one's door

Chapter 141 Enchanting

Chapter 141 Enchanting
In fact, Zhang Yan was not the only one who was worried.Luo Changshan was far more anxious than Zhang Yan.Not only were the post horses of the army rushing away in a hurry, but they also took a shortcut and went back to their thatched cottage first, and took out three volumes from under the bookshelf to take away.Then I went to Huxinzhu, a place frequented by some old friends, and briefly talked about what I learned in Langyuan City this time.

Luo Changshan's body has always been strong, but he was also exhausted after these tossing and tossing.

When Zhang Yan saw Luo Changshan, the old man's complexion was not good, and he was gray and in a bad state of mind.

"Zeng Hao, take senior to the inn to rest first, let's talk about tomorrow if we have anything to do." Greeting Zeng Hao, he then cupped his hands at Luo Changshan and said, "Senior, you've already hurt yourself after traveling so hard, you should take a rest quickly. Get a good night's sleep, Zhang Yan will visit Mr. Zhang again tomorrow, we can talk slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Luo Changshan didn't hold back anymore.He also cared about his body at this age, if he hadn't been really stimulated this time, he wouldn't be in such a hurry.Nodding at this time, he handed a box in his hand to Zhang Yan, greeted him, and followed his apprentice Zeng Hao away.

"Brother, what is this?"

"Book. Do you want to read it?"

"Oh!" Zhang Huiyuan heard that the prefix of "book" was big, so she turned around and left without any curiosity.She didn't like reading at all.But after Zhang Yan came back, he was forced to speed up learning Chinese characters in all his spare time, and had to take a test every other day after closing the shop and returning home.If I can't write it, I have to play it on a handboard.So much so that during this period of time Zhang Huiyuan always walked around her second brother whom she had always loved, fearing that she would be punished if caught.

In fact, Zhang Yan forced Zhang Huiyuan to learn calligraphy so much, in the eyes of his family, it was a bit too demanding.After all, it's not that Zhang Huiyuan doesn't know a single word, it's just that she can't write a whole article.Nanyuan Kingdom has a dispensable attitude towards women's studies.If it wasn't for Zhang Yan being the master of the Zhang family, Wang Lanping would have stood up to help Zhang Huiyuan.

Only Zhang Yan understood his plan.Learning characters is enlightenment, and only after enlightenment can one hold a book and understand reason.In his plan, the Zhang family is going to push up.My sister can't be like those foolish women who only know the family's shortcomings.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yan and his eldest brother Zhang Shun greeted each other and returned home.According to the recent habit, he opened his eyes to cover up his room.Then he opened the box Luo Changshan gave him.Inside were three scrolls.

Miscellaneous Volumes of Spiritual Affairs, Yu Wenbing's essays.

Zhang Yan did his homework before, so that when he got the three volumes of "Miscellaneous Spiritual Affairs", he could first understand the deeds of this "Yu Wenbing", and then look back at the three volumes of "Miscellaneous Spiritual Affairs" to go deeper. and meticulous.

When Luo Changshan mentioned this person before, his tone was regretful and sad many times, which showed that Yu Wenbing was not just a monster.

Zhang Yan spent a lot of money in the bookstore in the East Market to find a very old and fragmented copy, which is full of biographies of some ancient characters.Among them is the length of Yu Wenbing.

Yu Wenbing's original name was Yu Xiao.His place of birth is unknown, nor his family background.He was first remembered for his paintings.At the beginning, it was the name of Yu Xiao who was falling, and later he changed his name to Yu Wenbing after his fame grew.

Yu Wenbing's paintings are still treasures in the hands of collectors. Even after his identity as a monster is exposed, it still does not prevent his paintings from being pushed to the point where they are hard to find.And it is called "the monster".

It is precisely because of his superb painting skills that Yu Wenbing entered the top circle of literati, and then began to write books.Not only was Huang Tianyu's mainstream school studied thoroughly by him, but he also mastered the methods of miscellaneous studies, and soon enjoyed a very high academic status at that time.Even in the medicine books used by doctors in medical clinics today, many pharmacology and prescriptions are written by Yu Wenbing.

Although Yu Wenbing didn't have a lot of space in the biography that Zhang Yan saw, but the written content alone is enough to make people speechless.It's hard to believe that one person can master so much knowledge.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Yu Wenbing is an amazingly talented and all-knowing monster.Even Zhang Yan felt that this description was just right.

The characteristics of the demon species seem to be magnified several times in Yu Wenbing's body.

Moreover, Yu Wenbing has a way to conceal his identity as a demon, and in addition to having little contact with people, he is mostly famous for writing books, so he has been hiding it very well.

The identity of the demon species was revealed by Yu Wenbing himself.

"This is an idealist with amazing talent." Zhang Yan commented on Yu Wenbing's life in this way.

The reason why Zhang Yan would comment on Yu Wenbing like this is because the purpose of Yu Wenbing's self-disclosure is to use his achievements and cultural status in the human race to prove that the demon race, a special minority of mixed blood, can actually bring a lot of benefits to the human race, at least it is useless. Harmful.I hope that the human race can try to accommodate the existence of the demon species, instead of blindly killing them all.

The final outcome was no surprise.

The human race can accept the same kind of amazing talent, but it is absolutely impossible to accept the amazingly talented alien, even if this alien looks almost indistinguishable from itself and looks harmless.

It was also after reading the biography about Yu Wenbing that Zhang Yan suddenly became interested in the group of monsters behind Yu Wenbing.Because no matter how amazing and talented Yu Wenbing is, he can't really subdue the thousands of years of knowledge accumulation of the human race on his own.It must be possible for the ethnic groups behind him to support him.

So what kind of gathering do those demon species hidden in the secular crowd look like?In the realm of the human race, what role do they play?After all, Yu Wenbing can hide without being discovered and make a big name. It makes no sense that other monsters can't do it, right?
And the three-volume "Miscellaneous Volumes of Spiritual Affairs" in my hand didn't even appear in Yu Wenbing's book list.Maybe it was regarded as Yu Wenbing's imaginary and random writing?
Zhang Yan collected his mood.Opening the first scroll, the first sentence that caught his eye made his brows twitch.

"The living things in the world are all made up of soul and body. After death, the body returns to the earth, and the soul returns to the sky. But there are exceptions in the world. For those who are exceptions, the soul breaks away from the common sense, is abandoned by the heaven and the earth, wanders around, and has more or less intelligence. It can be called spirit."

Just such a sentence, basically there is no difference from the description about the origin of ghosts in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate.Just replace the word "ghost" with "spirit".

After reading this, Zhang Yan has confirmed his previous guess.Yu Wenbing definitely knows about ghosts, and has even done some research on them.Otherwise, it would not be possible to make up three full volumes of texts.
(End of this chapter)

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