one's door

Chapter 239

Chapter 239
In Zhang Yan's mind, Tang Dao was the most suitable heavy knife for chopping on the battlefield.The appearance is domineering and rigid, and the practicality is full, and there are no fancy parts. Every point is designed to facilitate the knife holder to kill the enemy more smoothly.

From the corner, find the remaining refining materials brought over last time.Zhang Yan started to get out the main part of the knife.

Iron essence, like gold essence, is the essence, it has the hardness and toughness of iron, and it is even more outstanding.More importantly, it is easier to conduct energy.Including aura and vitality.This has already been tried by Zhang Yan repeatedly.What's more, the method he envisioned to set up transmission channels for vitality can really achieve or even exceed his expected effect.It is also one of the fundamental reasons why there is such a commotion outside that even Zhou Yun knows that he can forge powerful weapons.

This is something that Zhang Yan wants to give away. In addition, Zhou Cang is a master of Tongqiao Realm, and he needs higher conductivity in the use of vitality and combat skills, so he put more thought into it.After melting the iron essence with his own pill fire, he pulled out the shape of Tang Dao, and before the temperature dropped, he used his spiritual energy to carve out invisible energy channels in the main body of the blade.

After that, iron crystals are added to increase the sharpness and hardness of the blade, and then some gold essence and other auxiliary materials for refining equipment recently discovered by Zhang Yan are added to form a blade that takes into account both super hardness and sharpness as well as toughness and impact resistance. main body.

To be honest, this rough and ferocious Tang Dao has already taken shape if it comes here.Some of the remaining corners are trimmed in appearance and are just stubs.But Zhang Yan didn't stop there.After all, he has a lot of scrap materials for magic weapons these days, and it's not just staring at this kind of unpopular magic weapon, but to make progress.

Where does progress come from?For example, engrave some of the simplest formations.

Arrays need energy to function.Either the monk's aura is used to supply energy or the spiritual stone is used to supply energy.Or use the spirit gathering array to be self-sufficient.All three ways are fine.But the effect is diminishing backwards and forwards.The spirit gathering array has the worst effect.

But for Zhang Yan, Juling Formation is the most suitable and most suitable choice for multiple applications.So he has been tossing around the spirit-gathering formation and some related small formations these days.

Although it is not familiar now, but it is not impossible to get a little way.

But the good news is that this Tang Dao is big enough, and Zhang Yan has enough space to engrave the lines of the magic circle with aura on it.If one spirit-gathering formation is not enough, then two or three can always engrave some of the simplest practical magic formations on it.

After a while of busy work, Zhang Yan carved a full three spirit-gathering formations on the knife body, and then used a basic magic formation he knew now on the knife body.

Gusts of wind.A basic formation that is often used on weapons.The texture is simple, and it is most suitable for monks like Zhang Yan who are just getting started with formations to practice.

The effect of Breaking Wind Array is not that kind of direct buff, but similar to auxiliary buffs.It can make the blade suffer from less wind resistance during swinging, so that the speed is faster, and the sound of breaking the wind is also smaller.

Simply put, it is "swing speed +1" and "silence +1".

Although this explanation is a bit of a drama, it is also the most intuitive.It is in line with Zhang Yan's expectation of the effect after portraying this formation.

Of course, there are not no more powerful formations.But Zhang Yan couldn't carve it, and couldn't use three crude spirit-gathering arrays to drive it.At least for now, this is the limit of what Zhang Yan can do.

"So be it!"

The moment the last line of the magic circle was completed, a strange stream of light suddenly appeared on the Tang Dao, as if it was reborn.Then all the details of the whole seemed inexplicably harmonious after this stream of light.It doesn't feel like the "ordinary things" before, but has an inexplicable "spirituality".

"Huh? Is this a product?!"

Zhang Yan was very surprised.In the past few days, he has been ups and downs in the scope of the unpopular magic weapon. Sometimes he can feel "just a little bit", and sometimes he feels "not far away".I thought that there was at least half a year before I could refine a high-end magic weapon by myself.

Now I prepared a congratulatory gift for Zhou Cang as if I was practicing, but I accidentally planted willows and willows into shades, so this is a good thing?

Magical artifacts without grades are "not popular".According to the records of the legendary era on the earth, only those who have entered the grade are eligible to be sold in magic weapon shops.

And the grade is divided into four grades.The lowest, that is, the Tang Dao in Zhang Yan's hand at this time belongs to this grade, that is, the lower grade.

Up is the middle and top grade, and then up is the ultimate magic weapon.And the ultimate magic weapon also has another name called "magic weapon".

If there is one, there are two. There will be no success without a reason in the world. If you find the reason, you can improve your craftsmanship later.

In the next few days, Zhang Yan groped to improve his refining skills while comparing it with the Tang Dao, which he named "Zhanfeng".Finally, after the fifth day, he refined a high-grade magic weapon again.And this time, although it is still low-grade, the difficulty of refining is definitely not comparable to that of "Zhanfeng".Because this time the magic weapon that Zhang Yan made was a pendant less than three inches in size.

The pendant is also inlaid with a longevity stone of more than one inch.This is the smallest longevity stone in Zhang Yan's hands now.In this way, the magic circle on the pendant is supplied with energy to achieve the state of keeping the magic circle close to activation.

And the magic circle on this pendant is a rudimentary magic circle that is specially used to store wood lightning methods, and only the simplest lightning methods can be stored.It can be activated instantly when the wearer is attacked, and a thunderbolt will be sent out.Because it is not "thundering", but directly attacked by the lightning stored in the formation, it has no effect even in the house or even underground.

However, because it is not "calling thunder", the power of the thunder must all come from the power of the five-element wood attribute thunder that can be drawn out by the spells stored in the formation.

Zhang Yan tried this formation once before refining.If it is actively activated, an ordinary thunderbolt will directly take out nearly half of the aura in a large-sized spirit stone.But now the longevity stone inlaid on the pendant is so small that a thunderbolt can directly drain it dry.

Although this is a little weak, it is the best and most suitable magic weapon that Zhang Yan can make so far.It can be used by family members, as a means of self-protection to deal with ordinary ghosts or warriors of Yuan Kai and below.

After successfully making the first piece, Zhang Yan continued to make it.It's just that the size of the longevity stone is not so small, and the ones made are relatively large, which is not very beautiful.However, wearing it close to the body without showing it should have no effect.

(End of this chapter)

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