one's door

Chapter 173

Chapter 173
From Langyuan City to the north, if you walk along the official road for five days, you will enter the boundary of Xiangkou, and after another day, you will see the city wall.

Compared with Langyuan City, Xiangkou's city wall is higher and thicker, and there are more official roads guarded by it. The geographical location is called a "hub".It is also the largest and most prosperous place in the entire Beijiang County, and the Sheriff's Mansion of Beijiang County is also here.

It was the first time for Zhang Yan to come to Xiangkou.He was following a carriage and horse dealership in Langyuan City, and Luo Changshan and his apprentice were also accompanying him.Because this time Zhang Yan came to Xiangkou not only to collect the storefront sent by Zhou Cang, but also to go to the annual tea party of the Miscellaneous School that Luo Changshan mentioned before.

As soon as he entered the city, Luo Changshan led Zhang Yan to his residence first.Then let Zeng Hao take Zhang Yan to find a shop.He himself was tired after a long trip, so he went back to his room to lie down and rest.

"Sir, there are a lot of people here, and there are also a lot of thieves. You'd better be careful, especially those beggars who come to beg for money. Ten or eight are not good things." Zeng Hao said to his counterpart Very familiar, so while leading the way, introduce Zhang Yan's precautions here.

In fact, it is the same everywhere, where there are many people, there are many thieves.And the reason why those beggars are more thieves is not because they want to, but because they have no choice.Even in many cases, they are just tools of some villains behind the scenes.

"What? Listen to your tone, have you been taken out of your bag here?"

"Well! I've been picked three times!" Zeng Hao didn't shy away from the losses he had suffered here.

"Then how did you hide the money this time? Aren't you afraid of being picked up again?"

Zeng Hao smiled, looked at Zhang Yan and replied: "I didn't bring any money to go out at all this time. Anyway, there is a husband here, so I don't need to spend money."

What has the poor child been forced into?Zhang Yan smiled and shook his head.

Go all the way, all the way without incident.It's not that Zhang Yan looks poor and no one pays attention to him.It's that when others stare at him, he will look over, and when his eyes meet, he has confirmed that the eyes are not someone who can take them out, so he doesn't have to come over.

"Sir, that's the family."

Following Zeng Hao's instructions, Zhang Yan saw from a distance that there was a five-bay shop facing the street with a door panel and only a small door open, which was in stark contrast to the thriving businesses around it.

Seeing such a location, Zhang Yan couldn't help but say "big atmosphere" to Zhou Cang in his heart.This kind of location, such a large pavement, is not for sale in anyone's hands.Zhou Cang's willingness to take it out also shows his sincerity.

Thinking about opening the semicolon of Zhangji Woodenware Shop here, it will definitely bring things like wheelchairs to a new level of popularity.After that, it will be guaranteed if it is spread to all parts of Nanyuan country.

Entering through the small open door, one can see that there is only one guy dozing on a chair in the empty and spacious shop.He opened his eyes only after hearing Zhang Yan's voice.

"This shop is not for rent!" The clerk glanced at Zhang Yan and Zeng Hao, without asking anything else, and spoke directly as if to drive them away.It is estimated that many people in this shop came to inquire about the lease, which annoyed him.

Zhang Yan didn't care either, and said with a smile: "My name is Zhang Yan, and I'm the owner of this shop. I'm here to close the shop. Where are you? Who are you?"

"What? Dong, Dong?! Zhang, Mr. Zhang is here?!" The guy blinked his eyes and was stunned for a moment before he realized it. He quickly stood up from the chair, put on a smile and walked a few steps closer, bowing his hands Greet you personally.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang! The younger one is a former employee of this shop, and he is in business with the Zhou family. Later, when the shop came into your hands, the younger one was arranged to guard it. Hehe, let me introduce you to the younger one." ?” He spoke very humbly, but the guy who should check the house deed was not careless at all.After careful inspection, he led Zhang Yan to visit around the shop.

The outside business area is what you see after entering the door. It is as big as a five-bay shop.But there is also a warehouse at the back, as well as houses for cooking and temporary living.There is even a counting room and a small reception hall.

Zhang Yan is absolutely satisfied with the shop.Then directly keep the shopkeeper, let him continue to look after the shop after paying the wages, and wait for the next person to start decorating and arranging.

After closing the shop, Zhang Yan and Zeng Zeng were just about to go back to the inn, when they saw a large cavalry troop approaching from the north on the street, crowding the pedestrians who already had a lot of traffic on the street to give way to the side of the street.And although the riders did not ride horses according to the rules, they didn't intend to narrow the team at all, and they still led the four riders side by side.There was even a smirk on his face.It seems that he is very happy that passers-by around him are scrambling to avoid it.

"Bah! Beiwu's dead savage!"

Zhang Yan was still wondering where the cavalry team could enter the city with so many horses, and block the road so arrogantly.It seems that they want to go through the city to the horse farm in the south.Zhang Yan entered from the south gate when he came, and passed a big horse farm.But is it necessary to cross the city like this?Wouldn't it be good to go around the city?Or are these people doing it on purpose?

As a result, Zeng Hao scolded Zhang Yan before he could think about it.

"Beiwu Barbarians? Are they from Beiwu Kingdom?" Zhang Yan realized that although the robes on those people were generally similar to those of Nanyuan Kingdom, the details were also different.For example, the cuffs are bigger and the collar should stand up a little more.Moreover, none of these people, male or female, wore their hair in a bun, they just combed it casually and tied it at the back, like a ponytail.No one has short hair either.

"Yes sir, these people are all from Beiwu Kingdom. They are here to run business in Xiangkou, mainly to buy tea bricks and some spices. At the same time, they will sell some gelding horses."

"A horse that has been gelded? Is it because you are afraid of being bred?"

"Well! The barbarians in Beiwu are very thieves. But their horses are indeed the best. Especially for war horses, even if they are gelded, they are much better than our own horses. If it weren't for their horses, they How dare you be so arrogant here? Bah!" Zeng Hao said while looking at the passing cavalry in displeasure.

Zhang Yan nodded.He had read about horses in many miscellaneous journals.In fact, Nanyuan Kingdom does not lack horses, but only lacks war horses with good stamina, great strength, and large size.And Beiwu Kingdom happened to be a place where high-quality war horses were produced.Coupled with the origins of the two countries and the contradictory status quo that has always been hostile to each other and has to be united.I also understand why these people from Beiwu Kingdom are finding fault in these inexplicable places.I also understand why Zeng Hao would be so contemptuous and dissatisfied with the other party.

It took a long time for a stick of incense to wait until the cavalry was over, and the back was blocked into a pot of porridge.Even people like Zhang Yan who had no idea of ​​Beiwu Kingdom had a very bad impression of them.It seems that the "barbarians" Zeng Hao said are just right to describe them.

(End of this chapter)

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