one's door

Chapter 139 Enthusiasm

Chapter 139 Enthusiasm
Zhang Yan had just bought vegetables from the East Market and returned home. He was about to help his mother pick vegetables and wash rice, but before he could roll up his sleeves, he was called away by the little girl who came back suddenly.

"Second brother! Master Zhou has gone to the store, you, you go there quickly!" Panting Zhang Huiyuan's face flushed, and she must have been exhausted after running.

"Master Zhou? Why did he run into the shop?" Zhang Yan took his time.

"Oh! Second brother! Come with me quickly! Don't make Mr. Zhou wait!" Zhang Huiyuan is not as normal as her second brother. It's all about the big face, how can you neglect it?If Zhang Yan was not there, not to mention Zhang Huiyuan, even Zhang Shun would feel guilty and needed Zhang Yan to stop the scene.

Wang Lanping in the kitchen was also a little anxious, urging Zhang Yan over again and again.

"All right, all right, I'll go right away." Zhang Yan wiped his hands with a smile, and followed the little girl out the door.Her feet seemed neither in a rush nor slow, but she was not at all slower than Zhang Huiyuan who was trotting, and her breath was even more stable without panting.

This is the superficial application of Tudun.Although it is not possible to escape into the ground, the escape on the surface can still make the wind blow under his feet, as if the ground is pushing him to walk.Zhang Yan even put one hand on the little girl's shoulder, making Zhang Huiyuan, who was already out of breath from running, feel light.

When we arrived at Zhangji Woodenware Shop, the business inside was still booming.Because Carpenter Liu not only called his son back to help, but also found six craftsmen like him from his hometown, found a broken house on the east side of the city, and completed the goods list overnight. Ninety percent of what was owed was cashed, and the rest could be cleared within a few days.It will be available for sale later on.

Of course, these people are far from enough. Zhang Yan is already discussing business expansion with his eldest brother.It was not easy to persuade the big brother who wanted to be steady and steady. If the wheelchair, which has a low technical threshold, wants to be bigger, it must be fast!Be ruthless!
Occupy a larger market quickly, and pour money into it with all your heart.Otherwise, no matter how good things are, even a time-honored brand cannot become a big hit.Relying on the various ideas and novelty things that Zhang Yan brought from the earth, the Zhang family can't just settle for a small fortune, right?At least it's not too much to make a fortune, right?
After entering the store, I soon saw Zhou Cang sitting in the small tea room and Zhang Shun talking with him.

"My lord, the grassroots are late, please forgive me if you are so negligent!" Zhang Yan leaned forward with a smile on his face, bowing his hands and saluting politely.

Zhou Cang laughed and stood up from the chair, raised his hand and bowed in return, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, what are you talking about? Zhou has disturbed you by coming uninvited. It is Zhou who should be sorry." Someone is right!"

The tea room is actually a cubicle, not covered.Many customers in the store were looking at this side carefully, after all, a few personal guards guarding the door were eye-catching enough, not to mention that sitting inside was Lord Zhou Cang, the majestic city guard of Langyuan City.

At this moment, seeing Zhou Cang stand up and cup his fists to salute a young man, many people exclaimed in their hearts, wondering why that young man has such a big background?Can Zhou Cang be so polite?

But some people who had heard about the background of Zhang Ji Wooden Ware Shop were secretly dumbfounded. It turned out that Zhang Yan, the second member of the Zhang Family Bank, really had a good relationship with Zhou Cang?And it seems that he can still make friends with Zhou Cang on an equal footing?But... why?

Isn't the Zhang family just ordinary ordinary people?The second son of his family heard that he had been a criminal soldier, so why did he leave immediately?Still talking about friendship with a big man like Zhou Cang on an equal footing?
There are many people who don't understand.But this does not prevent them from raising the Zhang family up.Especially those so-called high-class people who want to take advantage of Zhang's hot business idea, really have to weigh their own weight, whether it is enough for Zhou Cang to slap him in the face.

On the way Zhang Yan came, he guessed that Zhou Cang didn't go to the house, but came directly to the store, maybe he wanted to help Zhang Jiazhuang, and he deserved this favor.Of course, I don't think it's easy to repay the favor.Compared with now, Zhou Cang needs him more.As Zhang Yan's cultivation base and alchemy gradually improved, these changes, he thought, would only get bigger and bigger.

"I was busy with business before, so I couldn't come to the store to congratulate in person. Don't blame Mr. Zhang."

"My lord is too polite to say that. The Zhang family can do business so smoothly, and you need to take care of me."

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang is too modest. With Mr.'s ability, what else can be difficult for Mr.?"

We exchanged pleasantries for a while.Zhang Yan could clearly feel that this meeting, Zhou Cang's posture was much lower than the last time we met.I wondered in my heart whether it might be related to Luo Changshan?
But even if Zhang Yan guessed right about these things, he wouldn't ask them.Everyone has their own way of life and relationships, even if there are more worries involved, it is their own business. It is not beneficial to point out that many times, it is good to know it in your heart, otherwise it will easily hurt the other party's face.

The so-called "keep an appropriate distance" actually means this.

"I just chatted with Brother Zhang Shun for a while. This wheelchair is really a good thing. It should be good if the business is good. And it should be better. It is also of great benefit to the people in the country." Zhou Cang was full of praise, especially For the most highly rated wheelchairs, the price of one can be affordable even by ordinary people, and it won’t even hurt too much.As for those high-end and expensive wheelchairs, it doesn't matter how expensive they are, they are not for ordinary people anyway.

"Your Excellency is right. My elder brother is deeply troubled by disability. Now he has the help of a wheelchair to return to his normal life. I deeply feel that this thing should help more people who need it. So I am also considering expanding some stores recently, or in Shop some goods in other places, so that more people can know the good things.”

How can Zhang Yan not know how to pay for gold?Lead the business to "good deeds" and make money by the way. There is no shortage of fame and benefits, and you can still win word of mouth. How cheap is it?
And to expand the business, it seems that the most direct way is to use Zhou Cang's contacts.Zhang Yan is also leaving a hole in advance for future matters, so that it won't be abrupt to bring it up when the time comes.

But what Zhang Yan didn't expect was that Zhou Cang didn't mean to "keep it" at all along his mouth, and said directly: "It just so happens that I have an idle shop at the side of Xiangkou. If you need it, Mr. Zhang just take it." Exactly." He even took out the house deed
Zhang Yan blinked and was a little stunned.He didn't expect that the other party would be waiting for him here.And I took a look at the size of the storefront on the deed, it was more than double the size of the Zhangji Wooden Ware Shop in Langyuan City, and it was also the busiest market block in Xiangkou.Is Zhou Cang going to bet heavily on him?

(End of this chapter)

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