one's door

Chapter 115 Probes

Chapter 115 Probes
The so-called probing ceremony is a custom in Langyuan City.Or a kind of tacit understanding that takes care of the faces of both parties on a blind date.

Except for the case of private life-long marriage, according to the general number of marriages, you first find a middleman, that is, a matchmaker, and bring together two families who both have marriage needs, compare the requirements and conditions, and introduce some if you think it is suitable situation on both sides.

Of course, you can't just rely on the matchmaker's mouth to say whether it's okay, let alone just look at the superficial conditions, and more need to understand factors such as character.When it feels about the same, the man will take the initiative to send a "probe gift", which means to poke his head over to see the woman's opinion.

No need to break.Receiving and returning the gift means that the woman has agreed, and the formal steps of getting married can be taken later.On the contrary, it is a polite refusal.In this way, we can take care of the faces of both sides, so as not to cause unpleasant troubles.

Generally, there is not much attention paid to probe etiquette.A jar of wine, a piece of meat, a piece of cloth, or a packet of pastries will do.The man's brother and other close relations will send it off.

Wang Lanping didn't deny it either, and nodded with a smile, "I've seen that girl from Wang Shi's family three times. Although she isn't pretty, she's still pretty! And she's well-boned, with big buttocks and thick flesh to give birth to! And even though the family isn't rich, it's still pretty." There is no oil bottle, and the brothers are all people who can work hard, and they are people who do their duty.

Besides, although your eldest brother has improved thanks to the business you gave him, he is missing a leg, so he is missing a leg, so he can't look up, right?So my mother thinks that girl is pretty good.Be polite when you go to give the probe gift.Even if people don't accept it, don't say anything, just come back.understand? "

The Zhang family has been honest people for generations, and this time the family situation has fluctuated greatly, so Wang Lanping's mentality is very low. She never thinks that her eldest son can make money now that it is nothing special, let alone looking up at others.

Zhang Yan naturally had no opinion at all.The eldest brother should have gotten married long ago, but after being injured later, he fell into a slump. From now on, how can anyone be willing to marry?Later, when Zhang Yan was framed and his family was implicated, he even had no intention of talking about marriage.Now that Zhang Ji's woodware shop is on the right track, there will be branch expansion in the future, and Zhang Shun will take the lead.Getting married is also inevitable.Even if it doesn't work out this time, Zhang Yan thinks that he can choose better ones later, not at all like the old mother who is afraid of her daughter-in-law running away.

Here, the old mother spoke, but Zhang Yan didn't hesitate.Went out for a drink after lunch.Instead of the wine shop at the entrance of the alley, I walked a few more steps and found a quite famous restaurant, where I played two large altars.One altar will entertain Luo Changshan in the evening, and the other altar will give a probe gift tomorrow.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Yan to drink with Luo Changshan, he is too sluggish to do that.Accompanied by his elder brother Zhang Shun.

But Zhang Yan didn't come by coincidence, the wine on the stage was sold out, and he had to wait a while to get a drink, saying that the buddy had already gone to the wine cellar at the back to fill it, and it was time for a cup of tea.The shopkeeper even smiled and apologized to Zhang Yan.

With this attitude, Zhang Yan didn't choose another house.It's just a matter of waiting for a cup of tea, and it won't be long.

Standing by the counter and waiting.

The noise in the restaurant is noisy, so braggadocios don't need to care about it.But I could still hear some gossip about the Wu family.For example, some people wonder if the Wu family has no descendants now, will Wu Yuan renew the family and give birth to another one to continue the incense for his family?
No one knew that the instigator of the Wu family's death was standing at the door of the restaurant.

Zhang Yan is not curious about whether Wu Yuan will continue or not, even if Wu Yuan wants to continue, he will not give Wu Yuan this chance.Only when the father and son of the Wu family have to die cleanly can they understand the grievance, and only then will they be free from obsessions in their hearts.

However, the effect of the technique of disgusting victory is still beyond Zhang Yan's imagination at the beginning.Weird, stealthy, sharp.It is too simple to deal with ordinary people like Wu Qingling.Even after that, he deliberately guarded for two days, and didn't feel any danger approaching the door at all.Moreover, there was no jerk in the few days when the operation was performed, and Wu Qingling's lust was stimulated smoothly, and then used as a cover to let her die under the wind of the horse.

The reason why he didn't do the same to Wu Yuan immediately.For one thing, compared to Wu Qingling who had hair and blood as the casting medium for the technique of disgusting victory, Zhang Yan only had Wu Yuan's hair in his hands for the time being, and the possibility of failure was much greater than when targeting Wu Qingling.Another reason is that he also wanted to wait and see if the Wu family would have any other plans to come up with. After all, the amount of information brought to Zhang Yan by the two ghosts before was not small.He didn't believe that the Wu family would just admit it.

"Guest officer, the wine is here, so I'll fill you with two jars? Five catties per jar?"

"Yes, five catties per jar, two jars."

While thinking wildly, the restaurant clerk had already returned with a large jar of wine, and the shopkeeper didn't forget about Zhang Yan, so he hurriedly made a final confirmation, and at the same time reminded Zhang Yan to give the money first.

After paying and taking the wine, as soon as he came out of the restaurant, he saw a large group of people coming in a queue on the main street ahead, and they happened to be walking towards Zhang Yan.

"What's the front?"

"For the funeral."

"Hey! The funeral is such a big battle?"

"The young master of the Wu family went to the funeral together with the old man, do you think it's not a big fight?"

Zhang Yan passed by a tea stall and just heard two people discussing, thinking to himself what a coincidence.It even made him encounter Wu Qingling's funeral.

But Zhang Yan didn't stop, and continued to walk forward, and soon saw the mighty funeral procession, probably no less than 300 people.There were close relatives of the Wu family who heard the news, as well as servants of the mansion, as well as retainers, officials in the yamen, and even the so-called upper class in Langyuan City. Many people sent their family members to express their condolences.

Zhang Yan didn't stop, but his eyes still subconsciously fell on the funeral procession.Soon, an old man with gray hair in mourning clothes caught Zhang Yan's mind, because that person was none other than Wu Yuan who he was going to send to heaven and earth with Wu Qingling.

Suddenly, Zhang Yan saw Wu Yuan's head turned around, and his eyes met him as if he had sensed it.

Just walking towards each other, staring at each other, it is obvious that Wu Yuan also recognized Zhang Yan who happened to pass by in the crowd.The murderous intent and evil thoughts in those eyes were undisguised.It seemed that Zhang Yan was the murderer who killed his son.

This made Zhang Yan very puzzled.He was sure that when he killed Wu Qingling, the technique of disgusting victory did not encounter any constraints or resistance, and the entry point he chose was also in line with Wu Qingling's external impression and his own corrupt habits.Even the death method chosen for Wu Qingling was in line with her nature.Can this be broken by Wu Yuan?

But this will not panic Zhang Yan.This is immortality, you may be able to detect something, but what can I do?Maybe rely on that "king"?

ps: ten more (9/10)

(End of this chapter)

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