clean up Zhang Yan through Huangtianyu and Zhang Yan's false unity.

This is much more powerful than simply "seize the house".

Generally speaking, what you fight for is the strength of the Yuanshen, as well as the means of the Yuanshen, and even the thickness of the Dao in the Yuanshen.But now it is different, Zhang Yan is forced to pretend to be in harmony, which means that his soul and consciousness are not with his body, the strongest structure of the Trinity is directly bypassed, and he is in the weakest state.On the opposite side, Hongjun is not only in full condition, but can also "cheat" with the help of the great power of the Great Desolate World.

No matter how you look at the situation, Zhang Yan and Huang Tianyu were instantly cornered.The only thing that can be thankful is that the Huangtian Territory is thick enough, and Zhang Yan's soul is strong enough, so it is still impossible to win quickly.It can be delayed a little longer.

"What should I do?" Zhang Yan understood his situation in his heart, but even the desperate situation would not make him flustered.He didn't feel that there was really no room for struggle in the face of a dead end.Because this is not a crush of pure hard power, but the design and means of the opponent, which is clever and premeditated for a long time.But as long as it is a strategy, there is a possibility of being broken through.

Huang Tianyu was speechless.However, Zhang Yan, who was in a state of false harmony with Huang Tianyu, knew very well that the reason why Huang Tianyu did not speak at this time was that he was busy resisting the anti-corrosion of the Great Desolate World, and even his main consciousness had been hidden to go all out.

So Zhang Yan could only find another way by himself, instead of reaching a joint force with Huang Tianyu.In a sense, this is also the disadvantage of Huang Tianyu and Zhang Yan being only a pseudo-cooperative.

Zhang Yan observed and comprehended at the same time.Then, after accumulating the most important principles of the Dao, and the various abnormal evolutions mixed in the soul, Zhang Yan finally discovered a very interesting detail.That is, although the other party wants to erode his primordial spirit and consciousness, but due to the special situation that both parties are now entangled in the life of the world, all erosion needs to go the way of the life of the world.That is to say, even if the soul and consciousness are eroded, it is not the normal route of "soul energy", but the energy route of the world's life, such as the world's original power.

Zhang Yan figured out that the reason why he was at a disadvantage was that under the current special circumstances, he didn't have the ability of the other party to use the power of the world after a complete harmony.

It was as if both had fallen into a quagmire.On the one hand, he could only struggle with his bare hands, but on the other hand, he was holding a wooden board.

After seeing clearly the current situation and the reasons for his own disadvantages, Zhang Yan's heart became alive.He even quickly found a possibility to break the game.

With a thought, a corner of Zhang Yan's consciousness seemed extraordinarily different.Because unlike other consciousnesses that are being eroded, the consciousness in this corner has not been eroded in any way.Even the primordial spirit who bumped into this small piece of consciousness is also in an extraordinarily safe situation.

Before Zhang Yan completely entered the state of false unity, because he wanted to leave the Zhuxian Sword Formation to continue to frame the creatures in the Great Desolate World so that there would be no changes, so he divided a little soul and consciousness into the Zhuxian Sword Formation as the host .Now what seemed to be a cautious move at the beginning has become his only chance to fight back.

Of course, in the eyes of Honghuang Dashijie and Hongjun, this mere soul and consciousness will get away, even if they know it, they won't care too much.You may even think that it cannot affect the overall situation at all.

But when Zhang Yan took away the primordial spirit and consciousness that presided over the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and let the Zhuxian Sword Formation operate on its own, this ray of his primordial spirit and consciousness went straight back to the barren sky domain and fell into the forbidden area behind the Duanya Mountain.

"Would you like to have a good meal?"

When Zhang Yan's primordial spirit and consciousness in the form of a phantom submerged in a rune soldier that had not been used for a long time and was slowly warmed up in the back mountain, the rune soldier "came alive" and rang a bell in the forbidden area. A wake-up bell for the sleeping "ball".

Tentacles protruded from the hole in the dwelling, as if sleepy.Then, when he saw the talisman, he immediately became energetic, and immediately got into the heart of the talisman without giving orders, waiting to take him out to "have a good meal".

"Remember, we will have to distinguish which ones are the enemy and which ones are our own. This time, we only need to find out correctly, and we will guarantee you enough to eat!"

There is no need to be too detailed about the "round ball".It doesn't care. "Yuanqiu" cares about eating well or not.It doesn't bother to think if it plans or not.So Zhang Yan was saved.

It moved away, and when it reappeared, it was already in No.30, the third layer of the outer sky in the Desolate Sky Territory.This is the most special place among all the evolving environments in the Huangtian Territory.The special thing is that it is the closest to the core of the Desolate Sky Territory.

"Remember my words, recognize your own people and enemies clearly, and then you can open up and have a good meal." Zhang Yan told Huang Tianyu of his plan simultaneously while speaking.Even though Huang Tianyu didn't have the time to communicate with him, there was still a response.As soon as Fu Bing reached 33 days, Huang Tianyu opened his core on his own initiative.At this moment, there is no reservation at all.Only trust can fight together.

Fu Bing rushed into the core of Desolate Heaven Territory with the "ball", and then grabbed a piece of Primordial Purple Qi beside him with one hand, and was crushed to pieces by the huge force of the world.But the primordial spirit and consciousness will not be lost, but will directly return to the body and enter the state of pseudo harmony.The return of these two pieces of primordial spirit and consciousness is moving along the veins of the world's original power extending from the core, just giving guidance to the "ball" who was left in place and was a little confused.

