one's door

Chapter 238

Chapter 238
Outside, there was a turbulent storm, but inside the martial arts academy, it was still relatively quiet.

It has to be said that Zhang Yan made a very wise decision to agree to Shi Xuan's suggestion to come to the lecture hall.Even though almost everyone in the martial arts academy recently greeted him to get close, no one came to interfere with his affairs.The courses at Zangfeng Tower have never been affected.

What's worth mentioning is that both Liu Renchuan and Xiao Shu told Zhang Yan that they would replace a student in his subject, and the matter was also shelved.Because Princess Qingling won the competition, she became the first princess in the history of Nanyuan Kingdom to obtain a Ruyi Order, and became the first princess of Nanyuan Kingdom with an unofficial title.

Since Princess Qingling won, she would not marry Huayue far away, and there was no saying that there would be one less student in Zhang Yan's subject.Even Princess Qingling will definitely come back to continue to participate in Zhang Yan's class after she has dealt with the affairs of Yuanding Imperial City after a while.After all, who would give up such a good opportunity?

But Xiao Shu seemed unwilling to give up just like that. He wanted to arrange another student to come in many times, but was finally rejected by Liu Renchuan.One of them was in front of Zhang Yan.It was also at that time that Zhang Yan intuitively realized how high the status of the dean Liu Renchuan was in the martial arts academy. As the court judge, Xiao Shu really had no qualifications to challenge.

"Teacher, today, here, so many medicines?!" Zhou Yun came very early now, and every time he would stand curiously by the side and watch Zhang Yan dispensing medicine into the bathtub.Although he has read it so many times, he still has no idea how the magical effect of the medicinal bath came about.In particular, there is no step of boiling the medicinal materials and cold water, so how does the medicinal effect in the medicinal materials come out?This is purely subversion of common sense.

In addition, Zhou Yun also noticed that with the gradual improvement of his own skin toughness and endurance, many details of the medicinal bath have changed accordingly, so that the speed of his skin gain has not slowed down due to the elevation of the foundation.Even in Zhang Yan's words, where is this?

If it is the kind of serious physical cultivation on earth, the medicinal bath will almost accompany their entire growth period of cultivation until they can no longer make any progress.

Zhou Yun is naturally excited, but not all excited, but also deeply apprehensive and fearful.

The negative emotions did not come from the more or less malicious eyes of those outside who envied Zhou Yun's good luck.Rather, it came from the medicated bath itself.

The pain of the medicated bath is accompanied by the improvement of the toughness and endurance of the skin and flesh.At the beginning, Zhou Yun felt that there is always a limit to pain, and when he got used to that limit, he would take it calmly.But he was still too young, too taken for granted.

Pain is not necessarily a simple "pain", it can also be soreness, itching, fatigue, convulsions, or even a mixture of all these.The taste is simply indescribable.In addition, the medicated bath will be accompanied by beating. Zhang Yan said that it is "massage", and equipment will be used.At first it was an ordinary wooden stick, then a sawtooth wooden stick, and then an iron stick. Now it is an iron stick full of protrusions.Going down with a stick will cause the body's own pain to burst out several times at once.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything to anyone. Recently, he was so painful that he cried every time he took a medicinal bath.

"The toughness and endurance of your flesh and blood are reaching the limit of the Body Tempering Realm. One final push will help you fill up the state of your flesh and flesh. After that, you can safely improve the strength of your muscles and bones to cultivate your realm. Wait until you reach the Kaiyuan Realm. Medicine bath." Zhang Yan explained a few words.In fact, I was also shocked by Zhou Yun's sensitivity to medicinal baths. If this kid takes the path of physical training, he must be a once-in-a-century genius.

"Oh." Zhou Yun shrank his neck and swallowed, a little afraid to look at the fragments of medicinal herbs floating in the bucket.Even when I heard that I could take a break for a while, I was a little happy in my heart.

"By the way, teacher, it is rumored that you can also forge soldiers, and what you forge is a big weapon. Can you sell me one?" Zhou Yun asked tentatively.This incident was mentioned when he listened to some students chatting at the same time in the martial arts academy the day before yesterday.Be careful, try to ask today to see if it works.

Zhang Yan shook his head and said, "You can't use those things. If someone finds out, they will kill you when you go out. Do you understand if you kill someone? Or do you think that no one will dare to touch you because your father is Zhou Cang?"

For Zhou Yun, Zhang Yan really likes this kid.Polite, able to endure hardships, intelligent, without losing the ambition and innocence that a young man should have.That's fine.He didn't want the other party's mind to be tied up and be led astray by some unnecessary troubles, and the good time was wasted for nothing.

But Zhou Yun shook his head again and again and said, "No, teacher. I don't dare to run around with the sword you forged at my level. I'm also afraid. But next month is my father's birthday, and I'm going to prepare a gift for him. His long knife is not good. It was damaged when he was fighting with others a few years ago. He wanted to ask for a good one, but he never had a chance to get it.

Teacher, if it is convenient for you, can you leave one for me?Don't worry, I have money. The old man at home gives me a lot of money every year, and I save it.If it’s not enough, I can ask my mother for it, she has it. "

"Huh? Master Zhou's birthday is coming?"

"Well, the sixth day of next month."

Zhang Yan nodded.Zhou Cang is a friend.Not the kind of friends who only exchanged benefits at the beginning, but the kind of friends who are closer to Zhang Yan now.Therefore, Zhang Yan had to remember this matter.But is the little brat spending money so lavishly?

So Zhang Yan said: "No, I will take care of sending the weapon. It is my gift to your father. You can think about your gift separately. Also, keep this matter secret, otherwise I will give you a double dose next time." massage. Do you understand?"

"Ah?! Teacher, this."


"Understood." What else could Zhou Yun say?In front of the bathtub, if he dared to say a word more, he would be punished miserably.The teacher is definitely a narrow-minded person, Zhou Yun has already discovered this.

The morning class ended with Zhou Yun crying louder and worse than yesterday.And in the afternoon, because Princess Qingling hadn't come back yet, it was still time for Zhang Yan to enrich his skills.He enjoyed this state of quietly studying the vast knowledge of Taoism.In addition, he will not be hungry, thirsty, or tired now, forgetting that the passage of time is always inadvertent.

"Although Zhou Cang didn't go to the front line, as a military officer, he can't carry a sword, right? It has to be a knife, long enough and heavy enough!"

There are not so many bells and whistles for you to play on the battlefield, and the dexterity of the sword is more displayed in one-on-one or small-scale fights.On the military battlefield, the heavy machete is the protagonist who will always be loved by soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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