one's door

Chapter 234 Fishing

Chapter 234 Fishing
Zhang Yan's small shop was very successful on the first day of opening.If you sell one handle, you will get a lot of money.In addition, the news of the bait was successfully thrown out.

Whether the bait is delicious or not, Xue Tianlang who bought a dagger will naturally have something to say.The news about the bait was actually another purpose of Zhang Yan.

I want to raise my identity and status.What is needed is that one's own ability is sufficient, and the means to keep from being coerced by others.

The method is not to say it with the mouth, but to try it out.

Now Zhang Yan just needs money for alchemy and weapon refining. After selling magic tools, he will be known again for another skill.And this time he is different from the previous him.There is no need to take advantage and hide everywhere in careful choices.Appropriately show some power to frighten Xiaoxiao, and at the same time let others know that he is not a chicken that lays golden eggs, and no one will end well if he provokes him.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yan opened the door to sit in the small shop.His shop is only open for half a day.At noon, he would close the door and go home to practice other methods.It looks like a lot of free time, but in fact, the day is full of time.

But when Zhang Yan walked to the door of the small shop, he was stunned.The alley that was originally located in the back of the Jiangwu Academy was somewhat back and deserted, but now there are more than a dozen people guarding the door, and it seems that they have been guarding here for a long time.

"Morning, Teacher Zhang!"

"I've met Professor Zhang!"

The greeting made Zhang Yan nod his head as a response.He didn't know many people here, but he guessed that these people should be the people behind the eyes and ears who came here yesterday to find out the truth and then went back.

And among these people, the one who walked in the front and firmly stood at the first position at the door of the store was the personal guard who was next to Xue Tianlang yesterday.Xue Tianlang called him "Lao Li".

In fact, Old Li came here before dawn.Even at the risk of being discovered by the night patrol soldiers, he stayed in the alley behind the shop in the middle of the night.At dawn, he came out early to hold the first position.Sure enough, more than ten people came after him soon.Some of them knew each other.As far as Lao Li has seen, there are a few who are big shopkeepers of big companies in Beijiang County like Xue Tianlang.

"Hmph!" Lao Li's heart was burning, and he had a great sense of superiority towards the person standing behind him.After all, he knows a lot of things that the people behind him don't know for the time being.

Back at the station yesterday, Xue Tianlang pulled out the dagger that he bought at a huge price out of curiosity.I thought it would be a cover, and the quality would be considered good if it could not be pinched by two fingers.In the end, not to mention breaking it with your fingers, it's almost the same if you cut off your fingers instead.

That level of sharpness, anyway, Lao Li, who is in the Tongqiao state, has never seen it elsewhere.To say that cutting iron like mud is not enough to describe it.

What's more, the most powerful thing about the dagger in Lao Li's eyes is not its terrifying sharpness, but its magical property of being able to unimpededly transmit vitality when held in his hand.

Originally, Lao Li subconsciously wanted to use Yuan Qi to cross into his hand to test the hardness of the dagger, whether it would be deformed due to the strong grip.But who knew that as soon as the vitality in the palm surged up, it went directly into the dagger, as if the meridians of the human body were hidden in the dagger.Furthermore, the power of vitality can be directly conveyed on the sharp edge of the dagger, and even the power can be extended and blessed to the blade without loss when performing combat skills!
You must know that although Lao Li's portable weapon can also absorb vitality, it can consume nearly [-]% of it.But compared with the dagger that Xue Tianlang bought back, it was as ridiculous as a firestick.

At that time, Lao Li tried to use the sharpness of the dagger, but with a random swing, he could cut out a full five feet before it completely dissipated. There is no way to completely stop it.

sharp weapon!Absolute rare weapon in the world!
At that time, Lao Li didn't want to return the dagger in his hand to Xue Tianlang. In the end, Xue Tianlang said that Zhang Yan still had a dagger and a short knife in his hand, and they would probably sell it tomorrow, so Xue Tianlang reluctantly put the dagger back in his hand. .

"Today I have two weapons, a short knife and a dagger. Buy one for each person. You decide who comes in." Zhang Yan told the people waiting outside with a loud voice while unlocking the door of the small shop. The rules in a shop with more than a dozen people.

No one outside is a good stubble.There are also several big merchants and shopkeepers, and some of them are not inferior to Xiuya.They also hang out in Beijiang County, Lao Li, Xue Tianlang's personal bodyguard, already attracts attention here, besides, they got the news yesterday that Xue Tianlang bought a dagger from Zhang Yan's shop.Otherwise, they wouldn't have come to the door so early to wait.

They are all big shopkeepers.After hearing the words brought by the people who reported the news, these big shopkeepers came to the same conclusion as Xue Tianlang sooner or later.I feel that Zhang Yan is using this method to screen out the forces that are sincere to him and come out to contact him under the situation that he can't hide.

As for money, Xiuya has it, but we don’t?Xue Tianlang is willing to spend, and I can afford it too!

However, it would be unkind for Xiu Ya to want to eat more and occupy more.

I didn't say it before because Zhang Yan didn't come and didn't want to waste saliva.Now that Zhang Yan has said the rules, the people behind will naturally not take Lao Li seriously.You are not Xue Tianlang, why should I give you face as a guard?
"Hehe, you belong to shopkeeper Xue Tianlang, right? Didn't shopkeeper Xue buy a dagger yesterday? What? You're here again today, aren't you planning to leave a way for others? Isn't it too domineering?"

In the past, Lao Li would have avoided this situation.It is not wise to talk to Dingniu, a big shopkeeper who is supported by big forces behind these.But thinking of the short knife, Lao Li gritted his teeth without making a sound.Thinking of paying the money and taking the things as soon as you enter the door, you don't want to miss this time.As for the bills, he had quite a few, and Xue Tianlang was willing to lend him the rest, so he brought all of them.

"Huh? No talking?"

Lao Li's dullness immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many people around him.Although many of these people are not even warriors.But their identities are unusual, and they are always followed by guards when they go out.Lao Li is a master of the Tongqiao Realm, and there are also two guards beside the big shopkeepers present who are also in the Tongqiao Realm.So he immediately surrounded him and blocked Lao Li from left to right.

Seeing that Zhang Yan opened the door, if he was blocked and couldn't advance or retreat, what would he do if the two of them went in behind and took the two weapons? !Lao Li made up his mind in an instant.

"Go away!" With a deep and angry shout, the vitality in his body spread out like a wall centering on himself.

Who would have thought that Lao Li would dare to do it directly?The two Tongqiao Realm warriors who were blocking him were caught off guard and pushed away by Zhang Xu before they stood still.When he realized it later, Lao Li had already taken the opportunity to rush into Zhang Yan's shop.And put the money note that had been prepared long ago on the small coffee table with the teapot in the room, turned around and grabbed the short knife that Zhang Yan had just put on the shelf in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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