one's door

Chapter 236 Raise Your Voice

Chapter 236 Raise Your Voice
Everyone is a martial artist in the Tongqiao Realm, and they all follow behind the big business to make a living.All conditions are similar.This is common sense.

But suddenly, two besieged one, and with the help of four or five Yuan Kai-level warriors, the other party retreated completely.

This... sounds unreal.

"What kind of knife is that?!"

A question from the heart from the only two martial artists in the Tongqiao Realm among the parties involved.At once, the flash point of the problem was pulled back from Lao Li's strength itself to the only variable of this accident.

In the end, a big shopkeeper won the chance to buy the remaining dagger by guessing fists.And the moment the guards around him got the dagger was just like when Lao Li first learned about this weapon last night.But there is more relief.

No wonder that old Li suddenly became so powerful!

The feeling of being a powerful bystander is especially clear.It's like a guy who is about the same height as everyone else suddenly thickened his insole. Although he is only an inch taller, he can't stand it!

"Mr. Zhang, will these weapons be sold in the future?"

"Yes. But in a month."

Zhang Yan's answer relieved the shopkeepers who lost the boxing game and failed to "get on the line".But at the same time, he also felt that his guess about Zhang Yan's intention to sell weapons was wrong.Listening to the explanations of their respective guards, and seeing Lao Li holding the dagger before, he understood that the dagger was definitely not a pretense, but a real rare sharp weapon.

In this way, some people are happy and some are sad.

Those guards, especially the two guards in Tongqiao Realm, were overjoyed.If you have money in your hand, if you don't have enough money, you can borrow some money from your boss, and you still have these assurances.

As for those Primordial Opening Realm warriors who can only watch, they won't be really indifferent.Although they couldn't afford it, and they didn't think that the owner would lend them such a large amount of money, the news itself was not simple, and some of them were willing to pay for the news.

"A month later"

One month was carefully calculated by Zhang Yan.It will allow enough reaction time for many warriors gathered around, whether they have the money or not, come and watch the excitement.He believes that there will be big fish swimming over to take the bait at that time.It's time to stand up or show off your means.

In addition, not all the time in this month is the time window reserved for fishing.For Zhang Yan himself, this is also a rare time to prepare fresh bait.

The people outside were taken aback by the three magic tools that Zhang Yan had practiced for the first time, but Zhang Yan himself knew that those three magic tools were at best "barely qualified" in the middle of nowhere.There is still a long way to go to the boutiques that are not in the stream.Even the reason why it can be so sharp is largely because Zhang Yan has a lot of "iron crystals" in his hands, and then uses the main body after the gold essence and iron essence are mixed together to finally reach the "qualification".In fact, there is a lot of water in it. Without the high-end auxiliary materials such as iron crystal, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve the "qualification" that is not popular.

Zhang Yan is not in a hurry, although he still has a long way to go before refining the magic weapon he can use.But he didn't want to give priority to satisfying himself by refining the magic weapon.A small magic weapon that can be engraved with magic circles and spells on one side is his first pursuit goal, and he can use it for his family first.

As soon as I go out in the morning, it takes less than an hour to make a fortune.By the way, holding two thick stacks of money tickets, Zhang Yan went to the jewelry shop on the other side of the East Market, and half of the money was used to buy the so-called "Longevity Stone", which is Lingshi.It's not too much to stock up on this stuff.Compared with the materials of the refining equipment, this thing can be said to be a hard currency.

When I got home, I saw my long-lost old acquaintance sitting in the room with a smile and chatting with Wang Lanping.

"Yan'er, you are back. Mr. Luo has been waiting for you for a long time. I don't know what I am doing day by day, and I can't find anyone all day long." Wang Lanping smiled and scolded Zhang Yan, and then stood up with him. Luo Changshan, who came, said hello and left the main room to go to the back kitchen to help Sister Mei cook.There are guests coming at noon, so I need to add some food.

"Hahaha, senior Luo hasn't seen his spirits better than before for a long time! It seems that the last time Xiangkou tea party said goodbye to senior, he should be in a good mood, right?" Zhang Yan quickly greeted the other party.It is also quite a joy to have friends as guests.

Luo Changshan was obviously more excited than Zhang Yan. After laughing a few times, he came over and grabbed Zhang Yan's arm and shook it vigorously for several times before they both sat down under Zhang Yan's call.Of course, Zeng Hao didn't have a chair to sit on as usual, and he stood behind when Luo Changshan was around.

"Mr. Zhang's talented old man often hears about it these days. It seems that the methods of Mr. Zhang's lineage are not just old-fashioned tricks! The new set that Mr. Zhang put on in the martial arts academy in Langyuan City this time Knowledge, how could the medicinal materials alone be able to greatly enhance the strength of Princess Qingling, allowing her to win a competition that Nanyuan had never won before, and stepping on the face of Huayue Kingdom! Sir, I don’t know if the old man heard this is good When I got the news, I drank two jars of wine and got very drunk. I still feel very happy when I think about it.”

Zhang Yan sat down with a smile and agreed with Luo Changshan.As before, Luo Changshan is really good at talking, but it is difficult to stop talking.

But Zhang Yan noticed something very interesting.That is, Luo Changshan used a new word called "old miscellaneous learning" and "new knowledge".Does this correspond to the term "New Miscellaneous Studies"?And Zhang Yan felt that he should be the key figure in this "New Miscellaneous Studies".

Of course, these are not the focus of Luo Changshan's visit this time.

After dinner, Master Luo Changshan and Zhang Yan set up a tea table in the backyard to chat together before they got to the point.

"These days, the old man has been waiting for me. Together with those old guys in Zaxue, I have finally smoothed out the general direction and some details of what I have to do with those people from Beiwu Kingdom in the past few years. I also have some ideas and I want to hear what Mr. Zhang thinks."

You have smoothed it all out, what advice are you looking for?Zhang Yan complained in his heart, with a smile on his face as if listening attentively.

"We are going to set up a school of miscellaneous studies in Langyuan City. We want to ask the gentleman to take a teaching job in it. I don't know what the gentleman thinks?"

"Cough cough cough" Zhang Yan choked on a sip of tea, he was really caught off guard by Luo Changshan's words.

"Senior Luo, open a school of miscellaneous studies in Langyuan City? Is this appropriate?" Zhang Yan was still a little confused.Xin Dao, do these miscellaneous cultural people like to go to extremes so much when doing things?When hiding from the world, I wish I could hide myself in the soil.Now when you are about to be born, you open an academy directly, without any intermediate transitions.

"Why is it inappropriate? Langyuan City is the territory of Beijiang County, and Shi Xuan, the commander of the Eastern Army, is my best friend. I have already greeted him. No one of us here will dare to mess around!"

(End of this chapter)

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