one's door

Chapter 235

Chapter 235
Cultivators pay attention to "wealth couple law and land". Although the warriors on the Huangtianyu side don't say this, the core is actually similar.

The sharpness of a weapon can already increase a warrior's combat effectiveness by a lot.Otherwise, why are those casting soldiers in Huangtianyu so popular?It's not just that the demand is large enough, but the output is far behind.

Although Zhang Yan didn't have an in-depth understanding of the situation of weapons in Huangtianyu, he used to go to several large weapon shops in Langyuan City to chat with the shopkeepers, and he knew something about it.So he understands the fanaticism and persistence that someone will show after knowing the "benefits" of the magic weapon he refined.

It's the same if Zhang Yan is in the opponent's position.The good thing is to get it first, and if you hesitate, you will miss the opportunity to increase your strength.Anyway, the people around him wouldn't really kill him for this.Scared of shit.

However, although it will not be killed, trouble is still inevitable.

Lao Li paid the money, got the short knife, and glanced at the remaining dagger beside him.He really wanted to take them all away, but in the end he still remembered Xue Tianlang's advice to him.The relationship between Zhang Yan and Zhang Yan was finally answered. This is a death order given by the royal family, and no matter what the reason is, they can't be messed up.So Lao Li finally suppressed those bad thoughts in his heart.

He bowed his hands to Zhang Yan, and then Lao Li smiled, not paying attention to the angry shopkeepers and their guards outside.

Zhang Yan did not lie down on the reclining chair as soon as he entered the door like yesterday, nor did he touch the half-read book on the coffee table.Standing at the door with a smile, watching the excitement outside the door.

Everyone is a part of the scene.Know the root and the bottom.Gloves are different in thickness, but the essence is the same.There should be some tacit understanding between each other.This is the meaning of the saying "give face".

Now Lao Li not only ignored the words of the previous big shopkeepers, but also directly pushed away two guards in the Tongqiao state and rushed into the shop, and took away a weapon.What is this doing?Prevent everyone from completing the tasks assigned by the forces behind them?Are you so disrespectful?

"Want to leave? Leave the weapon behind! I'll send the money to Xue Tianlang later!"

It is impossible to rob.It's not to tear your face, but to show it to Zhang Yan who is standing at the door of the store watching the show.They are just "buying" in disguise.


A dagger was unsheathed.Lao Li understood that he couldn't leave easily today.Xue Tianlang didn't come because he expected this scene.So after Lao Li expressed his thoughts yesterday, Xue Tianlang lent him money, and what he said originally was: You can fight, but whether you can get away depends on your own ability, and I will not directly come forward.If you can't get away, then you have nothing to say.If you get away, you come back to me, and I can guarantee you.

Old Li remembered Xue Tianlang's words, and knew that it was because of his hard work with Xue Tianlang for many years.Otherwise, this is completely his private matter, Xue Tianlang can ignore it, let alone take on this relationship.

In the past, Lao Li didn't have the confidence to get away from two warriors who were at the same level as him.But now, with the sharp weapon in hand, he has confidence in his heart.

"Hmph! Arrogance! Li Shi, your skills have not improved over the years, but your mind has become more and more confused. Put down your weapons, take the money and leave, everyone can live with this. Don't embarrass us!"

They are all in the circle of Beijiang County, and they are all covered by forces behind them.Look up and see down, even the guards are familiar with each other.Many of them even came out of the martial arts academy, and some of them were at the same time.Not to mention how good the relationship is, but they are definitely familiar.If you really want to fight to the death, you won't be able to reach that share.So although the two Aperture Realm warriors surrounding Lao Li were also angry at Lao Li's previous arrogance, they still tried to persuade them, not wanting to make everyone look bad.

"I have to take things away. If it were you, I believe you would make the same choice as me. Talking is useless, let's do it!"


Lao Li's words made everyone present feel a little puzzled.

But before everyone thought about it, Lao Li made a move first.The right hand draws the knife and then cuts horizontally.And it was the short knife that Zhang Yan just took out from Zhang Yan's shop.

Use a short knife to do a slash?
It's irrational enough to strike directly after a sentence, and even gave up his usual weapon and chose a short knife with a blade only one foot long for drawing and cutting.Don't tell me there's something wrong with Li Shi's brain, right?

Because Li Shi's usual weapon is a thick back knife.And slashing is not a combat skill performed by short blades, the power will be seriously depleted, and it may even fail halfway through the use.

However, these thoughts only flashed in everyone's minds for a moment, because the short knife that looked inconspicuous and even overlooked suddenly raised a fan-shaped sharp light of vitality, the degree of solidification, and the sharpness of the shot. With his speed and sharpness, he instantly turned the hairs of the two nearest Aperture Realm warriors upside down.

Fortunately, Lao Li's strike was not aimed at killing people, the location of the slash was also at the waist, and the sharp light that came out was also directed at the waist.It seems that he wants to cut the person in half, but in fact, it is difficult to cause great damage in such a cutting position.Because most warriors carry weapons that hang around their waists.Even if it is suddenly too late to draw out the weapon, it can be blocked directly with the sheath.


The two Tongqiao realm warriors were only a few feet away from Lao Li.In addition, I didn't have much defense just now, how could I have time to draw out my weapon?He could only block with the sheath, thinking to resist the sharp slash first, and then draw out the weapon and swarm up to take Lao Li down.At this time, they were also angered by Lao Li's provocation twice.



There was a cry of surprise, followed by a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth unexpectedly.How could the two warriors in the Aperture Realm expect that Lao Li's seemingly simple slash would be so powerful!The condensed vitality and the sharp light produced by the blade turned out to be so tyrannical!The scabbard in their hands was completely torn apart at the moment of the block, and the force remained unabated, so shocking that they almost let go, and the strength penetrated their bodies, causing their inner palace to be injured and a mouthful of blood spurted out .

If one trick fails, it will not be easy to stop it.

What's more, Lao Li didn't like fighting at all, and immediately jumped out after forcing two warriors of the same realm back with a slash, with the wind blowing under his feet, he quickly surrounded the opening gaps of several Yuankai realm warriors from behind. passed through.The short knife in his hand was flying over and over again, blocking or provoking, but he didn't feel jerky. He abruptly ensured that he would retreat without seriously injuring anyone, and disappeared out of this alley in a few breaths.

What was left was a kind of angry merchant shopkeeper, and each of them stared blankly at the weapons that were either missing a piece or broke off directly, and they didn't recover for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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