one's door

Chapter 116 The Mirror

Chapter 116 The Mirror
"I'm getting old! I'm so dizzy and uncomfortable after not sleeping all night. It seems that it's better to do less of this kind of thing in the future."

Luo Changshan woke up just after noon, not because he had had enough sleep but because he couldn't sleep.The age is there. After staying up late, it is not possible to recover after a short sleep. It is estimated that it will take a few days.

Turning his head to look at the apprentice who was sleeping soundly like a pig, Luo Changshan smiled, got up and didn't wake him up, but went downstairs to the inn lobby, ordered a bowl of clear soup and plain noodles to satisfy his hunger, and went down to sit and refresh his mind.

After noon, there were not many diners in the lobby of the inn, and a bowl of noodles with clear soup was quickly served.Luo Changshan was indeed hungry, so he picked up his chopsticks and started chattering.

After eating a bowl of noodles, he felt a lot better. He picked up the tea and sat in the corner of the lobby as if he was resting his mind. He closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Why was it never heard of before?"

Suddenly Luo Changshan muttered to himself.No one else heard him, only he himself understood that what he was talking about was the young man who never expected such a situation before he was asked to come, Zhang Yan.

The first time Luo Changshan heard about Zhang Yan was when he chatted with some old friends at a gathering half a year ago.At that time, two old friends who often wandered in the west spoke highly of the situation of border troubles in the west over the past year or two. The three things "Bagua Formation", "Kongming Lantern" and "Pulley" are said to be brilliant on Yubei Mountain, and they are also the key to help ease the troubles in the west.

The rest of the people heard it for the first time, especially those three things, and they felt strange when they heard the names, so they asked about it.Several people, including Luo Changshan, realized that the three things were considered to be the means of their miscellaneous learning, and the person who took out these things was still a young man, and he was even a criminal soldier at that time.

Because it involves the secrets of the army, even if two of the old friends have channels to know some inside information, it is still limited. They can only talk about and draw a picture of those few things, but the internal structure is not very detailed.Especially the unpredictable gossip array, which only knows its name and its power but not its reason, which made several old men who always like to ask the bottom line scratch their heads and fidget.

But everyone at the party agreed that these three things are the means of miscellaneous learning, especially the pulley and Kongming lantern, which can almost be directly identified as the source of knowledge from the same source.Only the most mysterious gossip formation is not known much.

Then the problem comes.Whose student is that criminal soldier?Don't you know the rules of miscellaneous studies?How could it spread so wantonly?And after two years, I haven't heard of anyone coming out to recognize this student?Doesn't this mean that there is a lack of control?
This has to talk about the origin of miscellaneous studies.

Miscellaneous studies were not as lofty and popular in the past as they are now.In the beginning, miscellaneous studies can be said to have gone through hardships and dangers.It is considered by the mainstream knowledge to be "the root of the mental chaos of bad people." Whether it is the folk or the temple, it is shouted and killed, which once caused the miscellaneous learning to sink to the bottom and almost cut off.

After a long period of time, the knowledge of miscellaneous studies gradually showed its effect despite being anonymous, and it showed amazing practicality in many aspects.This is slowly recognized and sought after until now.

But after going through that long dark time, people in the miscellaneous school have a kind of restraint and guard against the mainstream of the outside world.Although it would not be called "hate", but I also tried to hide myself as much as possible, so as not to let the mainstream have room to make use of it directly.Even if some methods are exposed, they are limited to a very small range.

It is also because of this that both Lin Zedong and Song Qinghe were so surprised when Zhang Yan was a member of miscellaneous studies, because it was so rare.

"Why don't I go to someone to ask, don't be a hidden school, it's not controlled now?" That's what Luo Changshan said to several old friends at that time.It was only after that that he went to the Eastern Army camp to find his friend Shi Xuan.

Luo Changshan's original intention was to check the specific information of the criminal soldier through Shi Xuan, and then he would come to the door to contact the other party and discipline some miscellaneous rules.If there is a chance, I plan to lead him into the current circle where miscellaneous studies are loose but still have a lot of protective effects.

All well-meaning thoughts.But in Shixuan, Luo Changshan was dazed by the new news about the elixir, he couldn't help being surprised for a while, and even felt a little more probing.

Because compared with things like gossip arrays, Kongming lanterns, and pulleys, the matter of elixir has nothing to do with the knowledge of miscellaneous studies!It has a direct interest relationship with Wu Xiu.

As a result, the previously determined identity of the other party's miscellaneous studies suddenly became confusing again.Although I didn't tell Shi Xuan explicitly, but I kept an eye on it.

"Could it be that he is a cunning person who deliberately uses miscellaneous learning?" Luo Changshan couldn't help but have this thought.But at the same time, it is also clear that even if the other party is a cunning person, it does not prevent him from admitting that the other party's methods are indeed "very good".

After receiving the specific information about the criminal soldier, that is, Zhang Yan, from Shi Xuan, Luo Changshan rushed to Langyuan City non-stop with Shi Xuan's warrant, using the army's post horses.

First, he found the well-known "Zhang Ji Wooden Ware Shop" in Langyuan City. When he saw the wheelchair, which was not exquisite, but very practical, Luo Changshan couldn't help but deduced in his heart.Because this wheelchair is basically a way of miscellaneous learning, and it is also a simple application of knowledge, which is brilliant in terms of entry point and practicality.

"Could it be a new system of knowledge developed by a certain hidden world of miscellaneous studies? For example, that kind of pill?" Yan's elder brother led him to the door.

Luo Changshan had some understanding of Zhang Yan's family background before he came, it wasn't bad but it wasn't good either, and it slowly improved after Zhang Yan showed his skills in miscellaneous studies.It is not surprising to live in a relatively poor environment like Zhuzui Lane now.It was the Zhang family's simple affection for Luo Changshan that made Luo Changshan have some judgments in his heart, thinking that under such a family tradition, there should be no cunning people.

Then Zhang Yan came out of alchemy, with a handsome face and a lot of civil and military spirit.Conversation also suits Luo Changshan's appetite.The two talked from dinner until the early hours of the next day.The content is not too much, but it once again confirmed Luo Changshan's second idea. He believed that Zhang Yan should be a new school heir who opened up new ways in miscellaneous studies.

ps: ten more (10/10).achieved!
(End of this chapter)

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