one's door

Chapter 156 Arrangement

Chapter 156 Arrangement
This was the first time Zhang Yan said such things to his little sister, and he also put this matter on the table to let everyone in the family know.

Wang Lanping was taken aback for a moment, wanted to speak a few words, but finally closed her mouth and did not say anything.He just looked at his second son, then at his little daughter whose face was flushed with excitement, and finally smiled in her heart.

Although it's not suitable for a daughter's family to be outside the family, but children have their own blessings, depending on his second brother's posture, can he still make the little girl suffer in the future?Just be happy to let her brother help her decide!
"Hahaha, little sister, do you hear that? Your second brother is arranging your future! Use snacks and study hard. I will still wait for you to help me be the shopkeeper!" Zhang Shun laughed.During this period of time, he often stayed with his younger sister, and he felt that her younger sister was really suitable for business, she could talk and she had a bright mind.In the future, there will be no problem outside the main business.But Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he thought of his younger sister's appearance when she was learning calligraphy and accounting.

But Zhang Shun's teasing didn't catch Zhang Huiyuan's attention. At this time, she understood what the second brother meant.It was an extremely rare choice for women from Nanyuan Country, the right to choose their own future life.

Don't look at Zhang Huiyuan who is always in a hurry and looks like she can't grow up.You must know that before Zhang Yan came back, when the Zhang family was in the most difficult time, Zhang Huiyuan was a woman with a strong heart and a resolute character who took over half of the family on her shoulders.Facing her future life, she longed for more room for freedom.But before today, that was just a dream.For most of the Nanyuan country's women, after getting married, their husbands and children are their destinations.

"Second brother, you, you didn't lie to me?"

"Why lie to you? It's not like you don't know how good your eldest brother's business is. I just said that after my eldest brother gets married, I will go to Xiangkou to take over the new shop and open a semicolon. At that time, my eldest brother will inevitably In the past, you first sat in the side of Langyuan City. Isn’t the big treasurer trained little by little like this. But the premise is that your writing can pass the test, and you must also be able to read and calculate accounts. Otherwise, you will be treated as a display. What's the use?"

"Second brother, I will learn! I will study hard every night from now on! I won't let you down!" After all, Zhang Huiyuan is a sensible woman, and she knows that she has to seize the opportunity in front of her.At the same time, he glanced at his mother who was sitting on the side smiling and not speaking, and knew in his heart that his mother had also acquiesced in this matter.For a moment, her pretty face flushed with excitement.

Zhang Yan smiled and nodded.

However, when Zhang Yan took the exam on Zhang Huiyuan after dinner, he still had to slap what should be done.The pain made the little girl's eyes roll with tears.But he insisted on not saying a word.And let's say that next time I take the school exam, I will definitely not be beaten again.

Zhang Yan had to leave before the curfew.Before leaving, I asked Wang Lanping for a lot of colored paper, took some firewood sticks from the kitchen, and found a circle of string.When asked what he was doing with it, he said that he was making some small things, and the vague family members didn't ask any more questions.

When Zhang Yan opened his home in Zhuzui Lane, Zhang Huiyuan didn't come out to see him off when he was about to leave.This is the first time.The little girl threw herself on the book with all her strength.Anyway, it was the first time Zhang Yan saw her being so concerned about something.

Back to the new house.Zhang Yan placed a paper figurine to guard the door as before, and then went back to his room.But this time I didn't practice, but put the colored paper and firewood sticks I brought from my home in Zhuzui Lane on the table, and went to find a knife.

Cut a firewood stick into a small piece about the thickness of a little finger, and then tie it up with a string to form a rectangular parallelepiped, palm-width and half a foot high.

Confetti was then cut and glued to this frame.Finally, a four-sided closure is formed, leaving the bottom and front open.

He took out the cinnabar and pen that he had kept all along.After melting, stroke by stroke, traces of symbols were drawn on the colored paper, forming a complex magic circle.It's just that these talismans are different from those talismans that Zhang Yan usually transforms. They seem to have an inexplicable sense of depression, and the disgust of wanting to tear them up just looking at them.

The thing Zhang Yan built is called "Fatai".It's right to feel depressed and disgusted, because this thing is not a righteous method.It is a new method of the technique of disgusting victory after the Dao Dan realm.

After finishing drawing the magic circle on the altar, Zhang Yan took out some of Wu Yuan's hairs from his arms and put them in the altar.Then he lit a white candle and stood in front of the altar.

Carefully sense the state of the altar, especially whether it is normal after the aura activates it.After being correct, Zhang Yan picked up another stack of talisman papers and continued to draw.This time, I drew a full 25 chapters of talismans in one breath, each of which is slightly different. It seems that according to the order of his drawing, the strokes of the talismans above are gradually increasing, and the more complicated they become.

Like the Dharma platform that was built before, these talismans also belong to the category of the technique of disgusting victory.And it is also a new technique that Zhang Yan can use now that he has entered the Dao Dan realm.

After drawing the 25 talismans, Zhang Yan took out the first five drawn ones, and placed the remaining [-] pieces in the four directions of the altar. around.

"The first day." Zhang Yan took out the first piece of talisman paper, then lit it on the white candle, and at the same time pinched the seal with the other hand, silently chanting something.I saw the talisman paper burning and turned into fine ash but it didn't disperse. Instead, as if being sucked by an invisible force, it formed a small strand that circled and fell on the few hairs in the altar, covering it thinly, almost Not very obvious.

After that, Zhang Yan didn't stop, but burned all the five talismans he pulled out, and all the ashes that fell were pulled off by the invisible force and spread on the few hairs in the altar .

After finishing these, Zhang Yan finally finished today's work.Glancing at the white candle still burning in front of the altar and the hair in the altar, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There are still four days before the big brother Zhang Shun's wedding, and there are still four stacks of talisman papers on the table. When the burning is over, those few hairs will be completely covered by the ashes of the paper, and Wu Yuan's life will be gone.

The timing was just right, as Zhou Cang said that Wu Yuan wanted to report illness and return to his hometown, and he should probably leave Langyuan City in three to four days, so he would be less troublesome if he died on the way.There is a huge difference between the sudden death of a local official who was on duty and the sudden death of a local official who left office.What Zhou Cang meant was to remind Zhang Yan not to rush to do it, and any less trouble is worth one point.

However, although Zhang Yan clearly admitted this matter, it was equivalent to tacitly acquiescing Zhou Cang's guess.In disguise, it also reveals another side of oneself.Let people know that he is not a so-called educated person who only knows how to make alchemy and make wheelchairs. He can also kill people, and he can kill people without leaving traces.

(End of this chapter)

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