one's door

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

Many of the people on the viewing platform are warriors. Even if their cultivation level is not high, they still know some common sense about warriors.

Especially in terms of combat skills, it is common sense to use which combat skills in which realm. If you dare to cross the realm and use combat techniques that should not be used in your own realm, it will often have the opposite effect, and even directly tear your own flesh. It may ruin the future of martial arts.

So when the people on the surrounding viewing platforms saw that Princess Qingling used a combat technique that she shouldn't be able to use at the moment of her current state, their first reaction was to be dumbfounded.Can't figure out how this is done at all.

"Leapfrog use of combat skills?!"

"Tsk tsk, you don't know yet, do you? There was news that a special method was developed in the martial arts school in Chuanlangyuan City. Now there are only two students. One of them is a kid in the tempering state, like Princess Qingling. This is how you can leapfrog combat skills. At that time, few people believed the news, but looking at it now, it is true. Princess Qingling has learned a great skill.

Now there is a good show to watch. "

It was indeed a good show to watch.At least the scene will not be one-sided as everyone thought before the fight started.Now it seems that there is finally a back and forth.

In fact, it is not only "jump step", which is a combat skill in the late stage of Yuan Kai, but also three or four other combat skills that can only be used in the late Yuan Kai.Helping her avoid Princess Baowen's decisive blow again and again, leaving a little suspense to continue.

However, Princess Baowen, who was also in the arena, was not too surprised. How could she not know the news that some people in the stands knew?After all, no one in the arena can say that they will definitely win, even if there is a difference in realm, they will not take it lightly, and they must carefully understand the general situation of their opponents.This is actually the same for both parties.

After almost half a stick of incense in the scene, Princess Qingling, who relied on leapfrogging to use combat skills, once again fell into an obvious disadvantage.

It was just like what happened to Zhou Yun during the in-court competition at the Lecture Academy in Langyuan City.Although there is no distinction between life and death in the arena, combat skills are just combat skills after all. The suppression of realms and the gap in timing and experience for using high combat skills cannot be easily overcome.Even a person like Princess Qingling who has rich experience in fighting in the arena cannot avoid the problems of jerky use of combat skills and connection problems in the later stage.It's okay at first, but after a while, it can't be stretched.

Swish, swish, three flashes of cold light, although Princess Qingling relied on the short knife in her hand to block, but there were still three dyed marks several inches long on the warrior robe on her body.When these imprints accumulate to a certain extent, even if they are not at the critical point, they will be judged negative.So Princess Qingling's time is running out.

Fighting and retreating, in the end Princess Qingling was forced into a corner, as if she had reached the final juncture of the competition.

The faces of many figures from Nanyuan Kingdom in the stands turned ashen, and their hopes for relying on Princess Qingling to increase their chances of winning seemed to be annihilated again at this moment.And those people from Huayue Kingdom, as well as people from Nanyuan Kingdom who are close to Huayue, have already started talking and laughing.It seems to have seen the scene where the princess of Nanyuan Kingdom is about to marry Huayue.

The key to the flying blade lies in its speed and its cunning and ferocity in hand-to-hand combat.Once the relatively wide range of maneuvering is lost, it means that it can only wait to be slaughtered.This is also the general understanding of the number of flying blades.

On the contrary, many people also ignore one point.That was to attack the opponent who was forced into the corner by himself, and Feiren himself didn't have much room to move.

And this is the opportunity that Princess Qingling has been looking for.And for this, he did not hesitate to suffer a few times at the risk, and pretended to move by mistake and was forced into a corner.

Seeing that the final result was either judged to be defeated or forced to leave the ring to lose.Princess Qingling once again unexpectedly left the corner at a very clever time by relying on her combat skills.

"It's a sudden step again! It's still two times in a row, no, it's three sudden steps! Is Princess Qingling's flesh toughness and endurance so strong? I'm afraid it's not the same as those male warriors in the middle of the Kaiyuan stage?!"

"Delicacy and speed, yet such tenacity and endurance. This."

"Look, the positions of Princess Qingling and Princess Baowen! They have switched!"

Princess Baowen was originally attacking forward, but because Princess Qingling suddenly pierced behind her, the positions of the two were instantly switched, and Princess Baowen was in the corner, while Princess Qingling was on the outside .

At this moment of lightning and flint, Princess Qingling turned around, crossed the knife, bent over, and exerted force with her feet, the vitality in her body gathered on the short knife tightly held in both hands like a landslide.

"This is!? This is Bending Mountain Slash!"

"It's Bending Mountain Slash! This, this."

Collapsing Mountain Slash, a move that is very famous in the middle stage of the Kaiyuan Realm and is a combat technique that almost every warrior who likes to fight head-on will dabble in.What he used was his vitality and the explosive power of his physical body to produce a ferocious attack like a landslide.And this kind of offensive has no bells and whistles, you either resist it hard, or you avoid it in advance.

"It turns out that Princess Qingling is waiting for her here!"

"Are you going to win?"

This instantaneous change has to be said to make everyone watching the ceremony a little bit up and down, and even many people stood up suddenly from their chairs.

Seeing Princess Qingling slashing out from the arena with a horizontal knife, surging vitality swept across like a wall, coupled with the closed position of the corner, Princess Baowen was completely inevitable and could only rely on the two daggers in her hand to choose to resist.

But the force of the attack, that is, the force of the vitality wall, did not knock Princess Baowen back, but her body shook slightly.

"No! It's still not enough!"

"The difference in realm! The toughness and endurance of flesh and blood do not represent vitality, let alone strength. Even with the blessing of combat skills such as Collapsing Mountain Slash, Princess Qingling's realm is still far behind the opponent. If you want to rely on surprise to win, timing Although it is very important, but her strength and vitality are not enough, I am afraid it will be difficult to be effective."

"Yes, it's a pity."

A thought flashed through many people's minds.Many of them are warriors of higher realm, with naturally sharp eyesight, they can guess the result just by seeing the first half of Princess Qingling's combat skills.A female warrior is a female warrior after all, and the difference in strength is simply not able to exert the power that a hard combat technique like Collapsing Mountain Slash should have.


There was a sound of metal clashing.Princess Qingling's dagger collided with Princess Baowen's daggers.This could almost be regarded as Princess Qingling's final blow.As long as she is blocked by Princess Baowen, there shouldn't be any changes in this fight.

It's just that the moment the dagger came into contact with the opponent's dagger, Princess Baowen's eyes widened suddenly, and horror covered her face.


The strength from the dagger was not at all comparable to Princess Baowen's as she thought before, but was indescribably huge, even nearly double her strength!
No surprises.The pair of daggers were cut off immediately, and the dagger continued unabated. It slashed at Princess Baowen's chest fiercely, and then penetrated her body through the leather armor on her body, and a mouthful of blood came out of her mouth.At the same time, her body was also thrown upside down by the huge force, and finally hit the ground outside the ring heavily, and even slid out several feet.
(End of this chapter)

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