one's door

Chapter 205 Contact

Chapter 205 Contact
Compared with Yang Jie, the official of Zuojun, who has so many worries, Shen Wujiu of the special case department is much more agile.He doesn't care about how many people around Zhang Yan hinder him, and he doesn't care what Zhang Yan thinks. The only thing he has to do is to figure out what he thinks in his heart, and just find out about the bedbugs.

In this regard, the Special Cases Division enjoys the maximum power in Nanyuan.

Of course, Shen Wujiu, who is a guest teacher at the Martial Arts Academy, still needs to pay attention.That is not the same as other places in Nanyuan, where they can run rampant with special cases department.

So Shen Wujiu didn't ask someone to call Zhang Yan, but went to visit the post in a serious manner and came to the door in person.It's just that his greeting card was not handed in in advance, but someone was already waiting outside the door when he handed it in.Moreover, the accompanying several people surrounded Zhang's house, and they didn't know what to guard against.

"Nanyuan Special Case Division?" Zhang Yan was a little dazed when he received the greeting card.It was the first time he had heard of such a yamen.And the word "Nanyuan" is directly on the head, which belongs to the prefix of the country, right?
Then he carefully identified the waist badge that the other party sent over with the greeting post. The unique casting technique of the official face of Nanyuan Kingdom on it could not be faked.It shows that the Nanyuan Special Case Division is real.

"Why are you looking for me?" Although Zhang Yan was puzzled, he quickly thought of the good show last night.Maybe the Tongqiao Realm martial artist who was secretly watching is the person of this special case department?In addition, the other party clearly sensed the existence of ghosts because of the ghost whistle.In this way, the word "special case" of these special case divisions also has something to say?

In fact, Zhang Yan didn't hesitate for long, just a short while after Sister Mei came back with the greeting card, Zhang Yan walked quickly to the gate and led the visitor in himself.

The visitor claimed to be surnamed Shen, and his name was a bit strange, Wujiu.He is a master of the Hundred Refining Realm.Walking, sitting, and lying down all have a very strong posture of a soldier in the army. It is guessed that he has been in the army for a long time.

I sat down.Since it was the first time we met, we exchanged a few pleasantries as usual.After that, Shen Wujiu started to talk about the business, saying that he came here to hope that Zhang Yan would recall the grievances between Wu Yuan and his son and him before, and elaborate on where he was and what he was doing when Wu Yuan and his son died.And he also asked Zhang Yan, seemingly jokingly, how he managed to win so much money in the money shop of Wu Yuan's only son Wu Qingling.

Zhang Yan answered all these topics one by one, and didn't make any changes, just carried over what he said to Adjutant Liu Yi of the Sheriff's Mansion before.He kept a smile on his face, but felt strange in his heart.Why does the other party ask some old questions?They should have grasped these issues, right?

"Actually, I came here today to get acquainted with Professor Zhang. Hehe, to be honest, I also came out of the Lecture Academy, and I am naturally kind to Professor Zhang. Hahaha"

As soon as the topic changed, it seemed that homework was brought up again.He even said that Zhang Yan's house was small and exquisite, and he wanted to see it, and he also said that he planned to renovate his own house like this when he went back.He also solemnly bowed his hand and thanked Zhang Yan, without giving Zhang Yan a chance to refuse.Coupled with those eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Zhang Yan understood that the other party might be looking for something in his house.

The Zhang family's house is not very big, and it is inconvenient to enter the boudoir of the younger sister Zhang Huiyuan, so I walked down after a while.

"This is the ancestor of Zhang Jiaoxi's family?" Shen Wujiu slightly blinked his eyes when he passed the shrine hut where the incense was burned, and stopped on his feet, looking at the furnishings in the room curiously, but he didn't go in hastily.A sense of awe that he couldn't explain clearly arose immediately when he saw the three portraits hanging on the wall.It seems that the treasure land will be dirty if I go in with a dusty body.So I was surprised.

"Hehe, it's not the ancestors of my family, but my three masters. Now I can't find their teachings, so I can only enshrine them at home to show my heart and respect for learning." Zhang Yan explained with a smile, while laughing Watching the subtle expression changes on Shen Wujiu's face.

conceal?Totally unnecessary.The Supreme Being of the Three Purities is unknown in the Huangtian Territory.Where do we need to cover up?Besides, Huang Tianyu cultivates martial arts, not Dao, so how can it be so easy to sense the amazing mystery emanating from the Sanqingshen's thoughts?
"Oh!? Teacher Zhang learned from three teachers?" Although Shen Wujiu heard "Master" for the first time, he could guess what it meant, and directly understood it as "teacher" or "master".

Zhang Yan naturally didn't explain, nodded and didn't say any more.

"Who are those burning?"

"Red incense, a ceremonial thing, also has the effect of incense. It can also be used to express reverence."

In the end, Shen Wujiu still didn't choose to step into the hut that he thought was weird.

After that, he said goodbye to Zhang Yan and left.

And when Zhang Yan sent the other party out, he sensed the aura that followed him yesterday, and now he was standing among Shen Wujiu's line of guards outside the door.In this way, Zhang Yan's guess was solved.It was the Nanyuan special case secretary who followed him.

But just as he was about to say goodbye, he saw a group of people walking quickly.It was Zhou Cang who hurried over after hearing the news and worrying about Zhang Yan's accident.But Zhou Cang didn't say hello to Shen Wujiu, and Shen Wujiu just glanced at Zhou Cang with a half-smile, turned and left without stopping.

"Master Zhou"

"Professor Zhang, those people didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

"Hehe, Mr. Zhou has a heart. Please, let's talk in the room."

Back in the house again.Seeing that nothing happened to Zhang Yan, Zhou Cang was also relieved.So he explained why he was worried.

"I have dealt with these red-robed special case officers once. But not this time. They are very mysterious in Nanyuan Kingdom, and they are extremely capable. Usually they don't move, they don't care about things, they just stationed in every The number of people in a county's sheriff's mansion is not too large, generally only three to fifty people in a county. But everyone's cultivation base is not low, and I have never seen anyone below the Kaiyuan state.

But once they do something, someone will suffer.But never said the reason.Last time I was in charge of helping them take care of the surrounding area.A wealthy businessman was escorted away without a trial, without a conviction, or even a case, and it is not known what happened to those people in the end.

Does Professor Zhang know why they came here? "

"I don't know. When I came here, I asked a lot about Wu Yuan and his son. After that, I went around the house. There was nothing else. It didn't look malicious. It made Master Zhou worry." Zhang Yan bowed his hands and saluted Zhou Cang's friendship.

"Hahaha, that's good. Since Professor Zhang has nothing to do, I won't bother you. The military has recently been training heavily and has been extremely busy. Let's go."

"I'll see Master Zhou off."

(End of this chapter)

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