one's door

Chapter 219 Princess

Chapter 219 Princess
It would take at least half a month from Langyuan City to Yuanding Imperial City even if it was a fast journey.Princess Qingling could have walked back slowly more than a month in advance, but because she wanted to take Zhang Yan's class a few more times, she squeezed the time to the tightest point.

Ordinary palace lords travel in horse-drawn carriages, accompanied by guards of honor.Even a fringe princess like Princess Qingling who doesn't have an official title still has these ostentations.There will even be officials of etiquette who specifically restrain the words and deeds of the princesses, including the royal guard of honor when traveling.Such is the so-called prestige.

But this time Princess Qingling is dressed in a warrior outfit, riding a fast horse alone, and even her equestrian skills are not bad, with the help of a special saddle, she can barely do eight hundred miles without stopping and only changing horses halfway. Urgent hurry method.All the way to rest for three nights.When the travel-worn horse rode into the city gate, the gate guard almost didn't recognize Her Highness the Princess. Fortunately, he caught the golden medal thrown by the other party, otherwise he would have raised the red flag in his hand to ask for the important badge on the city gate. The crossbow smashed and shot.

Don't worry about the courage and power of the guards in Yuanding Imperial City.Not to mention the princess, even the prince can't ride a horse into the city without special circumstances.The crimes of being caught and convicted are all light, and it is not uncommon to be shot to death by random arrows.

He rode his horse all the way, but at any rate slowed down, yelled to avoid it, and it went smoothly to the gate of the palace without hitting anyone.

"Mother Concubine! The child is back!"

After entering the palace, Princess Qingling immediately went to the harem to find her biological mother, Huarong Zhaoyi.

"Ling'er! You, you are back! Mother is so worried!"

A unique small courtyard in the harem is Huarong Zhaoyi's residence.It is relatively quiet here, and it is very close to the "Beiguang Garden" where flowers and plants are flourishing, and the terrain is relatively high and there is no tide.Even the place was redecorated the year before last.It looks new.

Huarong Zhaoyi is young, just in her early 40s, and she is the youngest daughter of the Chen family in Nanyuan Kingdom.She was sent into the palace by Chen Yao, the head of the Chen family, into the eyes of the emperor, and was brought into the harem as Zhaoyi.

The Chen family is the second largest military family in the Nanyuan National Army.Although the past few decades have been a little out of date, the intertwined relationship is still there, and no one dares to underestimate it.

But the Chen family was out of luck.Or Hua Rong Zhaoyi's bad luck.Although she has a good appearance and good family affairs, she also pleases the emperor.It's a pity that she had an accident when she gave birth to Princess Qingling.Although Princess Qingling's life was saved in the end, there was no possibility of her having a baby.And this means a complete loss of status in the royal family.If it wasn't for the fact that the emperor still loved her and her family background was strong enough, Huarong Zhaoyi's fate would have been miserable.

And the Chen family's misfortune didn't stop there.

The daughter Huarong Zhaoyi gave birth to, Princess Qingling, is actually talented and able to practice martial arts, and she is the only princess in the same age who can practice martial arts.

Cultivating martial arts is a good thing, but if it is the only princess who cultivates martial arts in a similar age group, it will not be a good thing.

Because he was going to be singled out as the marriage competition with Huayue Shangguo this time.It's all a coincidence in time.

So after Princess Qingling was born and tested her martial arts talent, her title was changed to "Qingling", which is not an official princess title.

As for the emperor, coolness is the basic quality.In order for the royal family not to lose a formally titled princess, Princess Qingling, who was just born at that time, could only be wronged.

Even though no one was optimistic about Princess Qingling, the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom didn't let her go. They spent a lot of resources when they were young, and then sent them to the martial arts academy in Yuanding Imperial City to study.But when the news of Huayue Shangguo's opponent came back, Princess Qingling's situation fell to the bottom.Especially in Yuanding Imperial City, even in places like the Martial Arts Academy, "very negative" remarks, even ridicule and ridicule, began to appear, "What's the point of working so hard? You will still lose in the end, It will become another disgrace to Nanyuan Kingdom".

This negative and negative environment almost caused Princess Qingling to collapse directly.That's why Huarong Zhaoyi found Xiao Shu who was in the martial arts court in Langyuan City through her family's relationship, and transferred Princess Qingling to Langyuan City to continue her practice.Far away from Yuanding Imperial City, there will be much less gossip.

At least let the children have a chance to fight hard once.If you still lose in the end, you should have no regrets.This is what the Chen family and Huarong Zhaoyi have always thought.

"It's not my son's fault. But there is a reason why my son came back so late. This time, my son met a great opportunity in Langyuan City." Princess Qingling smiled and pulled her mother back into the house. Tell me about your amazing experience in the past two months.

The guards and maids outside retreated one after another, leaving room for the mother and daughter to talk privately.

Huarong Zhaoyi didn't listen carefully at first, and she was even more distressed by her daughter's bumpy journey and the sunburn on her face.But listening to it, she had to open her mouth slightly in shock, and her eyes widened.

"Ling'er! Don't lie to your mother and concubine, you really met such a strange person? Still have the confidence to surpass the princess of Huayue Shang Kingdom?!" Huarong Zhaoyi tightly held her daughter's hand.Although she is not a warrior, she knows how difficult it is to win by leapfrogging.And the target is a person from Huayue Shangguo.

Over the years, which time has Nanyuan Kingdom won?Not to mention leapfrogging, the same level is also simply lost.

So after getting excited, Huarong Zhaoyi quickly poured a basin of cold water on herself.Difficult, too difficult.However, there was still a look of surprise on his face.He patted the back of his daughter's hand and followed her daughter's mood to express her happiness.In her opinion, this may be the last time she and her daughter will be together.So why be so pessimistic?How good is it to be happy?
"Mother Concubine. I know that you are following me. My child has been studying abroad all these years, and I have learned a little bit of the ability to read people's faces. I know that Mother Concubine does not believe it. But it is also true that such a strange person as Mr. Zhang is rare in the world. It is human nature for the mother and concubine not to believe it. But my son, please rest assured that the child will win this time! From then on, he will get the "wishful order" and stay by his side for the rest of his life, so as not to let the concubine mother be alone!"

The so-called "Ruyi Order" was made by the first emperor to encourage the princesses of Nanyuan Kingdom to work hard instead of giving up on themselves.As long as you win the competition, you will be rewarded with a Ruyi Ling. In the future, "everything goes well", as long as the requirements are not excessive, they can be satisfied.It is equivalent to giving the winning princess the most free space.

Huarong Zhaoyi put her arms around her daughter's shoulders.He smiled and said: "It doesn't matter what the concubine mother thinks, the important thing is yourself. If you have confidence, then give it a go. Even if you lose, you must show the integrity of my Nanyuan country. If you really win , then you are the number one princess of Nanyuan Kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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