one's door

Chapter 224

Chapter 224
On the arena, the dean of Yuanding Imperial City School of Martial Arts, who was standing in the distance, glanced at the court judge who was standing nearby, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.The judge who was nearby could have caught Princess Baowen who had been cut out of the ring, but the judge didn't move at all, as if caught off guard, just watching Princess Baowen vomit blood in embarrassment And fell to the ground.

"Princess Qingling wins!"

The breath-taking scene, under the loud judgment of the referee, this competition, which has been prepared for more than ten years, related to the fate of the two girls and the game between the two countries, came to an end.The result is completely different from what [-]% of people imagined before.The loser was not Princess Qingling but Princess Baowen.

"It's the first time in more than a hundred years! It's the first time!"

There are plenty of excited people out there.It was not only Princess Qingling who won, but also Nanyuan Kingdom.It wasn't just Princess Baowen who lost, but also Huayue Kingdom.

So no matter how you look at it, the victory in this fight is of extraordinary significance, and it can even become an excuse that will be used everywhere.

The powerful Huayue Kingdom is not invincible!
Similarly, those who are shocked but not surprised are those from Huayue Kingdom and those who are close to Huayue.Even when Princess Baowen fell heavily on the ground, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, these people were all stunned and did not react immediately.It's like taking the lead for a whole game, only to be overtaken by someone just before the end, subconsciously it will be hard to accept.

Huayue Kingdom lost? !

Shangguo will also lose? !

Ignoring the slightly frightened expression of the envoy of Huayue Kingdom, Yang Sheng, who was sitting on the high platform, had already stood up from his chair and clapped his hands.Soon, applause resounded throughout Fengtai Plaza!

"Mighty! Congratulations to Princess Qingling!"

"Congratulations to the princess! Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations to Nanyuan Kingdom!"

Amid the congratulations, Princess Qingling slowly sat down on the ground with a smile on her face, as if exhausted.

"Your Majesty, Princess Qingling seems to have borrowed external force, right?"

"Oh? What kind of external force does the envoy think it was borrowed?" Yang Sheng didn't even look at the envoy of Huayue Kingdom who raised objections, and asked directly.

"This" the envoy was immediately speechless.After all, this is not the first time this kind of competition, almost all loopholes have been plugged.The way of borrowing external force will not work at all.But Princess Qingling obviously borrowed external force this time.It's just that you can't overturn the result just because it looks like it.There must be evidence.What about the evidence?

The cultivation base of the envoy is not low.The level of the two referees in the ring was even more frighteningly high. They didn't judge what external force Princess Qingling had borrowed, so the result of the fight would naturally be difficult to overthrow.

Besides, if you really want to pull any external force.Huayue Shangguo's "Wuchi" is the greatest external force.Otherwise, if you are in the late Kaiyuan stage when you are a teenager, do you really think that you can get this level of cultivation with hard work?

"The envoy can send news to your country. Princess Baowen is married to Nanyuan Country! Hahaha!" Yang Sheng laughed and left a word for the other envoy before turning around and leaving.I'm in a good mood.

What was left to the Huayue Kingdom's envoys was not just a series of hearty laughter, but also a defeat that Huayue Kingdom had never seen before, as well as an unexpected blow to the face.

As for Princess Baowen, who has been treated and is fine, it is not important now.Even if he was reluctant, the Huayue country wedding envoy who followed the envoy would start to prepare for the following matters.This time they are not married, but married.The etiquette is also very different from the past.

Unlike Princess Baowen who was directly ignored, the winning Princess Qingling received the most enthusiastic support in her life.Those compliments made her feel sick, especially since she could recognize some of them who had said bad things about her, or made sarcasm to her face.

Indeed, life is like a play, and some people change their faces at will.It looked creepy.

It's just that Princess Qingling consciously underestimated the "sequelae" that Zhang Jiaoxi said.When Zhang Yan gave Princess Qingling the Yellow Turban Lishi Talisman, she mentioned the duration and the sequelae after the effect had passed. At that time, Princess Qingling didn’t care about it. It’s not certain whether it will be successful or not, and the sequelae are not in her consideration at all. .

Now the timing is just right.As soon as the competition was over, before Princess Qingling stepped off the ring, the effect of the Yellow Turban Luxor Talisman ended, followed by the aftereffects.

Not only was his whole body weak, it felt like being repeatedly run over by a stone roller. Every muscle and bone was tingling and sore.Couldn't move a finger at all.Moreover, the vitality in the meridians also showed a sluggish state.If it wasn't for the arena, in another actual combat scene, the Yellow Turban Warrior Talisman would be almost like a death-sending talisman.

However, Princess Qingling was not as frightened as the busy doctors who surrounded her. She believed what Zhang Jiaoxi told her. The sequelae did not require any treatment. They were just lacerations after exhaustion. Time will naturally be fine, and it will not continue to have an impact in the future.

Therefore, Princess Qingling's mood at this time will not be disturbed by the sequelae of the Yellow Turban Lishi Talisman. She won, and it was under the watchful eyes of everyone.

From now on, once you get out of prison, the sky is high and birds fly!

But up to now, Princess Qingling is the same, she is no longer the protagonist, maybe they have never been the protagonist.Whether you win or lose, you have to leave this stage.The rest is the result of the game.

"Princess Qingling is studying in the martial arts academy in Langyuan City, right?"

"Yes, Not Bad."

"So the princess's extraordinary skills are also learned from the martial arts academy in Langyuan City? The rumors are very clear, and now it is true. Tsk tsk, interesting!"

Huayue Kingdom lost for the first time, losing face and a princess.The Nanyuan Kingdom's first victory was a matter of face, and at the same time it stabilized the royal family's position.But that's all.But what was shown in this competition was enough to make everyone curious.

How did Princess Qingling come up with the means to win?In addition to some previous rumors, they all point to one place: Langyuan City Lecture Academy.

After Princess Qingling was finally diagnosed as "no serious problem" by several doctors, she returned to Huarong Zhaoyi's other hospital for recuperation.As soon as they settled down, the emperor asked someone to bring the reward that Princess Qingling won this time: Ruyi order.This means that from this moment on, Princess Qingling's future life will be decided by herself, and she will no longer be bound by the royal family to make choices against her will.

And while Princess Qingling was enjoying the joy of victory with her mother and concubine, fast horses were galloping towards Langyuan City.They are all for the same thing: to find out how Princess Qingling acquired her strange abilities?And who taught it?Then try to see if you can get the key person to your side.No matter how bad that powerful method is, you should get your hands on it!

(End of this chapter)

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