one's door

Chapter 174

Chapter 174
On the way back to the inn, Zhang Yan asked Zeng Hao to take him around in a big circle, including the main shopping streets on the Xiangkou side.

It must be said that the biggest difference between Xiangkou and Langyuan City is that there are many more shops here than in Langyuan City.The most shops sell all kinds of tea bricks and spices, as well as some high-end silk cloth.Moreover, many of the people who went in and out of these shops were from the Beiwu Kingdom whose clothing and hair accessories were different from those of the Nanyuan Kingdom.

Although Xiangkou is the first hub city after passing the Tonghu Pass, are there too many Beiwu people here?You can see two out of ten people on the road.

Zhang Yan didn't understand the reason, but Zeng Hao knew it.Compared to Zhang Yan, although Zeng Hao is younger, he has already visited every county in Nanyuan Kingdom.He has even been to Beiwu Kingdom and Huayue Shang Kingdom on the east bank of Yueshui.

Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, this is what Luo Changshan master and apprentice practiced early on.

"Sir, I don't know. This month is the semi-annual "Commercial Month" that we have agreed with Beiwu Kingdom. During this period, customs clearance documents will be issued several times more than usual. In addition, some large companies that hold commercial orders on a regular basis There are more people from Beiwu Kingdom pouring in. Moreover, Xiangkou is the hub of Beijiang, so those barbarians naturally like to gather here."

Zhang Yan understood after listening.On weekdays, there would not be so many people from Beiwu Kingdom in Xiangkou.Thinking this time, he just happened to meet him.

"Sir, this Yushizhai's rouge gouache is very famous. If I go and buy some for Sister Huiyuan, she will definitely like it!" When passing by a rouge shop, Zeng Hao suddenly remembered something, and was about to rush into it excitedly. .He didn't notice the gradually serious expression on Zhang Yan's face at all.

This brat really misses my little sister!

But Zeng Hao excitedly ran out two steps and then backed back, looked at Zhang Yan with a nervous expression and said: "Sir, can you lend me some money, I didn't bring it with me when I went out because I was afraid of being stolen. I will change it when I go back." To sir."

Zhang Yan snorted in his heart, and asked with a smirk: "How do you know that my sister likes this kind of rouge powder? Why don't I know?"

"Sir, I heard sister Huiyuan mention it once when I was helping in the store. She said that this kind of rouge powder is the best in Nanyuan Kingdom. It's just too expensive, and you can't buy it in Langyuan City. So I I just want to find a chance to bring her a box back."

The half-grown child had no idea how dangerous it would be for him to say these things in front of his elder brother.

"That's it. Then I won't bother you. I'll just buy some for my little sister."

"Ah? Sir, you, you." Zeng Hao didn't know what to say for a while.He can't let Zhang Yan not buy things for his sister, can he?So he just grabbed his neck, with a funny expression on his face.

Zhang Yan felt funny when he saw it.Ignoring Zeng Hao, he stepped into the rouge and gouache shop that Zeng Hao mentioned in the front door.

As soon as Zhang Yan entered the door, he smelled a complex fragrance.It seems to be the scent of many kinds of flowers intertwined.Moreover, almost all the Yingying and Yanyan customers are female guests.Of course there are men too.

"Guest officer, just take a look. Do you need me to introduce you?" A clerk in the store is also a woman, and the person who greets Zhang Yan is not young, about 40 years old.

Zhang Yan nodded, pointed to the bottles and cans on the cabinet behind, and asked, "I don't know about these. I want to buy some rouge and gouache for my sister. I heard that your products are very good. Please recommend some to me." Right? It’s fine for little girls.”

From Zhang Yan's point of view, this place is no different from those big-name cosmetics stores on the earth.If you don't know it yourself, just ask a shop assistant who knows how to recommend it.And if you want to buy, just buy the most popular model, so that there will be no mistakes.

The clerk smiled and took out the item, which is said to be a set.And it is said to be the best seller in the store this year.

"Good luck, guest officer. This is the last set in the store. You will have to wait a month for another set. If you are satisfied, I will wrap it up for you?"

"Okay. Make the bag more beautiful, and the rest of the money will be rewarded." Zhang Yan didn't ask for the money, and a few big tickets arrived on the counter.The other party's eyes lit up, put away the money and began to find colored paper to pack.

"Wait a moment!"

The sudden sound made the packing clerk at the counter pause, and looked up to see a young girl walking over surrounded by several people.

"Miss, what do you want?"

"I want this box of rouge powder."

"But this box has already been sold to this guest officer." The clerk explained with a smile.It's not the first time she's been snapping up the same thing.Just kick the ball to the customer, it has nothing to do with their store.

The girl frowned, and before she could speak, a young man around her age had already shouted at Zhang Yan, "Hey! How much did you give? Let the rouge and gouache come out. Do you hear me?"

Zhang Yan was speechless for a while, he didn't expect that he would encounter such a bloody trick one day.

Turning his head, Zhang Yan saw several people behind him, there were seven men and women, all of them were seventeen or eighteen years old.And they all wore robes in the style of Beiwu Kingdom.Surrounded in the middle, that is, the girl who spoke first was the most luxuriously dressed, and she was by no means an ordinary wealthy family.It should be Miss Guanjia.

Zhang Yan shook his head and said, "If you want it, you can find a way for yourself. I don't sell the ones in my hand." After speaking, he signaled the shop assistant to continue packing.Ignoring the twittering clamor of the boy behind him who said he wanted more money.It's like a little male dog barking to express himself in front of another female dog.These made Zhang Yan not even interested in talking to him.Otherwise, wouldn't it really become a bloody plot?

"Hey, are you deaf? How dare you ignore me! See if I don't beat you up. Hehe, what's the matter with Miss Herring?" There was a surge of energy in the boy, obviously a martial artist at the Yuan Kai stage, and he raised his fist It seemed that he wanted to pounce on Zhang Yan to teach him a lesson.But in the end he was pulled back by the girl in the middle.He could only watch Zhang Yan who picked up the rouge powder without saying a word and walked out of the shop.

The girl didn't look at the young man who flattered her at all, but looked at the back of Zhang Yan leaving and said, "He has a belt around his waist that teaches martial arts. If you did it just now, we will be in big trouble."

Hearing the girl's words, several people in the company were surprised.Either they didn't notice the badge on Zhang Yan's waist.Or you noticed it but didn't read the words above.

"That person isn't a warrior, is he? How could he be teaching from the Martial Academy?"

"And that person doesn't look very old, does he? Is the appointment of instructors at the Martial Arts Institute of Nanyuan Kingdom so sloppy?"

"Miss Qingyu is dazzling, right? That person can't possibly be a teacher of the Martial Arts Academy."

The words of the companion did not change the girl in the middle, but she also explained: "I am not a warrior, and I am young. These are not problems. Don't forget to say that there are guest teachers in the martial arts academy."

(End of this chapter)

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