one's door

Chapter 220 Lunch

Chapter 220 Lunch
He rushed back in a hurry, in order not to miss the fight, and also wanted to stay two more days to get together with his mother.After all these years of painstaking training outside, Princess Qingling is also extremely eager to be reunited.

Another reason is that Princess Qingling is actually not absolutely sure, and she also thought that if she loses, she will marry Huayue far away, and it may be difficult for the rest of her life to get together again.So even though she was full of confidence, Princess Qingling cherished the present few days.

The reason for the performance of self-confidence.One is to be confident in his experience in the arena.Since she was a child, Princess Qingling can be said to have grown up competing with others in the ring.That kind of non-life-and-death competition has become part of her practice, and she is confident that she will not lose to anyone in terms of experience.

The second is to be confident in your own hidden moves.There are special combat skills and means that have been prepared before.In the past two months, I studied under Professor Zhang in Langyuan City, relying on the effect of medicinal baths to improve the toughness and endurance of the skin, and after the latest medicinal bath, I barely touched the kind of men in the middle of the Kaiyuan stage. The degree of skin and flesh.This has far exceeded the toughness and endurance of female flesh and blood under normal circumstances.

A warrior who possesses the dexterity and speed of a woman, but also takes into account toughness and endurance, Princess Qingling feels that she has never been stronger than before.

And this power is still hidden under the surface.She even listened to Zhang Yan's suggestion and learned a combat technique of frontal assault, as a trump card for herself.

Of course, these are all normal methods. Even though Princess Qingling has changed a lot from ordinary female warriors with the blessing of herbal bath, it still cannot change the nature of warriors.

The non-normal method is the last expectation of Princess Qingling in this competition.It was that odd-looking piece of paper she kept in her inner pocket.

"Burn it before going on stage, and drink it with paper ashes and spirits. It will help you."

That's what Zhang Jiaoxi said at the time.Princess Qingling remembered it in her heart, but she couldn't help but feel that it was ridiculous.Based on her experience in the past ten years, she always felt that Zhang Jiaoxi was perfunctory her, even teasing her.But the serious expression on the other side didn't look like a joke.Coupled with the magic and treachery of "The Method of Refining Skin and Flesh", this weird speech has added a layer of mystery that cannot be ignored.

Believe it or not?
Does Princess Qingling have to choose again?she didn't.

Since there was no choice either way, and Princess Qingling would not be in any danger by swallowing a bowl of spirits with burnt paper ashes, so why not believe in such a thing once?

"Ling'er, you should go see your father today. When he came here a few days ago, he was still talking about you, saying that you were wronged."

"Mother and concubine, I understand. I will go to pay my respects to the emperor later."

"Don't blame him. He is the emperor, and Nanyuan Kingdom is a descendant country. When facing Huayue, he can't help himself and can only choose." Huarong Zhaoyi took the breakfast handed over by Princess Qingling, and the mother and daughter While eating breakfast, we chatted about today's itinerary.

"Yeah." Nodded.Princess Qingling did not agree.In her mind, father is not the same as "father", but more of a majestic symbol, a ruler, and even subconsciously one of the objects she needs to fight against.So if it is not necessary, she actually does not want to see her father.

After breakfast, the mother and daughter went to Beiguang Garden not far away, and talked a lot about Princess Qingling's experience in Langyuan City over the years.Among them, Hua Rong Zhaoyi asked a lot about the Zhang teacher.

It wasn't until after noon that Huarong Zhaoyi sent Princess Qingling to Qinzheng Hall with a can of slow-cooked soup.

Unlike when she came back yesterday, Princess Qingling had changed out of her fine attire.Changed into a palace dress, her long hair has also been changed into a hair ornament, she looks youthful and beautiful, but at the same time she is quite dignified and reserved like a royal princess.

In fact, Princess Qingling doesn't like the way she has to follow the rules when she walks.There are rules for the distance of each step.It made her very sad.

After noon, the morning affairs in Qinzheng Palace came to an end.Huarong Zhaoyi obviously made arrangements in advance.As soon as Princess Qingling passed by, the eunuch was waiting for her early, leading her into the main hall, and then turned to the study behind the main hall.The emperor would rest here when he was not in charge.Also often have lunch here.

The eunuch led Princess Qingling in, and then retreated out of the door without a sound, and closed the door of the study.

"My son, please see my father!" Princess Qingling politely greeted the middle-aged man who was sitting at the desk writing at the desk in the study according to the royal gift.

This man is the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom, Yang Sheng.

"En. Ling'er is back? Sit down, wait a moment, this note will be approved soon, Father will talk to you later."


Waited for almost a cup of tea.Yang Sheng smiled and put down the pen in his hand, got up from the desk, walked to the side, looked at his daughter carefully, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen her for more than two years, she has grown a lot, she has become a big girl! "

"My son is unfilial, I have not paid my respects to my father in the past two years, and I still ask my father to punish me!" Princess Qingling bowed down after speaking.

"Punishment? You, my father and daughter, need such a life? Hehe, you didn't come back because you wanted to beat Huayue's opponent in the big competition three days later. This is even the goal you have worked hard for for more than ten years. , what is the crime?"

After a pause, Yang Sheng greeted the eunuch to serve the meal, and asked Princess Qingling to eat with him.Eat and chat.

The emperor's lunch may not be much better than that eaten by ordinary wealthy families.That is to say, it is more refined, and the ingredients are still the same.Three meat and three vegetables, one soup, plus one portion of seasonal fruit.And the old soup that Princess Qingling brought over.

"I heard that you have made some gains in Langyuan City recently? Are you confident of defeating Huayue's opponent?"

"Yes, Father! My son has confidence!"

"That's good. In fact, your talent is good. Wu Xiuyi's talent is far stronger than mine. It's no worse than your opponent. And she is now in the late stage of Kaiyuan, and you are in the middle stage, which is the worst among them." It's not your talent, but the background of our Nanyuan Kingdom. If Wuchi is still there, your talent must be at the late Kaiyuan stage. It's a pity."

Princess Qingling also knew the "martial pool" that Yang Sheng mentioned.That was a secret to the outside world, but not a secret to the royal family.In fact, because of the collapse of the "Martial Pond" in the previous dynasty, the Qiande Shangguo caused a fault in the top-level power, gradually lost the power of the Shangguo, and finally fell apart.Princess Qingling didn't want to comment on these secrets in history.Although she is not like her opponent, she can leap to the realm faster by relying on martial arts.But she also has her own opportunities.

"In the past few days, you should spend good time with your concubine mother. I will be there in person to cheer for you at the Grand Competition in three days' time!"

(End of this chapter)

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