one's door

Chapter 204

Chapter 204
Not long after Zhang Yan returned to Langyuan City more than half a year ago, he was often followed by people.They belonged to the Wu family father and son before, and then came another wave. It is guessed that they belonged to Yang Jie, the official of Zuojun.It seems to be different now.

And it changed two dials at the same time.

One is a master.The breath and blood are obviously suppressed deliberately, almost no different from ordinary pedestrians on the road.If Zhang Yan hadn't been guarding against the ghosts in the sanctuary recently, so he would always be vigilant when he was outside, his perception would probably ignore the other party.As for this ability, Zhang Yan has never encountered it before.After careful induction, this person's cultivation base is not low, and it is estimated that he can reach the early stage of Tongqiao state.

Tongqiaojing is definitely a master-level figure in Langyuan City.City guard Zhou Cang is only in the middle stage of Tongqiao Realm.

Who is the one?Or someone from the Sheriff's Office?Or was there some other force that was targeting him?

Second, those eerie ghosts that Zhang Yan has been waiting for.They didn't go to Jiangwuyuan, where there are many fighters and the blood is so high, and they didn't go directly to Zhang Yan's house, or they felt the power of Zhang Yan's family that belonged to the three-pure spirituality, so they approached No, you can only stay outside the Zhang family.Even the place he chose was the same as the ghost baby that Zhang Yan sensed before but was run away by him, in the restaurant with a wide view.

Hiss. This is very interesting.

There are people and ghosts.Is this looking for yourself to fight against the Landlord?Zhang Yan didn't panic at all and even found it funny, and he was a little excited.

Zhang Yan is not an ascetic monk with a pure heart and asceticism. What he cultivates is the world of mortals and his original heart, and he participates in the way of the world. He is always excited about some battles that are close at hand.Especially those ghosts, it was hard for him to count them as dangerous.

In the middle stage of the Dao Dan Realm, with the "reason" buff stuffed into the mind of Huang Tianyu, and a thicker aura cultivation base, not to mention anything else, the lightning talisman alone is more than the one that was destroyed in the new house before. I don't know how powerful the ghost king was.

Of course, Zhang Yan has become more powerful, and the ghost coming from the sanctuary may not be just as strong as the ghost king last time.It will only be stronger, otherwise, wouldn't it be death?

It still needs to be arranged.Otherwise, what if you let go of your hands and feet and fight and run away?Isn't that a waste?

Entered the house.Because I was entangled for a long time by those people in the courtyard who were greedy for medicinal baths, I arrived home much later than usual.The family has already set up the dishes and chopsticks waiting for him to eat.

That night Zhang Yan didn't sleep all night, and his perception was always maximized. He could clearly feel that the two eyes were also on the Zhang family and never moved away.

The difference is that the line of sight of the martial artist who belongs to the Tongqiao state is very stable, just like the kind of stalking that Zhang Yan has experienced many times before, just stare at it, and he never thought about cutting into Zhang’s house for closer observation, or going over the wall at night to do something. What's the plan.In this case, it is basically certain that this martial artist in the Tongqiao state has no direct hostility towards Zhang Yan for the time being.Even Zhang Yan was wondering if the other party was also a member of Beijiang County Sheriff's Mansion?After all, at present, this is the only force he can think of that can send such masters over to watch him.

But those ghosts made Zhang Yan want to laugh.From time to time, he always wanted to invade Zhang's house, but every time he was driven away when he got close to the courtyard wall.He even gritted his teeth once and wanted to force his way in, but he penetrated half of the courtyard wall, and a third of his soul body was directly crushed, and an arm and a leg disappeared immediately.Only then did the ghost howl and escape.

That's what it means to "don't shed tears without seeing the coffin".If it wasn't for another eyeliner watching Zhang's house, and Zhang Yan didn't want to show his means of eating in front of others, he would have chopped the opponent half to death with a lightning talisman and then passed away.

But it's not without gains.On the contrary, it can be said that Zhang Yan's harvest from not sleeping this night is very unexpected.

Because in Zhang Yan's perception, just when the unlucky ghost insisted on rushing into the Zhang family's mansion and was crushed by Sanqing's divine thoughts to crush [-]% of its soul body, and then fled away screaming, the Tongqiao state who was observing in the dark There was obvious confusion in the martial artist's aura, so that all traces that were well hidden were forgotten at that moment.

Can that person also detect ghosts? !

Zhang Yan only squinted for a while when it was dawn.When Zhang Huiyuan outside the door asked him to go out for breakfast, and then fully turned on his perception, the Tongqiao Realm warrior who followed him had disappeared.Appears to be gone.

On the other side, Shen Wujiu, who was also busy making dossiers late at night, was yelled at by his subordinates after squinting for a while.

"Why are you back?" Shen Wujiu asked suspiciously looking at the hurried and tense subordinates in front of him.He arranged for this person to stare at Zhang Yan, and now that he came back suddenly, something might happen.

"Sir, there is a situation!"

Shen Wujiu took a sip of tea, dispelled a little sleepiness in his mind, cheered up and said, "What's the matter?"

"This subordinate was staring outside Zhang Yan's house last night, but he didn't expect to hear a scream! It seems that he suffered a big loss on the edge of Zhang Yan's courtyard wall, and then he didn't wait for his subordinates to catch up and slapped him. Now, the ghost has already escaped."

"Ling Xiao?! So Zhang Yan did it? Or are there really other bugs in Zhang Yan's mansion?" Shen Wujiu's drowsiness had completely disappeared.Things were moving much faster than he had thought.He originally thought that it would take a long time to follow him, and he might even need to design something to stimulate Zhang Yan in order to gain something.Who would have thought that the big fish would be hugged just after staring at it.

However, the martial artist who came back to report shook his head and said: "Although Zhang Yan's aura is not as strong as that of a martial artist, it is also long and special. I can always feel that he has never left his house, and he did not move it. And I rushed over after the Ling Xiao, and I didn't smell a second smell except for a bad smell, and I didn't find the powder that was scattered. It doesn't seem like there are any other bugs in Zhang Yan's house .”

"Huh?" This is very strange.Shen Wujiu stood up from the chair in surprise.

Didn't Zhang Yan move his hands, or did he hide bugs to help Zhang Yan?Then why did that bug escape after making a spirit whistle?Or did the stalker get it wrong?

But in the end, this thought was scattered in Shen Wujiu's mind.Because the person in front of him is the best expert at finding traces under his command, and he does not know how many credits he has made.He should not doubt the judgment of the other party.

Then there is only one possibility left.Is there some kind of trap in Zhang Yan's house that can hurt those bugs?No matter what the result is, Zhang Yan can already be sure that he is not an ordinary person, and he definitely has a good understanding of those bedbugs and the means to deal with them.

This is the first time Shen Wujiu has encountered such a person.

"Will Zhang Yan go out today?"

"Responding to my lord's words, according to the information my subordinates found yesterday, Zhang Yan will take a rest today."

(End of this chapter)

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