one's door

Chapter 157 Accident

Chapter 157 Accident
If I use one sentence to describe Wu Yuan's recent mood, it would be: terrified all day long.

Even for Wu Yuan, the changes in the past few months have been too fast, too unimaginable, and too unacceptable.It even subverted his long-standing cognition.

In the beginning, as a mere commoner, so what if he cleared his crimes with a little miscellaneous knowledge?It's just a target for the child to practice, just spend some time and kill it again.

Later, the ordinary people were not simple, they even brought Zhou Cang to protect them, so they had to be handled carefully.

Later, the only son died.Although there was no sign that it was a homicide, Wu Yuan was still sure that he must have something to do with that hateful common people.

Eventually the spirit will come and then disappear.Even the presence of the Holy King in person is gone now.They never came back.Even the soul boy who was left in the deep well like leftovers was gone.

And the reason why Wu Yuan was convinced again that all of this fell on the common people as he had guessed was that the four assassins he sent also had no news.

That night Wu Yuan also created a fire on the east side of the city, attracting almost all the night watchmen, including the guards.The purpose is to cover the actions at Zhang's new house in the east of the city.But the result made him terrified.

Scared, really scared.Even though he lost his blood, Wu Yuan still didn't want to die like this.With wealth all over the body, how can it be said that he will let go when he says to let go?What's more, there is not only one holy king in this world, the Wu family has long known this.This holy king is gone, he just needs to save his life, and find another holy king. He will work hard and have a chance to renew his bloodline.

But the trouble is that this fame and fame can't just leave immediately.The city officials of Langyuan City belong to the local officials, but anyone who needs to leave Langyuan for more than a hundred miles needs to report to Beijiang County Sheriff's Mansion, and the sheriff can personally approve the approval before leaving.Otherwise, all localities have the power to convict or apprehend him as leaving his post without authorization.Especially in an extremely sensitive place like Beijiang County, this rule is even more stringent.

Although Wu Yuan immediately wrote a note to report his illness after he found out that the holy king had not returned, he was sent away as soon as the city gate opened the next day.Even if they rush to change horses day and night, it will take at least three and a half days to get a reply.It may even be delayed until the fourth and fifth day.

This waiting time is simply torture for Wu Yuan.Because he didn't know if he would die inexplicably like his son Wu Qingling.After losing all support, fear more and more occupied his thoughts, making him, an old fox who has been in the officialdom for many years, restless, and even often lost his mind when working in the yamen.

"My lord, why don't you take a rest first?" The adjutant knew that his lord reported his illness this morning.I don't think it's strange at all.During this period of time, there have been great changes in the family of adults, and no one can afford to change them.It is not easy for an adult to carry it till now.

"Well, no need. I still need a document later in the afternoon." Just halfway through, Wu Yuan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.For a while, cold sweat broke out.But the time was very short, and it subsided after only three or two breaths.But what followed was weakness, as if exhausted after running for a long distance.

The adjutant also looked a little nervous. At that moment just now, he found that his lord's face turned blue.

Wu Yuan couldn't hold on anymore, he really felt that his state was not right.The reason why he wanted to stay in the Yamen was simply that he didn't want to go back to the mansion, which always gave him a sense of insecurity.

"Forget it, just let me know, things are going slowly this afternoon, I'm not feeling well today, so I'm going back." Wu Yuan slowed down, waved his hand and refused the adjutant's support, stood up from the chair, stretched his waist, It seems to be better, and I don't feel as uncomfortable as before.I thought to myself that maybe I was really tired during this time, I just need to go back and drink a bowl of medicinal soup and have a good sleep.

Leaving the Yamen, everything is in the hands of the adjutant.Afterwards, if the notice of sickness comes down, the affairs of Langyuan City will be temporarily handled by the left and right officials in the yamen, and the adjutants will coordinate from them.

Wu Yuan returned home under the escort of the guards, and asked the family to boil a bowl of medicinal soup for calming the nerves and helping sleep.After lunch, he drank the medicine and went back to the room to sleep in a daze.When I woke up, it was already evening.Feeling full of energy, sweeping away the previous fatigue.

After getting up, he went to the study to listen to the old housekeeper's recent whereabouts of Zhang Yan.Wu Yuan felt at ease after listening to it.

According to what the butler said, Zhang Yan has been very busy recently, and he has been devoting himself to the preparations for his elder brother Zhang Shun's wedding.Non-stop after busy work.Or just go shopping with his mother and move back to the new house.Moreover, brother Zhang Yan's wedding banquet was scheduled for four days later, which coincided with the interval between Wu Yuan's illness.This undoubtedly gave Wu Yuan the idea that "the one surnamed Zhang should not care about it".

Because of sleeping all afternoon, Wu Yuan's spirit is still good, and he is ready to take care of the things that have fallen during the day.But when I was about to go back to the room to rest late at night, when I was about to stand up, I felt a sharp cramping pain in my chest. The pain was more severe and lasted longer than when I was in the yamen in the morning.

It took a full ten breaths before Wu Yuan regained his strength, his head and back were drenched in cold sweat.Then came that inexplicable tiredness.

"Is it really sick?" Wu Yuan couldn't help asking himself.He was able to report illness to avoid Zhang Yan's possible attack on him before, but he was not really ill.Now that he was doing this during the day and at night, he also felt that he really needed to see a doctor.

Silent all night.

During the two days of waiting for the reply from the Sheriff's Office, Wu Yuan found the best doctor in the city to see him.The conclusion reached is that "excessive worry, weak body and weak body" need to be nourished, and eat more nourishing things, and can also be appropriately supplemented with calming drugs.As for the inexplicable chest cramps, the doctor also attributed it to temporary symptoms caused by physical weakness, saying that there was nothing to worry about.

But Wu Yuan felt more and more that something was wrong.Because he does feel good after taking the medicine.However, there will still be chest cramps twice a day from time to time, and the degree and duration of the pain will gradually increase.I went to the doctor again, but the symptoms were not suppressed.

What upset Wu Yuan was far more than his sudden illness.On the third day, there was a reply from the Sheriff's Office about his sick note.There is only a one-sentence red note on it, and the seal of the county guard Xiao Wangcheng: Hold on for now, someone has been sent to you to take care of the affairs temporarily.

Is this a dismissal of the sick note? !Wu Yuan was stunned for a long time when he got the reply.His brows gradually wrinkled.Now that his mother has passed away, and the pain of bereavement is added, under such circumstances, the complaint of illness will be rejected?Although a sentence was added later, it meant that he was not allowed to leave Langyuan City.And it's just a sick report, do you need to send someone to take care of the affairs temporarily?
Wu Yuan looked at this reply, years of career in officialdom made him keenly aware of the unusual smell.

(End of this chapter)

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