one's door

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
When I saw Zhou Cang in the garrison camp again, I could clearly see the joy on his face.

After receiving the invitation from Zhang Yan, Zhou Cang immediately expressed that he would come over on time.He also said that he would have a few more drinks with Zhang Yan's elder brother.

"Sir, you may not know that just yesterday Junshuai Shi broke through and officially entered the middle stage of the Duanshan Realm. This level of cultivation is also one of the best in the country. Junshuai Shi will also go further in the future. possible."

Hearing this, Zhang Yan immediately understood the reason for Zhou Cang's happy expression.The commander of the Eastern Army, Shi Xuan, recently made a breakthrough in retreat, using the Bone Strengthening Pill presented by Zhou Cang.Now that Shi Xuan has successfully broken through, and the road ahead has expanded again, this is definitely a great joy.The same is true for Zhou Cang.

As the saying goes, climb high branches, and now Zhou Cang can be regarded as climbing.It is absolutely impossible for Shi Xuan to forget Zhou Cang's help afterwards.Maybe he won't give Zhou Cang a promotion with great fanfare, but he will definitely give back the human feelings in it.

Similarly, Zhou Cang's official career has a bright future, so he can't think of it without Zhang Yan, and he can't do without the bone-strengthening pill that only Zhang Yan can refine.

"Then congratulations to Junshuai Shi, and to you, my lord. The day of rising to the top is just around the corner,"

"Hahaha, it's thanks to the master. Otherwise, how could I have such a chance? I don't want to thank you for your kindness, and Zhou Cang will definitely be rewarded in the future!"

"Don't! My lord, a large shop is already too much for grass-roots people. How dare you ask your lord to mention anything else? You don't have to be so preoccupied with the days to come." Zhang Yan waved his hand quickly.Human relations pay attention to a degree.Too much is too late.Although Zhou Cang has benefited greatly, why not Zhang Yan?So you have to keep a good sense of proportion.

"The future will be long? Hehe, that's a good way to say it! Sir, you are really talented! But you don't have to be humble, just like what I said last time in Brother Zhang Shun's woodware shop, once Shi Junshuai succeeds in breaking through, the matter of strengthening the bones It will definitely be pushed to the public, this is the inevitable result. At that time, the husband will definitely become a figure that attracts the attention of the whole country. I am far away, and I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to thank him."

Zhou Cang has put himself in an extremely low position.The reason is to not let go of the friendship with Zhang Yan.It also means that we hope to continue to communicate in the future.

Zhang Yan shook his head and said, "My lord, the friendship between you and me is always there, and the friendship will last forever. But Junshuai Shi probably needs the help of an adult to pass a few words."

"Oh? Sir, if you need me to tell the commander-in-chief, please tell me." Zhou Cang was not surprised at all, as if he had been waiting for Zhang Yan here for a long time.

"My lord, the grassroots people were born in humble beginnings and were educated in the countryside. If they hadn't encountered an accident and realized the truth in their hearts, they would have died in the market and remained unknown all their lives. Although they have the idea of ​​​​carrying forward what they have learned. But the way of alchemy is not as simple as miscellaneous learning, but It’s a faction of its own, it shouldn’t be spread to the outside world. If it’s true what your lord said, Zhang Yan might have to go far away to seek another livelihood.”

Although Zhang Yan is not afraid of being famous, it also depends on the time.He has just stepped into the early days of the Dao Alchemy Realm, and he is far from being an extremely strong man in the capital of Nanyuan, let alone the entire Huangtian Territory?So for the time being, I can hide for a day.

Of course, "going far away" is not possible, but Zhang Yan has another countermeasure if he is really famous all over the world.It's just a last resort choice.

Zhou Cang was taken aback when he heard Zhang Yan's words. He had thought that Zhang Yan would not like Zhuang Gudan being made public, but he didn't expect Zhang Yan to react so strongly.Hastily waved his hand and said: "Sir, you must not be impulsive. I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding here?"

"Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding. The Bone Strengthening Pill is of great significance to warriors. Who doesn't want to master it completely? It's okay in the dark. Once forced to go to the front desk, I'm afraid that even if Junshuai Shi is willing to protect me Are you caught?"


Zhou Cang had to admit that what Zhang Yan said was not impossible.Even in the atmosphere of Nanyuan Kingdom, there are very few scandals of killing chickens and taking eggs.But what if?Bone Strengthening Pills are extraordinary, what if someone wants to make them faint?What can Zhang Yan do then?It's not just running away ahead of time, it's really going far away.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Cang nodded, and did not say anything more about the misunderstanding.Instead, he said bluntly: "Sir, do you want Commander Shi to suppress this matter? But this kind of matter can't be suppressed for a while, and it will be known one day. Maybe there is another compromise .”

After finishing speaking, Zhou Cang was a little worried, and added: "Sir, don't be nervous, this matter is not as serious as what the husband said."

If Zhang Yan really lost his way, it would definitely be a bad news for Zhou Cang.He will even get the hang of the above because of this.

"I'll send a quick message to the military commander. Brother Zhang Shun will get married in five days. We should hear back by then. Don't worry, sir."

"The grass people are waiting for the news from the adults."

The conversation between the two of them came to an end here.Let me stop here first, if I have anything to say in the future, I have to wait for Shi Xuan to hear back.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan took out a small bottle of Bone Strengthening Pill that he had brought, and used it against the medicinal materials sent by Zhou Cang.There are two in total.

Sometimes three are given.It depends on Zhang Yan's mood at the time, it will always fluctuate between two or three.And what he got in exchange was the continuous improvement of his proficiency in refining Biqing Dan.Although it is only possible to successfully complete Biqing Dan's alchemy, there is still a long way to go before it can be formally completed.Zhang Yan himself is not sure about this kind of thing that depends on luck.Maybe it will be done in the next furnace, maybe it will take ten more furnaces.It's all possible.

Unless it becomes one, then it will gradually get better later, and then you will slowly feel the order rate, and then it will be constant at a ratio.Unless Zhang Yan's alchemy is further improved, it will rise again.

Zhou Cang naturally thanked him.At the same time, he also bluntly said that this is the first month to get the moon near the water, so he took the opportunity to settle a little bit first.As for why they were hoarding, Zhang Yan didn't ask, and Zhou Cang wouldn't say it himself.

"Sir, there is one more thing I need to let you know. Wu Yuan, the magistrate of Langyuan City, reported his illness early this morning, saying that he would return to his hometown to take care of him. Once the Beijiang County Governor's Office approves, Wu Yuan will be able to leave within three days at most. Langyuan City. You have to wait for a suitable time for this matter. After all, Wu Yuan is an important person in one party. If there is any accident in the government office, he will always investigate thoroughly. But if there is an accident when he returns home, it will be very different. "

Zhang Yan glanced at Zhou Cang, nodded but didn't answer a word.

Afterwards, Zhang Yan stood up and said goodbye.Zhou Cang personally sent it outside the camp before waving goodbye.

On the way back, Zhang Yan wasn't too surprised.Zhou Cang is not a fool, he has been protecting the Zhang family from the very beginning, so naturally he couldn't hide any strange things in the middle.People don't say it, they just pretend to be confused.Especially after Wu Qingling died, Zhou Cang didn't mention it.Now reminding Zhang Yan suddenly is also giving Zhang Yan a chance.But he didn't know that this matter was not as simple as Wu Yuan's illness, but it had another meaning in Zhang Yan's ears: Wu Yuan wanted to run away!

(End of this chapter)

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