"Yuanqiu" was also obedient, following Zhang Yan's two pieces of primordial spirit and consciousness, along the core, it also entered the gap between Huang Tianyu and Zhang Yan's pseudo-union state.This is the result of Zhang Yan's guidance, and it is also the result of the "round ball" characteristic.It's absolutely impossible to replace it with something else.

"Huh..." Zhang Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the "ball" arrived.Soon he was even laughing.Because after the "round ball" clearly distinguished the familiar Huangtianyu and Zhang Yan's soul veins, it directly locked on the piece of erosive energy that belonged to the ancestor Hongjun who was fighting Zhang Yan to the death, and immediately started his own feast.

It has to be said that when it comes to devouring, "Ball" is much stronger than Huang Tianyu in many aspects.Now the result is as Zhang Yan guessed.With the addition of "Ball", the situation was immediately broken, and then there was a big counterattack brought by "Ball".

It was Zhang Yan who couldn't advance or retreat just now, but now it is the Great Desolate World and Patriarch Hongjun.Because the behavior of seizing the house together means that one party completely loses everything before it can end.No one can withdraw halfway, regardless of the outcome.

"Ball" does not need to eat all of them.It only needs to eat up most of the primordial spirit and consciousness belonging to the ancestor Hongjun so that it can't get up.The prehistoric world in the state of harmony will be half useless without the ancestor Hongjun.The erosion and plunder of the Desolate Heaven Territory will inevitably come to an abrupt end.

"Hehe, I didn't expect such a long-term plan to end like this."

"Huh? Are you Hongjun Patriarch?"

Zhang Yan was taken aback by the sudden communication from the level of consciousness, but he immediately realized that the only person who could find him at this time was the legendary Taoist Hongjun.


"The old ancestor came out at this time to ask for peace, right?" Zhang Yan chatted with the other party with a smile, but the "ball"'s devouring did not stop at all.He couldn't wait to pull with the other party.The longer the delay, the weaker the opponent will be, let's see what tricks there are.

"Seek peace? Hahaha, if you lose, you lose. Why do you need to bow your knees and beg for peace? You and I are both supernatural and holy, so why don't you see it? If you ask for peace, do you think I will forgive you?"

Hongjun's words were beyond Zhang Yan's expectation.At the same time, I was even more curious about the other party's purpose, so I asked, "Why did the ancestor come here?"

"I lost, but I also won.

From the Void World to the New Territories, a new evolutionary path has indeed been found.But the special fruits of the New Territory are peculiar, and have little in common with the Void World.This gives a reference and a great threshold.There is no substantial energy to rely on to evolve. "

"So you planted the seeds and waited for us?"

"That's right. I created chaos and strife in the prehistoric world, used the Three Religions War to stir up the secrets of heaven, and finally successfully sent you into the void world. Then I raised the Desolate Sky Territory along with you."

"Didn't I be sent by Tongtian?"

"Tongtian? Hehe, how could he have that kind of ability. Including his final cutting for 33 days to hide in the void world is my secret method, otherwise there would be no follow-up.

It's just a pity.With the buffed energy of Huang Tianyu, and you, a suitable soul from the New Territories, everything was ruined by a small strange life when success was imminent.

Sometimes I don't believe in fate but it seems like I can't escape, what can I do! "

"So I'm from the New Territories is your main target?" Zhang Yan caught an important point that he hadn't thought about before.In the past, he always thought that Huang Tianyu was the opponent's goal, and he was just an intermediate link in achieving the goal.

Hongjun snorted for a while, as if he was swallowed by the "ball" and couldn't gather his consciousness.But he didn't beg for mercy, but spoke faster: "That's right. In order to continue to evolve, in addition to needing energy equal to that of the Great Desolate World for devouring, you also need a soul native to the New Territory as a way to understand the truth of this realm. The introduction. So it is also indispensable for me to take you away.

Forget it, the matter has come to this point, I came to you to tell you this just to let you understand.After devouring me, how should you go in the future.Each of the thirteen dimensions is different, and each has its own mysteries. What I lack, you can fully make up for.So don’t let go of the first level, comprehension of the [-]th dimension is a hurdle, and the level of life will surely rise again. As for the [-]th dimension, take care of yourself.”

There was no more sound.

Zhang Yan also fell silent, carefully handling every residual energy behind.

It sounds good, who dares to believe it?
Unless every bit of it is determined to be destroyed, Zhang Yan doesn't dare to relax at all.

Ten years and 50 years. After a full 500 years, there will be no shadow of the great world in the four-dimensional space layer.And Huang Tianyu also disappeared without a trace.I don't know where it is hidden again.

I don't know how long it has passed.In a corner of the four-dimensional space layer floats a blue planet named Earth.

At this time, the earth's resources are almost exhausted, the development of science and technology has been blocked by alien civilizations, and there are endless conflicts and wars within the planet.The main ethnic group on the planet has reached a precarious state.

On this day, a golden light covered the entire earth.No matter where, as long as you look up, you can see a cliff mountain emerging from the golden light.

The appearance of such a spectacle has suppressed all weapons and temptations on the earth, and even made all living beings unable to resist in the slightest.

The only thought is: Where is that mountain?
Suddenly, a majestic voice resounded in everyone's minds:
I have [-] volumes of Taoism, which can burn rivers and boil seas, pluck stars and take moons.

Would you like to come in my door?
(End of the book)

PS: Thinking about the final ending, I will not divide the development, and the whole chapter will be posted.

Thank you friends for seeing here.

Thank you for your support and encouragement, this is the biggest motivation for me to keep writing.

At the same time, the new book is already in preparation, and it should be released in the middle or late this month.Please follow me, and then we will start again in a new world!
Finally, Jian Rujiao hereby wishes all fellow Taoists a bright future and a prosperous future!
There will be a period later!

(End of this chapter)

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