one's door

Chapter 152

Chapter 152
It is late at night.

The main room of the Zhang family's new house was still lit, and Zhang Yan had been sitting on the chair for a long time while maintaining the same posture.

Bai Yu has gone.Zhang Yan didn't really intend to take down the opponent.And I don't want to get into trouble with the demon species, a heterogeneous group hidden in the dark, just so inexplicably.

Although the man left, Bai Yu left a verbal invitation and a tooth that was said to be replaced by Tun Beast as a proof.It is said that Zhang Yan can take this tooth to find shopkeepers in "Yuan Pharmacy" in various places when he is free or has difficulties in the future. Naturally, someone will receive him and help him find a solution.

When Zhang Yan heard the news, he thought he heard it wrong.Meta pharmacy?Isn't that the largest pharmacy in Nanyuan?Not only has the relationship with the army, but also many bigwigs in the temple take care of them, accounting for half of the business of proprietary medicines and medicinal materials in Nanyuan Kingdom.Not only in Nanyuan country, but also in many other human race countries, it is said that there are semicolons of Yuan Pharmacy.

Who would have thought that such a behemoth would be associated with a demon species.It even seems to be quite closely connected.

It can also be seen from this that Bai Yu has a very serious view of Zhang Yan's future situation, and believes that Zhang Yan will definitely come to him in the near future.It is exactly the same as what he said before, "you have no choice".

Perhaps in Bai Yu's eyes, even if Zhang Yan could kill a ghost king, it was nothing at all.In the face of the huge size and strength of the sanctuary, it is impossible to survive alone.Only by relying on their demon species can they survive.

But then again.Is there a free lunch in this wild world?
Obviously it can't be that simple.

Zhang Yan has already seen this kind of way when he was running around and living on the earth.It's nothing more than fishing for a long time. I'm sure you will have no choice but to go to the door by yourself. Although they can help you, the price will have the final say.

At least in Zhang Yan's view, since Bai Yu dared to treat him like a fish so blatantly, there must be someone behind him.They are not afraid of him leaking the news about the demon species.

But these things will not make Zhang Yan think for so long.Is the fundamental reason because he will be afraid of the so-called sanctuary?Would a monk who could boost his cultivation by gaining the feedback of merit and aura from heaven and earth through saving ghosts be afraid of ghosts?If Zhang Yan was afraid, he would have taken his family on the road long ago. Will he wait until now?
Others may be disturbed and frightened by the constant haunting of ghosts.But Zhang Yan hoped that the other party would come soon.In his current situation, he doesn't know how many ancestors on the earth would be so greedy that they would crawl out of ancient tombs.

What Zhang Yan really pondered over was actually the internal cause of what Bai Yu said was "hunting spirit creatures".According to Bai Yu's chat, not all demon species can see spiritual objects.Instead, only when the companion beast is successfully identified, and the companion beast is a demon species of swallowing beast, can the spirit be seen.The reason is that part of the ability of the companion beast can be borrowed, and one of the abilities of the swallowing beast is that it can see strange existences such as spirits.

Swallowing beasts can speed up their growth rate and growth potential by devouring spiritual objects.The more it eats, the more powerful it becomes, until it completely breaks away from the growth period and becomes an adult swallowing beast.At that time, Tun Beast will no longer have such a great desire for spiritual things.

Based on this, Zhang Yan can infer that possessing Tunshou is the fundamental motivation for a monster like Bai Yu to hunt and kill ghosts everywhere.It is also an important reason for their enmity with Sanctuary.But it is obvious that there are definitely not only ghost hunters like Bai Yu among the demon species.

Companion Beast. This is the first time Zhang Yan has heard of it.The demon species can borrow the ability of the monster beast, but in turn, the monster beast can also borrow the ability of the monster species?

Organize your mind.Zhang Yan picked up the inch-long Tunshou tooth that was on the table and put it away.He had carefully probed this tooth with his senses before.It is found that its material is very special, there is a strong smell of five-element wood in it, maybe it is relying on this kind of god-given ability to bite ghosts?

Having learned the lesson from last time, Zhang Yan did not immediately continue to practice, but prepared to say hello to his family after dawn and then find a quiet place to meditate.

Standing up from the chair, he looked at the sky outside and walked around the house twice.Finally, I found a flower hoe to fill in the potholes in the backyard that were struck by the thunder that I attracted before.After confirming that there is nothing missing, I went to the well of the new house to fetch some water and went to the bathroom to wash.After killing four people and one ghost in one night, I always feel dirty.

When it was dawn, Zhang Yan heard the knock on the door and the chattering voice of his little sister Zhang Huiyuan.

"Why did you come here so early?"

"Here! Mother brought you breakfast. She also said that you will definitely not go back to Zhuzui Lane, let me tell you don't forget to send all these invitations today!"

Zhang Huiyuan squeezed in, bouncing around.She couldn't get enough of her new home.

"Brother, you said that if I tell my mother to move here first like you, will mother agree?"

"I definitely won't agree. I'm here to see the house. Why are you moving here? Honestly, wait until the elder brother's marriage is over before moving, and be careful of talking too much and being scolded by your mother."

"Hmph." Zhang Huiyuan pouted, acquiescing to the fact that the second brother said.But she really couldn't wait to move in soon.Especially the new house here has a hut and a bathhouse, which is the biggest temptation for Zhang Huiyuan.Two seemingly simple things are too inconvenient in Zhuzui Lane, and if you say too much, you will cry.

Ignoring the little sister who ran to the back to find her own boudoir.Zhang Yan smiled and sat at the table and began to eat some meat pies and a jar of rice soup brought by his mother.While eating, he flipped through the two red invitations on the side.

The invitations on the table are of good quality and class.The words on it were also specially written by the masters of the bookstore.

With Wang Lanping's habits, such a waste of money should not be done.Find a few pieces of red paper, cut and write on it yourself, and you can use it as an invitation card. Why do you need to buy it specially?Also ask someone to write it?

Because these invitations are not for good neighbors or acquaintances.It's for people in official positions and people with unusual status.

The Zhang family is a foreigner in Langyuan City, with few relatives, and the relationship between the neighbors is also limited, which is remarkable considering some contacts related to the woodware shop today.There is nothing else to ask for.

But Zhang Yan's side is different, he still has contacts in Langyuan City to maintain.Especially if people mentioned it in advance, it would be too impolite if you don't invite me.

One is Zhou Cang, the city guard of Langyuan City, and the other is Luo Changshan who is still in Langyuan City.

Both of them had to be delivered by Zhang Yan himself.And the time on the invitation is five days later.

After eating, Zhang Yan yelled at the little girl who couldn't come out a few times, and after calling her out, they went out together.He asked the younger sister to help in the carpentry shop, and he turned around and went to the garrison camp outside the city.Before leaving, he took a small porcelain bottle with him from the blinding circle in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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