one's door

Chapter 233 Sharp Weapon

Chapter 233 Sharp Weapon
The Xiuya Company is a giant in the business world in Nanyuan Country, and Xue Tianlang is also the big shopkeeper in charge of a county's business. The amount of money is really hard to disturb his mind. He just glanced at it and secretly said, "It's a bit expensive." That's the reaction.

Zhang Yan will not ask for prices.He had visited the weapon shop in Langyuan City many times before, and he also knew about this business.Although the price tag of his three short pistols seemed outrageous, it was also the price he came up with after weighing it in his heart.

Zhang Yan, a long knife that is said to be the treasure of the town store in the largest weapon shop in Langyuan City, went to take it with his own hands, and also tested all aspects of it.Taking the price of that long knife as a reference, Zhang Yan multiplied his own dagger and short knife by ten times.He thinks it is very reasonable.

But what Zhang Yan thought was different from Xue Tianlang's thought.

From Xue Tianlang's point of view, Zhang Yan is using this method to screen out the forces he contacts.After all, a real money ticket is the most direct, and it is also the safest and most effective "sincerity" in the eyes of a merchant like Xue Tianlang.

This time from Xiangkou to Langyuan City, Xue Tianlang also came with the order of death.Yuanding Imperial City wanted him to get online with Zhang Yan as quickly as possible and establish a friendship.It is also perfectly acceptable to pay some price if necessary.Xue Tianlang didn't guess the underlying reason, it wasn't something he needed to worry about, he just had to execute the orders given to him in place.

So in Xue Tianlang's eyes, the outrageous price on the shelf was not unacceptable.It didn't take much effort for Tangtang Xiuya to come up with such a small amount of money.Second, what he bought was not a dagger, but an opportunity to "make friends" with Zhang Yan.

"Hehe, Zhang Jiaoxi has to support his door-opening business anyway." While speaking, he raised his hand and recruited a follower, and after a few words in his ear, the latter ran away.Then, just in time for a cup of tea, he ran back with a small wooden box.

Xiu Ya also has a shop in Langyuan City.There was no difficulty in drawing some bills over.

Xue Tianlang took the box, opened it and showed two thick stacks of large money notes inside.It's just that the price of the money in the box corresponds to the price of the short soldiers on the shelf, not just one-to-one, but enough to buy all three on the container.

"Heh, shopkeeper Xue, what are you?"

"Hahaha, I've always heard that Zhang Jiaoxi is a generous person and knowledgeable about heaven and man. I thought it would be a great fortune to meet Zhang Jiaoxi. Now that Zhang Jiaoxi's craftsmanship has just appeared, how can such good things not be greedy? I also ask Zhang Jiaoxi to forgive me Then, sell it to me together."

money?Things that can be solved with money are also called things?From Xue Tianlang's point of view, Zhang Yan was using money to sieve influence, and it also depends on sincerity.The three weapons mean that you only want to contact the three forces?Or ulterior motives?
Xue Tianlang didn't even bother to guess, and bought them all at once, shouldn't this sincerity be enough?Potential competitors can also be ruled out.Isn't it good to kill two birds with one stone?

It's a pity that Zhang Yan's selling magic artifacts is not what Xue Tianlang thought, the main purpose is to make money.Today's terrific has an additional thought.But no matter what, it is impossible for Xue Tianlang to take all of them by himself.At least not for now.

"Shopkeeper Xue's kindness is appreciated by Zhang Yan. Now there are only three weapons, and the temporary rule is that you can only buy one at a time. Please don't blame Shopkeeper Xue."

"Oh?" Xue Tianlang smiled, not feeling annoyed, but more sure of his guess.I think Zhang Yan's so-called rules are just to prevent him from messing up the plan of screening contact forces.

"Hehe, Jiaoxi Zhang really does strange things. Since it's Jiaoxi Zhang's rules, then Xue must abide by it." So while talking, he took out the price corresponding to a weapon in the box and handed it to Zhang Yan, and took it casually. a handle.The deal is done.

After chatting for a few words, Xue Tianlang said "I'll drink tea with Professor Zhang next time" before leaving.And Zhang Yan also put away the two remaining weapons and went home.There is not yet a magic circle of sufficient strength arranged in the store, so Zhang Yan can't leave things here yet.

Back in Langyuan City where the company was stationed, Xue Tianlang was in a good mood.Sweeping away the irritability of being rejected by Zhang Yan before.

As long as you open your mouth, wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and then you should be able to formally contact Zhang Yan with another invitation card.The order given to him above can continue to go down.Not as clueless as before.

"Hehe, that Zhang Yan is a wonderful person. He must have guessed that after Princess Qingling's victory, he would become the favored object of many forces, so he actually thought of a way to use money to sieve power in order to avoid disturbance.

Indeed, there is no need to contact people who can't even show this sincerity or are unwilling to take it.Tut tut.But this business has to make a lot of money! " Xue Tianlang thought in his heart.

The price of the three weapons alone is already worth the entire net worth of ordinary wealthy families for several generations.How can ordinary forces be willing to spend this money?
Thinking of this, Xue Tianlang also had to lament how easy it is for some people to make money.

He took out the dagger inserted in the rough iron sheath, and with a little force, he pulled out the sharp edge clamped in the sheath.Even a crisp metallic sound of "clang" made his whole body tremble, as if the room became a bit cooler after he pulled out the dagger.


Although Xue Tianlang didn't know how to use weapons, holding them was heavy in his hand, and a gust of cold air rushed to his face from the sharp edge of the dagger, and he even felt chilly.This all shows that this dagger does not seem to be just a cover as I thought before.

Most people want to confirm whether a weapon is good or bad is to use it to sharpen something.As the saying goes, "I see if this knife is fast".Xue Tianlang was like this, he took the dagger and cut at the corner of the table.


It's like the sound of a knife cutting through water.It was very light, Xue Tianlang wouldn't have heard it at all if it wasn't for the quietness in the room.


A table corner fell to the ground.The cut surface is neat and smooth, and even a little burr on the cut surface of the wood can not be seen, as if it has been specially polished with a planer.

"So fast?!"

Xue Tianlang was startled.Then I found a lot of things in the house to try.What teapots, inkstones, copper paperweights.Without exception, all these things were broken silkily in front of the dagger in his hand, and he didn't even feel that it took any effort to cut them off.It's like pulling a knife into the water.

"Lao Li, come in." Xue Tianlang was curious.This dagger is so sharp, is it because he has little knowledge about it?Or is it really a weapon?So he called his personal guard in, wanting to hear what the other party had to say.


A man with a beard and white sideburns entered.After hearing Xue Tianlang's words, he also became interested.Then the moment he held the dagger, the originally plain smile froze.
(End of this chapter)

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