one's door

Chapter 218 Pill Fire

Chapter 218 Pill Fire
The key to refining equipment is actually somewhat similar to alchemy. The key is based on the word "fire".The difference is that the fire of alchemy can be solved by the alchemy furnace, and the better the alchemy furnace can produce the more mysterious flame effect.However, the better the alchemy furnace, the higher the spiritual energy and cultivation threshold will be.

But the refiner is different.The craft of refining can't rely on foreign objects, it all depends on one's hands and talent.The "fire" mentioned earlier is due to talent.Its source is the Danhuo produced by each monk after intensively practicing the Five Elements Fire Technique after the Daodan realm.Dao Dan's "Dan".The higher the grade of the pill fire, the more energy of the fire attribute of heaven and earth that can be connected, and the more mysterious principles it brings.There will be more room for means when refining weapons.

But because the magical artifacts can be used for thousands of years after being refined, the total amount of magical artifacts is actually abundant after such a long period of accumulation, especially the middle and low-grade magical artifacts, which is not uncommon.There are many records of these in Longhushan's essays.It is also the reason why the status of a refiner is generally much lower than that of an alchemist.

Zhang Yan has always been a fellow practitioner of the Five Elements, metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements are balanced, what he seeks is a word of stability.So he didn't think about things like "Dan Huo" before.But it doesn't prevent him from urging his own pill fire to refine the weapon.

It's not that Zhang Yan's heart is greedy, but that he now needs many magic tools to seek peace.

Fight with people, fight with ghosts, and even fight with the sky in the future.There is no way to meet his current needs with just one Wanxiang Bead.The word "wealth" in practice is not just a joke.One magic weapon is not enough, and ten are not too many.And now he is not the only one who needs magic tools.

Before that, Zhang Yan, the special case officer, Shen Wujiu, had spied that the other party was already paying attention to other members of the Zhang family.Mother Wang Lanping, younger sister Zhang Huiyuan, elder brother Zhang Shun and elder sister Wang Qin.They will all inevitably become the targets of malicious people outside.

Longhushan is not a sect that is very good at refining weapons, but its techniques are strong enough, so among the collected techniques of refining weapons, there are many secret techniques of the famous refining sects.Zhang Yan also had many choices.

However, it is easy to see the content of the door, but it is not so easy to trap the Fa on oneself to actually produce results.

Anyway, Zhang Yan didn't simply push out his own pill fire as he thought at first, and there wasn't even any sign that he was going to release the pill fire.

For several days, there was no reaction until Princess Qingling, one of Zhang Yan's two students, came to him to say goodbye.

A small group of small flames like matchstick bean inflammation reluctantly drilled out of the Dao Dan.Slightly raised his head, then shrank back as if shy.

"This... what kind of fire?" Zhang Yan was in a daze at the time, it was very different from the pill fire described in the Taoist scriptures.

According to the description in the Daoist scriptures, once the Danhuo comes out, there will be an unruly spirit, which needs to be suppressed with the power of Daodan, and there will be a process called "training the fire".After all, Dao of Fire is already extremely aggressive, even the Dao Dan that originated from him will not be obedient from the beginning.

But what is the origin of this little flame in Zhang Yandao's alchemy?Being timid and timid has nothing to do with the "aggression and rebellion" mentioned in the Taoist scriptures.

Even Zhang Yan tried his best to find a comparable type of Danhuo in the Taoist scriptures, but he couldn't find a match at all.

Danhuo is divided into "slow fire" and "wuhuo".

Slow fire generally has a lighter color, while Wuhuo is darker.

The flames in Zhang Yandao's alchemy looked neither gentle fire nor martial fire, because although the flame was small, it was clearly distinct, half white and half black, no matter how much it twisted and swayed, it would not affect the difference between black and white.

No matter how you look at it, Zhang Yan feels that Ze Danhuo is too weak.

"Forget it, I guess it's just a ball of low-level pill fire. I don't have the qualifications to be unruly. It's easy to control." Zhang Yan still had some expectations in his heart.After all, in this life, his physical body has excellent cultivation talent, and he also hopes that he can also perform outstandingly in pill fire.

But now it looks like he's thinking too much.

When Princess Qingling left, it was natural to go back to Yuanding Imperial City to go to the battle with Huayue Shangguo.If you rush ahead, you will naturally leave earlier.So Zhang Yan originally had only two students, and now Zhou Yun is the only one left.

Xiao Shu came to tell Zhang Yan about this, saying that if Princess Qingling loses, she will not come back in the future, and Zhang Yan needs to choose another student.

Regarding this, Zhang Yan was noncommittal, and didn't even care.He felt that Princess Qingling, who was not optimistic, had a high chance of being upset this time.As long as Princess Qingling's opponent in the late Kaiyuan stage has no special abilities beyond the scope of ordinary warriors in Huangtianyu, with the help of Zhang Yan, there is still a good chance to win by leapfrogging.After all, it is a arena, and there are often unexpected factors.

Anyway, Zhang Yan's biggest feeling is that he has an extra afternoon of spare time.As soon as the door was closed, he just used the privacy of Zangfeng Tower to practice his seemingly unreliable pill fire.

The five-element fire method emphasizes a "ravages and controllability", which means to maximize the aggressiveness of fire and at the same time keep fire under one's control.Before that, Zhang Yan's only five-element fire attribute was the "spiritual fire talisman" mixed with the talisman method.It can be said to be half a layman.

Now it's Danhuo to get started directly, and he is quite unfamiliar.Fortunately, his ball of black and white pill fire was surprisingly docile, so although there were bumps and bumps, it went smoothly overall.

Spreading out his hand, in the palm of his hand was a gold nugget weighing two taels. Although this thing is not a hard currency in Huangtianyu, it is also a precious metal, which is used to decorate jewelry and some important utensils.Zhang Yan asked the owner of the jewelry store in the East Market to collect some, and the two taels in his hand are part of it.

Then with a thought, a flame burst out from under the gold nugget in the palm, black and white were so distinct that one couldn't even feel its temperature, but after burning for less than three breaths, the two or two gold nuggets began to soften and fade away. Within five breaths, it turned into a mass of liquid, and began to bubbling.

Zhang Yan is also very strange about this.Other pill fires are also fire in the final analysis, and if they are fire, they will hurt others and themselves, so there is a compulsory method called "Fire Control Technique" in Fire Art, which is to teach you how not to be hurt by the flames you make.

But Zhang Yan couldn't feel the temperature of the fire at all, as long as he didn't actually touch it, he wouldn't be able to burn a piece of paper.But as long as you touch it, there is absolutely nothing to say in the burning thing.

In just the time of a cup of tea, the pool of melted golden water reduced rapidly visible to the naked eye.Under Zhang Yan's control, an imprisoned golden balloon formed on his palm.Then, after all the golden water turned into golden air, Zhang Yan controlled his own fire to spread out, as fine as a hair, mixed into the imprisoned golden air, and continued to burn in another form. burn.
(End of this chapter)

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