one's door

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Can you sit back and relax if your best friend is the commander of the Eastern Army?
Faced with Luo Changshan's words, Zhang Yan simply didn't know how to complain.If people from the mainstream schools were really so easy to deal with, the school of miscellaneous studies would not have been killed and almost cut off their roots.

Now, although Nanyuan Country's prejudice against miscellaneous studies has obviously faded, it is not a one-day cold, people turn a blind eye to you now, you are not wretched but want to run to Lights down and dance.Can people from mainstream schools bear it?
Zhang Yan felt that the other party would definitely not be able to bear it.

However, Zhang Yan, who was about to dissuade him, suddenly swallowed back all the words of dissuasion.Luo Changshan and other old foxes can't figure out the truth that he, an impostor with miscellaneous knowledge, can figure it out?And if they really thought that a single Shi Xuan could block all the storms, why would they wait until now?Why did you go early?
So since Luo Changshan dared to say that, there must be something else that gave him the confidence to do so.

"Senior Luo, if you don't speak clearly, I have nothing to say." Zhang Yan picked up his teacup again, still thinking about the news that Luo Changshan threw out.

Miscellaneous Academy?For some reason, Zhang Yan thought of the school building and playground of "XXX Elementary School" when he heard this name.

Scenes that seemed real and unreal emerged in Zhang Yan's mind.Special is the appearance of children scratching their heads and thinking about a whole bunch of questions about "Xiaohong and Xiaoming", and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hearing Zhang Yan's laughter, Luo Changshan also laughed and said, "Oh? Is Mr. Zhang so interested? Can you still laugh out loud?"

"Hehe, what is Senior Luo talking about? Zhang Yan is also a member of the Miscellaneous School, and Zhang Yan was also involved in the bet with Beiwu Kingdom. Now that I heard the senior talk about the big plan, my heart is also surging .But with such a big move, can people from the mainstream school just sit and wait?"

"Sit and wait? Hehe, Mr.'s words are always vivid. Yes, people from the mainstream schools will not sit and wait to die, but this time is different, as long as we can be careful, in the territory of Beijiang County, the mainstream schools will still stretch their hands." Don't come."


"Hehe, sir, could it be possible that you forgot about those bone-strengthening pills transferred from Zhou Cang's hand to Shi Junshuai's? Now Shi Junshuai can't hold back the bone-strengthening pill matter, and this seems to be within your expectations. And when the matter of Zhuanggudan is fully publicized, coupled with the new learning that Mr. recently opened in the Lecture Academy, Mr.'s ability will be rare in the world. In turn, Mr.'s status of miscellaneous learning can be fed back As for miscellaneous studies, when the time comes to open a small academy, as long as it is still under control, someone will help suppress the malicious ideas of mainstream schools."

Who helped suppress it?Naturally, it is the person who can benefit the most from the rise of miscellaneous studies, and at the same time, the person who can suppress the mainstream schools of thought in this one-third of an acre of Nanyuan Kingdom: the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom, Yang Sheng.

Zhang Yan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Senior, did you put the treasure on me? What if the pressure is wrong?"

"Hahaha. As Mr. said at the tea party before, "to apply what you have learned", the inheritance of miscellaneous studies has made little progress. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has been stagnant for hundreds of years. There is a lack of self-sufficiency in it. New blood is definitely the main reason. So why not do something bold?

Mu Yuanqian in Beiwu dared to risk his life, but our group of old men in Nanyuan couldn't compare to Mu Yuanqian? "

Luo Changshan laughed and spoke boldly.There is a lot of meaning to take the first step desperately.

"At that time, the old man will be the first dean of this academy of miscellaneous studies. Mr. Zhang thinks that the old man is qualified?"

Luo Changshan's laughter fell into Zhang Yan's ears and seemed frank.This old man is really thinking about the future of miscellaneous studies, even at the expense of his life.Because once something happens, Zhang Yan's teaching is easy to escape.And Luo Changshan, the dean, is sure to die.

There was silence for a while.

Luo Changshan has already expressed all his thoughts.He also knew to give Zhang Yan some room for consideration.If Zhang Yan directly refused, then Luo Changshan's plan would be in vain.So although Luo Changshan's expression was calm, he was inevitably a little nervous.

"I wonder how the academy recruits students after it opens?" Zhang Yan broke the silence with a smile.Asked about the details, in disguise, he accepted Luo Changshan's invitation.It also means that Luo Changshan's plans are supported by Zhang Yan.

"Okay! Mr. Zhang is really righteous! If the school of miscellaneous studies can be revived in the future, Mr. must be the first to contribute!" At this moment, the big stone in Luo Changshan's heart was completely dropped.In a good mood, he began to talk to Zhang Yan about the details behind the plan.

"Although we have a certain amount of confidence this time. But the adventure is undeniable. The difficulties we have to face can also be imagined.

That's when the academy opens.The big question is not what and how we can teach, but whom.

Those who can't come to Beijiang County to kill us from the mainstream school of thought will definitely make trouble from other places.It's hard to say whether students can be recruited. "

Zhang Yan didn't take it seriously, he knew that the "students" Luo Changshan referred to were those children who had finished their studies.This is also the beginning of Huang Tianyu's understanding of the three words "scholar".

Elementary school is literacy, not learning.

But those inexplicable images of "xxx primary school" still couldn't stop appearing in Zhang Yan's mind.So he said with a smile: "Students don't have to wait behind Mengxue's buttocks. Now that the academies are open, what's the point of teaching those things taught in Mengxue? In this way, those people from the mainstream school will not be able to come back. Even those who are capable do not dare to tamper with the matter of Mengxue.

But it just takes more thought. "

After hearing this, Luo Changshan's eyes lit up.Secretly thought that Zhang Yan's method really jumped out of the inherent thinking, and directly changed the question about the students to another level.There is really no way for people from the mainstream school of thought to intervene.

However, if this is the case, a new problem arises again.

"However, if we don't have any good comments, how can we select outstanding students? If we teach a few ordinary people, how is it different from what we used to hide in the mountains?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yan didn't know how to evaluate Luo Changshan's thoughts.Is this going to dig a golden doll with one hoe?
He could only explain: "Senior, you should know that everything is difficult at the beginning. It may be difficult to meet a genius who can carry forward the knowledge of miscellaneous learning at the beginning. But how can such a genius be found by picking and choosing in the elementary school? Really? It's so easy, the mainstream school of thought in this world may have been stronger than the heavens long ago, how can there be room for the survival of miscellaneous studies?

Come little by little.Let’s build up the academy according to the ideas of the seniors first, and then talk about other things.”

(End of this chapter)

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