one's door

Chapter 138

Chapter 138
In the next few days, Zhang Yan consciously focused on sensing, and found that not only did he often feel the feeling of being watched in the open air, but he also felt it indoors.

It might be a cat squatting on the wall, a dog running by the side of the road, or a bird in the top of a tree.Even mice and bugs in the house.
It is not an exaggeration to say that it is all-pervasive.

Zhang Yan didn't know how to deal with it at first.Later, I honestly set up blindfolds in the house to get a quiet cultivation environment.

Now Zhang Yan already understands that the ghosts in Huangtianyu are not in a state of ignorance, they have their own school of practice.It may be different from the ghost cultivators that appeared in the legendary era on the earth, but the essence is the same. They all strengthen themselves by absorbing evil spirits and devouring soul bodies, and pursue power in the gap between heaven and earth with a practice method different from that of living beings.

The soul-body weaponization shown by the red-clothed female ghost before, the latter two ghost cultivators showed a higher level of use of similar methods.

At that time, Zhang Yan thought that this method could actually show that the paths of ghost cultivators in Huangtianyu had a lot in common with those of warriors.And whether it's the red-clothed female ghost or the ghost cultivator behind them, they almost all use close combat methods when fighting, it's great to add some ghosts and other innate abilities such as ghost claws, ghost howls, possession, illusion and so on. .I haven't seen a method similar to Taoism.

Now Zhang Yan found out that he still thought of the ghost cultivator in Huangtianyu simply.It's not that he can't, but he just doesn't know it.The pervasive spying that has bothered him for several days can be regarded as completely similar to Taoism.Because all kinds of animals are driven, although the origin of the means is not clear, just looking at the effect makes Zhang Yan involuntarily think of a branch of Taoist means that has been recorded in Longhu Mountain, but there is no relevant practice method: beast control.

Zhang Yan didn't touch Wu Yuan before, but Zhang Yan just wanted to see what other means the ghost hidden behind him had.It's like exploring the dark corners of this world. You can't always go there with lights on, because if there are lights, you will be far away.You can see clearly like a nighthawk.

To be honest, Zhang Yan, who has already practiced Dao Dan, no longer takes the Wu family into his eyes with trepidation like before.What he is more curious about now is the power behind the Wu family.

The Wu family's psychic blood is definitely not the only one in the world.Does that mean that other existing psychic families live in collusion with ghosts like the Wu family?

Also, with the Wu family as the starting point, no matter those ghost children, female ghosts, or the ghost cultivators who came after them, as well as the mysterious existence of Zhang Yan who are now peeking at Zhang Yan with weird means.These are connected together to form a whole set of context, and even the relationship between the upper and lower levels can be clearly distinguished.It shows that there is already a tight organization among ghosts, including psychics like the Wu family.

Could it be those ghost cultivators in the era of earth legends?
Or is it a ghost house?

But no matter if it was the Ghost Mansion or the Ghost Cultivator Sect, judging from the evil aura of the two Ghost Cultivator generals before, it would definitely not be surprising for a ghost at the level of a ghost king.This might not be good news for Zhang Yan before, but the situation is different now.

Zhang Yan formed the Dao Dan and stepped into the Dao Dan realm.

It's just a big realm, is it that bad?

It's really amazing!
There are many descriptions and related stories about Dao Dan Realm in Longhu Mountain Miscellaneous Notes.To sum it up in one sentence: Entraining Qi is the entry point since cultivating the Tao, and it is officially different from ordinary people only when the Dao Dan is produced.

"Those who enter Dao Dan can live more than 360 years. They can control the five elements and practice the art of overturning rivers and seas."

Zhang Yan did not say this casually, but it was mentioned many times in the classics and books in Longhu Mountain.It is the Dao Dan realm.How can a person whose life expectancy can reach 360 years be considered a mortal?Of course it doesn't count.Therefore, monks who have reached Dao Dan Realm will have another name: Daoist.

If Zhang Yan is now in the legendary era of the earth, he can barely call him a "real person".

And Zhang Yan's confidence has undergone another major change since he was settled in Dao Dan, besides the sudden increase in his lifespan.That is "the five elements that can be controlled".Regardless of whether it was at the Qi Entraining Realm before or at the Profound Vein Realm later, although the aura is growing, the available methods are actually quite different from those of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth.At most, it is like the spirit fire talisman, which relies on the power of the five elements on the talisman paper.

But now, Zhang Yan can practice more techniques.The power is by no means comparable to those dabbled in before.

Not to mention far away, let's just say that he now has a lot of physical skills to rely on, that thing is just a kind of lightness technique, even if Zhang Yan added some theories of escapism later, it has been strengthened, but compared with the real The five-element escape technique is like a world of difference.

Now that Zhang Yan has officially passed the threshold of the Dao Dan realm, "Keeping the Five Elements" means that he can start practicing the Five Elements Technique, including the Five Elements Escape Technique.

Let's not talk about anything else, and there is no rush.The method of earth escape, and the method of wood attribute lightning, these two have been practicing since the first day Zhang Yan stepped into the realm of Dao Dan.

The method of earth escape is the most widely used, you can escape wherever you step on it, and you can escape thousands of miles in an instant.Of course, it is rare for Zhang Yan to escape more than ten feet in an instant.In fact, he can only move about three or two feet in a single earth escape, which is a beginner and has not yet completed it.Therefore, this cannot be called Zhang Yan's confidence.

What Zhang Yan can really handle is the Wooden Thunder method.

The five elements of heaven and earth, gold, wood, water, fire and earth.Thunder belongs to wood in the five elements.Therefore, if you want to practice thunder, you must be familiar with the basics of the five elements of wood.

At the same time, it is very difficult to envoy Lei Fa.Because it is not the technique of rectifying the five elements, but the technique of spreading the five elements, and the thunder and lightning are violent and extremely yang, which is even more difficult to control.With Zhang Yan's cultivation base at this time, he had to find another way to touch thunder. If he wanted to master thunder with one hand, it was still far away.

Simply Zhang Yan also has talismans.A "Lightning Talisman" that can be drawn in a Dao Dan realm, plus some key points of the Wooden Lightning Method, the two sides together can barely make him turn the corner.

With Lei Ting, Zhang Yan is really not afraid when facing ghosts, even if the opponent is most likely a ghost king.He also has the strength to fight.

in addition.Another reason why Zhang Yan is so calm now, and he spends so much time with the other party instead of choosing to take the initiative to explore is that his aura is more condensed after stepping into the Dao Dan realm, and the envoys are more able to communicate with each other. Control small changes.Even with it, he pushed forward a large part of his alchemy, which was still a little short of fire.

Before, he barely managed to complete [-]% of the refining process of Biqing Dan, but now he can finish the alchemy from beginning to end.The difference is only Cheng Dan's luck and Cheng Dan's success rate.

So he is not afraid of consumption.The longer it takes, the more refined his alchemy will be. As long as he refines a Biqing Dan, he will be no match for a ghost king at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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