one's door

Chapter 222 Performance

Chapter 222 Performance
The moon sets and the sun rises, and it's a new day.

Before the sun came out, it was just dawn, and hundreds of eunuchs and court ladies had been busy for a long time in Fengtai Square in front of Qinzheng Hall in the palace.

An arena with more than twenty feet and four squares was quickly set up.And it is surrounded by a viewing platform on three sides.When the sun comes out, the viewing platform has been set up, and it looks like it can accommodate a full 300 people.

Today is a scene of "enhancing mutual intimacy" between Nanyuan Kingdom and Huayue Shang Kingdom.At the court meeting in the morning, Yang Sheng, as the emperor, will receive the envoys of Huayue Shangguo, the accompanying ceremony officials, and the wedding envoys in the Palace of Qinzheng.At noon, I will have dinner in the side hall and have a good time with wine.

Shi Shi is the most important part of the pomp: the fight.

The two sides in the competition are Princess Qingling of Nanyuan Kingdom and Princess Baowen of Huayue.The loser becomes the victim of one of the little episodes in the political arena.Even the people who came to watch the ceremony, including the two parties, were actually not watching the two princesses themselves, but the win or loss between the two countries.

The accumulation of wins and losses here has become bad for the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom.His prestige was being worn away bit by bit.But if you want to resist, the price is too high. If you really want to tear your face, it may be even more directly doomed.Now it's just bearing the burden of humiliation, it depends on whether it can wait for a turnaround.

The seats on the three viewing stands were quickly filled up as soon as the application time arrived.The expressions on the faces of the people seated can be described as different.Some were angry, some had nothing to do with their expressions, and some had a relaxed expression with a smile.These are all people from Nanyuan Kingdom.

As for those people from Huayue, they were even more interesting, talking and laughing loudly, even merchants could be described as "arrogant" on such occasions.And facing the people from Nanyuan Kingdom who were on the viewing platform, no matter whether they smiled or not, they all chose to ignore them.The attitude already clearly shows how important the word "Shangguo" in Huayue Shangguo is.

The positions of the viewing platforms on three sides are "left, right, and bottom", and the upper position belongs to Yang Sheng, the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom.Just set up two chairs.One is at the top, Yang Sheng's.One zhang below Yang Sheng's position, for Huayue's envoy.

After the etiquette officer of Nanyuan Kingdom announced the rules of the competition.Princess Qingling, who put on a warrior robe and raised her long hair, took the stage first.

Although he has been around the ring since he was a child, and has fought nearly a thousand times, big and small, but they are all different from today's one.Even the previous arenas were paving the way for today.Princess Qingling took a deep breath to calm down the unavoidable tension in her heart.But it couldn't calm down the flames in her body that seemed to be burning more and more vigorously!Even her eyes began to glow slightly red.

Just now, before Princess Qingling came to the stage, she burned a piece of paper in a corner that no one noticed, and mixed the ashes left by the paper into a small bowl of spirits to dry it up in one gulp.

Although she doesn't drink often, Princess Qingling's drinking capacity is not light, this small bowl of strong wine will not affect her competition.But after entering her throat, the heat that rose in her body and lasted for a long time made her ecstatic: Zhang Jiaoxi didn't lie to me!That piece of paper is really extraordinary!
This feeling is like a spark is suddenly thrown into a pile of dry wood. It will not detonate, but it will slowly heat up until it becomes fierce!

strength!Princess Qingling has never felt such a surge of power before.Every ounce of muscle and every ounce of blood is looking forward to the most brutal vent.

Princess Qingling didn't know that Zhang Yan's piece of paper actually had a very strong name: Yellow Turban Lishi Talisman.

This thing can be used for two purposes, or it can be attached to the body to increase physical strength.Either burn it like Princess Qingling and swallow it with wine.The effect of the latter will be longer lasting and better.On the contrary, swallowing the Yellow Turban Luxor Talisman has a lot of troubles. After the effect of the Talisman ends, he will quickly fall into a weak state and lose most of his body's mobility.

So this Yellow Turban Lishi Talisman is not a very wonderful talisman.At least Zhang Yan used it for the first time after learning it.

After standing on the ring and waiting for a while, Princess Baowen of Huayue Kingdom also stepped onto the ring.

It was a tall and slender girl with a stern face and a bit of coquettishness. She looked about a year older than Princess Qingling, and she was also a little taller.After taking the stage, her eyes fell firmly on Princess Qingling.There is no sign of underestimating the enemy because of his higher cultivation level.

There are two referees in the arena.The dean and court judge of the Yuanding Imperial City School of Martial Arts are personally in charge, and their status is sufficient, and their cultivation level is completely sufficient to deal with all dangerous accidents that may occur in the arena.For example, the situation where life and death cannot be contained, such as the situation where it is about to become disabled or disfigured.There are even more rules in this arena than in the arena outside.

Perhaps, in the eyes of some people, this is not a competition at all.

The two referees glanced at the emperor Yang Sheng who was sitting on the high platform in the middle, and the latter nodded, not intending to say a few words.So the two referees saluted and then stood apart.

"Battle, start!"

As soon as the first two words were uttered, the two people on the ring started to move.Like two swiftly passing birds, his body is light and nimble, and even at such a fast speed, the sound of footsteps can hardly be heard.

Both of them are very conventional ways of female warriors.The difference is that Princess Qingling is holding a chi-length short knife, while Princess Baowen opposite her is holding two seven-inch daggers.

Naturally, agile and light weapons cannot be matched with long handles or heavy weapons.Short soldiers are definitely the first choice.But choose daggers, or two daggers, this is the most flexible and most dangerous way, there is a saying called "flying blade".

A short knife against a pair of flying blades must be a close quarters kill.Counting combat skills is even more dangerous.

Of course, both of them are princesses, so it is impossible to really work hard.And the distance is too close, sometimes the two referees can't stop it.So the weapons in their hands are also limited.There is no Kaifeng, but two kinds of dyes are applied.If it is cut, there can be a distinction.

In less than ten breaths, the gap in the arena was obvious.They are all dexterous ways, and speed is naturally the first key.Princess Baowen's speed was two points faster than Princess Qingling's.

In a real fight, life and death can be separated by one point.In the arena, you can actually tell the winner or loser by this.

It was too late and then quickly, a dagger suddenly stabbed out towards Princess Qingling's left rib from a tricky angle like a snake's kiss, the speed and timing were all right, it was Princess Qingling who moved forward, When the feet are floating and there is no room to change direction and dodge.

But at this critical moment, Princess Qingling's figure flickered suddenly, and a new force emerged from her feet, which nearly doubled her forward speed, and she barely avoided it with her speed. That fierce stab.

"Huh? Just now Princess Qingling used the "jump step", right? Isn't that a combat skill at the late Kaiyuan stage?"

"Hiss! I look like it too, but isn't Princess Qingling in the middle stage of Yuan Kai?"

(End of this chapter)

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